
  • 10th January 2024

    Do you think it’s okay to bring dead pop stars back to life using AI?

    Legendary pop star Elvis Presley is stepping back onto the stage to perform… Vote Now

  • 3rd January 2024

    Could you go a whole month only eating vegan food?

    Millions around the world are set to try a vegan diet this month… Vote Now

  • 3rd January 2024

    Would you be happy with just one day per week in school?

    A new school is set to become the first in the UK designed… Vote Now

  • 3rd January 2024

    Who’ll win the Champions League?

    The Champions League returns next month. FYI presenter Braydon thinks… Vote Now

  • 20th December 2023

    Should the age limit for social media be raised to 16?

    There were reports in the media last week that the Government is thinking about… Vote Now

  • 20th December 2023

    Have you gone away on holiday during term time this year?

    In the last school year, almost 400,000 fines were dished out to parents for their… Vote Now

  • 13th December 2023

    Do you think it’s time to change what you learn at school?

    You might have had a comment like “could do better” on your school report… Vote Now

  • 13th December 2023

    Do you trust world leaders to stick to their climate promises?

    World leaders at COP28 finally agreed a deal to move away from using fossil fuels. Vote Now

  • 6th December 2023

    Should Apple change the ‘nerd’ emoji?

    A boy at a school in Oxfordshire is taking on global tech giants Apple over… Vote Now

  • 6th December 2023

    Do you think everyone should fly less?

    Last week, Virgin Atlantic was boasting about its Flight100, which travelled from London to New… Vote Now

  • 6th December 2023

    Should England take the train to matches?

    Since professional football involves a lot of travel, it isn’t the most environmentally friendly sport… Vote Now