How Green Can You Go?
Takeover Challenge

Making informed choices about the food we eat and the things we buy are great ways we can reduce our impact on the planet. But businesses have a massive part to play as well.
It feels great that you are part of a generation that’s taking a stand and challenging big businesses, telling them they need to be doing better. But, what we want to know is: “Have businesses been listening?” We want you to challenge your local businesses and see how much effort they’re making to protect our planet. So, we’re encouraging you to take part in the First News Takeover Challenge. The Takeover Challenge is where kids go into businesses in order to find out about the world of work, and to give those businesses some fresh ideas from young people. This year the Takeover Challenge has a green theme, in partnership with WWF-UK. It’s called How Green Can You Go? That’s the question we want you to ask businesses. Your mission this year is to find out whether employers in your part of the country are doing their bit for the planet. And, we will be drawing up a charter with your help, telling businesses what the next generation of workers expects from them.
Use the resources below to help you write to a business to ask about their sustainability. Or, get your school involved by sending your teacher to our Takeover Challenge for schools page.