International Women’s Day 2017



Each year on the 8th of March International Women’s Day highlights the continuing struggles of girls and women around the world, and celebrates signs of progress towards equality with men.

There are over a billion girls under 18. And it’s hard to believe in the 21st century that many are treated far worse than boys.

In Sub-Saharan Africa about one in eight girls are married before they’re 15. Despite progress, in most countries fewer girls than boys go to primary school.

And in war-torn areas like Syria schools are often closed.

Watch our video Growing Up In A War Zone about nine-year-old Judy who lived in in Aleppo, Syria.

International Women’s Day is also a chance to pay tribute to courageous women and girls who try to improve things.

Among them seven year old Bana. In November 2016 the young Syrian refugee hit the headlines when she tweeted from inside Aleppo about the plight of children trapped by the fighting.

In the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan, 15-year-old Omaymah works with UNICEF to get girls back into the classroom.

Omaymah also tries to help stop girls getting married too young – watch our video Child Brides about Omaymah’s work here.

At 19, Malala Yousafzai is one of the world’s most recognised campaigners for girls’ rights, meeting leaders and delivering her message at the United Nations.

Malala nearly lost her life in 2012, shot in the head for speaking out against Islamic extremists who don’t want girls to go to school at all.

Her message is strong and simple: “Education is hope. Education is peace.”


Find out how you can campaign with your school at

What do you think about International Women’s Day? Have your say in the comments below.

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sangn08 · 8 years ago

I think it is really important that women and girls get their rights. Inequality is NOT a good thing ???

natella · 8 years ago

It's so important that everyone is equal. How would men and boys feel if they couldn't have a proper education?

Sashgirl06 · 8 years ago

I read Malala's biography and it was really interesting. Yes, things have improved for women, but we still have a long way to go. Gender equality is so important. It really annoys me when people say that women can't do certain things, when there are women all across the globe proving them wrong. Never judge someone because of their gender. Women are strong!

happy4456 · 8 years ago

I'm so happy I'm not living in the old times, where gender equality wasn't even a phrase. It's unbelievable that in the 21st century, countries are still dealing with this tragic, false accusation. Women are strong, and I'm proud to be one!!!