WATCH: Turns out, Britain is a nation of ‘Ki-dults’!
LOL Videos

Shoppers will literally be jumping for joy around the country this week with the rollout of space-hoppers for shoppers that let kids and grown-up kids (ki-dults!) hop while they shop at intu shopping centres!
Britain is a nation of ‘big kids’ with 63 per cent of adults saying they still get the same thrill and excitement playing childhood games with their children as they did when they were kids themselves. Going down slides, jumping on bouncy castles, riding on rollercoasters, rocking on swings and hopping on spacehoppers were among the top ten things that make ‘grown-up kids’ happy.
Check out this quick video of Intu shoppers, hopping!
redpikachu · 7 years ago
Looks like a good idea if all goes to plan- but it might not work out so well e.g people destroying items with them,or inflicting harm to others using them.
redpikachu · 7 years ago
first to comment!
mollyboo8 · 7 years ago
i like it alot its a little bit sad if you know what i mean,redpikachu.
h@rry679 · 7 years ago
What a waste of money! Ooohhh, let's let people use space hoppers whilst shopping because it makes them happy. Who's going to be happy when all of your shopping spills on the floor and breaks? NOBODY.
skyangel · 7 years ago
It is great but there is the only problem with the shopping so if they could install a bag on the space hoppers that won't bounce off, then customers could put their stuff there.
it's also good family time.
april2008 · 7 years ago
bookcrazy1 · 7 years ago
Great idea! I just hope they've got effective health and safety regulations!
#hoppiness #CreatingAHappierWorld
doctor2010 · 7 years ago
I disagree with you h@rry679 as it doesn't look like you need to pay and IT IS fun.
unipiggy · 7 years ago
redpikachu don't be so negative! XD!
jaguar119 · 7 years ago
I would love to do that! It looks fun but, unfortunately, it would be quite tiring!
redpikachu · 7 years ago
@ unipiggy ok.
redpikachu · 7 years ago
Just looking at possibilities.
katkid10 · 5 years ago
I want to try this out!
wordworm · 5 years ago
cool but make a bag on the side so your shopping is safe