28th September 2017 Should sports stars be allowed to kneel in protest against their national anthem? PROTESTS against Donald Trump by sports players came to the UK this week, as… Vote Now
13th September 2017 Would you be prepared to be an organ donor? THE donated organs from one 13-year-old girl have helped to save the lives of… Vote Now
7th September 2017 Should kids’ clothes be gender neutral? JOHN Lewis has become the first major clothing store to make all of… Vote Now
31st August 2017 Do you worry about crime? FEAR of crime is affecting the happiness of 2.2 million teenagers in the… Vote Now
23rd August 2017 Are you worried about robots in the future? SOME of the world’s biggest robot companies have joined together to ask the United Nations… Vote Now
16th August 2017 Would you be happy to get on a plane with no pilot on board? YOU’VE probably read or heard about plans to have driverless cars, but how about… Vote Now
9th August 2017 Who is your all time favourite fictional teacher? OKAY, okay, we know the last thing you guys want to be thinking about right in… Vote Now
4th August 2017 Should using a mobile phone while crossing the road be banned everywhere? AN American city has banned people from using mobile phones, laptops, tablets and digital cameras… Vote Now
26th July 2017 Do you think swimming should be a bigger part of the curriculum? Almost a third of 11-year-olds in England will leave primary school unable to swim,… Vote Now
19th July 2017 Do you agree with the decision to make the Doctor a woman? UNLESS you’ve been living inside a TARDIS for the last week, you’ve probably heard… Vote Now
13th July 2017 Is what’s happening to Trump’s Walk of Fame star an act of protest or vandalism? FANS and critics of Donald Trump are disagreeing over the state of his star… Vote Now