WATCH: FINALLY! Check out the trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi HERE!



GRAB your lightsaber, the trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi has been released after months of anticipation.

The eighth film in the long-running series (not including spin-offs!) is directed by Rian Johnson and stars Mark Hamill, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac and the late Carrie Fisher.

It’ll follow on from last year’s The Force Awakens – the most successful film of all time in the UK.

Hours before the trailer was released, the Director tweeted: “If you want to come in clean, absolutely avoid [the trailer].”

But quickly changed his mind saying: “FORGET EVERYTHING I SAID AND WATCH IT WATCH IT WATCH IT”.

So, you heard the man! What are you doing reading this?! Watch it now!

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peony · 7 years ago

Wow! I love this trailer. It clearly hints at Leia's death, though, which is a real shame. Why would they include such a huge spoiler? It's unnecessary. Still good though. I want to see it!

pusheen10 · 7 years ago

It looks amazing. Love star wars

ajdude · 7 years ago

Loved it!!!! Kylo REN looks so terrifying!!!!!!!

jaboyth · 7 years ago

I can't wait for it to come out! I like the look of the space battle. Also, who is hyped for Star Wats Battlefront 2 cause i am!! :-)

babytiger · 7 years ago

I AM PUMPED !! it looks crazy !! Awesome >.even If it hints kylo being ok

spongebob0 · 7 years ago

The zoonies soooo cuts??

boffjr2008 · 7 years ago

I cannot wait until this movie comes out!(Rey please don't turn to the dark side pllleeeeaaassseee!)

darknite72 · 7 years ago

I love star wars and this looks like the best one can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#last jedi

bunkins · 7 years ago

what rating is it???
which one??
(ps.i didn't include a 'u' in the ratings as i new it wouldn't be that

mrsquash · 7 years ago


aru123 · 7 years ago

Looks so good. Kylo ren looks so creepy?