Star Wars The Last Jedi official teaser trailer has landed and it’s pretty awesome



WATCH: The whole world (and beyond!) seems to be talking about the brand new official teaser trailer for the new Star Wars film, The Last Jedi, this week.

The movie will follow on from The Force Awakens and will star Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Daisy Ridley as Rey and the late Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa.

What do you think? Will it live up to they hype?

The film hits Earth cinemas 15 December. Intergalactic release dates may vary 🙂


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frankied · 8 years ago

Are u sure this is a teaser?!


shpee · 8 years ago

Luke's going to die. Probably to Kylo Ren, somehow even through Kylo can't beat a former stormtrooper and a girl who touched a lightsaber once. But maybe they'll not have him die. I don't know.

banjoblaze · 8 years ago

Awesome. What I don't understand, though, is why Luke says "it's time for the Jedi to end" when he is training Rey. Maybe Luke will go to the dark side and try to kill Rey or something? I don't know. And shpee, that's a great theory but I'm not sure they'll want to do it after the death in the force awakens. (I'm not saying any names because of spoilers, but people are already pretty angry about that. I hear they're even bringing him back in some way. Maybe flashbacks?)

leia17 · 8 years ago

It looks amazing!!!?

leia17 · 8 years ago

It looks amazing!!!?

jdmu2008 · 8 years ago

Your all wrong,
Kylo Ren is dead he died in the force awakens
Luke does not say the has to end
The bad guy in the last Jedi says that