Worried looks on people’s faces
I can’t go to different places!
The dark and gloomy sky
Nearly made me cry!
The newly grown leaves
Shiver in the virus’s breeze.
We need to get a vaccine quick
Before COVID-19 gives out another trick!
The virus booms a wicked laugh,
“ Ha-ha-ha. I’ll block your path.
If you do not take care
You will lead everyone into great despair!”
Shrieks of children fill the air
As they hear the word despair.
So hide everyone, hide!
This is no time to play on the slide.
But who is this? He wears stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue.
Indigo and violet too.
Super Rainbow is here to save the day
Everybody shout hooray!
But no sword, no shield?
How will he fight in this monster field?
Charging behind him an army of front line workers
No weapons either, so they can’t be Gurkhas.
“The power of peace and hope”, everyone cheers at last
In one mighty blast!
The virus screams, “Oh no!
Where shall I go?”
The rainbow shouts, “Clear!”
And makes the virus disappear.
Back in their dark, cold lair
Coronavirus, flu and other viruses plot to keep us in despair!
Super Rainbow and his mighty crew fought the virus away!
But be warned, he might come back another day!
Follow the rules, stay inside, wash your hands with hot and soapy water
Then you can be like Super Rainbow’s every son and daughter
flamingo27 · 5 years ago
I love this poem because it is very sweet
dyllyu · 5 years ago
Makes me cry 😭😭😭😢 Anyway gotta go 💩
rainbow8 · 4 years ago
cat55 · 4 years ago
Makes me really happy and it iz giving me hope for d future.
I love this poem!!