16th March 2018 Is this a good dad, or a bad dad? AN American dad’s video of his son being punished for bullying has gone… Vote Now
9th March 2018 Do you think that shock collars should be banned? TRAINING collars that can give pets painful electric shocks are still legally available in… Vote Now
2nd March 2018 Would you like to be home-schooled? THE parents of a child actor who starred in the West End musical Matilda have… Vote Now
23rd February 2018 Would you eat a meal made from jellyfish? ALTHOUGH you might not like the sound of it, it’d be better for the environment… Vote Now
16th February 2018 Is THAT Peter Rabbit scene an example of “bullying”? THE new family film Peter Rabbit, starring James Corden and Daisy Ridley, was… Vote Now
31st January 2018 Is joining our armed forces at 16 OK? A MINORITY of countries, including the UK, still recruit children for the armed forces. Vote Now
31st January 2018 Should you learn about where meat comes from at school? PUPILS at a school in Hampshire were raising four pigs that were due to… Vote Now
31st January 2018 Should all 16 and 17 year olds in the UK be given the right to vote? SOON, 16 and 17-year-olds will be able to vote in local elections in Wales. Vote Now
25th January 2018 Do you think too much phone time can make you unhappy? AMERICAN researchers have claimed that spending too much time on your phone can make… Vote Now
25th January 2018 Should squirrels be culled to help protect trees? COULD squirrel culls be the answer to protecting forests and trees in England?… Vote Now
22nd January 2018 Celebrity baby names: wacky or wonderful? WELCOME to the world little Chicago West. Reality TV star Kim Kardashian West and… Vote Now