The Children’s Party is bringing young people together to get your voices heard about the things that matter to you.
A general election has taken place in the UK, and the First News Children’s Party is making sure young voices are heard by the people who will run the next government.
Young people are 30% of the world’s population, but 100% of the future, so it’s really important you get your say about the issues you care about.
Show your support for the Children’s Party to make sure adults are listening!

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Labour WINS the general election
The Labour Party have won the 2024 general election and Sir Keir Starmer will be your new prime minister (PM). It is the first time since 2010 that the Conservative Party will not be in charge of the country.

Check out the kids’ general election results!
Our Generation. Our Vote. is a big mock election just for children, held this year in England and Wales. It has been run by a coalition of organisations supported by charity Save the Children and other partners such as Young Citizens, Shout Out UK, First News and more. Learn more about it on FYI!
Download the child-friendly manifestos provided by Democracy Classroom and Our Generation. Our Vote.
I Don’t Get It: How does a general election work?
A general election is when we choose who we would like to run the country. In this FYI video, presenter Scarlett finds out all about what a general election is and how it works!
What do kids want from the next PM?
Kids all across the UK tell us what they want from the next government. Click the buttons to find out…
If you were prime minister for the day what would do?
First News Children’s Party champion Gracie gets the scoop on what young people would do if they were PM for the day…

As Children’s Commissioner it is my job to promote and protect the rights of children, and to make sure their voices are heard. The results of The Big Ambition will inform the views of the Children’s Party, to focus on responding to its most stark finding: that only one in five children agreed the people who run the country listen to what they have to say. As we head towards an election, I want to see politicians really listening the voices and views of children, who are the voters of the future.
– Children’s Commissioner, Dame Rachel de Souza
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