
  • 1st May 2024

    Do you think skateboarding should be taught in school?

    Wales has recently allowed skateboarding to be taught in school… Vote Now

  • 24th April 2024

    Would you be happy to spend 12 hours at school if it put on lots of fun activities?

    A London head teacher is trialling a 12-hour day at his school… Vote Now

  • 24th April 2024

    Should England and Northern Ireland ban smacking, like Scotland and Wales have?

    Children’s doctors have put lawmakers on the naughty step – and demanded… Vote Now

  • 24th April 2024

    Are books too long?

      Experts say that children’s books should be shorter, so that more… Vote Now

  • 18th April 2024

    Would you like to see the UK restrict the time that kids are allowed to spend gaming, like China does?

    The UK is the largest videogame market in Europe – nine out… Vote Now

  • 17th April 2024

    Do you prefer to play games solo, or in a team?

    Toy company Mattel is releasing a new version of the classic board game… Vote Now

  • 17th April 2024

    Do you feel embarrassed about pooing?

    A survey has found that a lot of us are very shy about our… Vote Now

  • 10th April 2024

    How often do you wash?

    Telly host Jonathan Ross has landed himself in ‘hot water’… Vote Now

  • 3rd April 2024

    Do you think behaviour is getting worse in your school?

    Teachers in England say the behaviour of pupils in their classrooms is getting… Vote Now

  • 3rd April 2024

    Who’ll win the league: Liverpool, Arsenal or City?

    As can sometimes happen, the game that we’ve all been waiting for turns… Vote Now

  • 27th March 2024

    If you needed a new kidney, would you take one from a pig?

    Surgeons in the USA have performed the world’s first successful transplant of a… Vote Now