Who’s looking after child refugees?

First News Videos


We investigate the UNICEF campaign to to teach children and remind governments about the rights of refugee children around the world.

A growing crisis

Cal Spellman reports for First News on how children are caught up in the world’s growing refugee crisis and what is being done to protect them.

There is an international agreement to protect all children.  It is called ‘The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child’.  It aims to ensure that every child, even those who are caught up in war, are properly looked after and helped.

The Rights of the Child

The convention says every child should have:

The right to a name and a nationality

The right to be listened to

The right to an education

The right to health

The right to news and information

Focus on Refugees

Almost 50 million children around the world are currently displaced and have been forced to leave their homes.  UNICEF’s Outright campaign promotes the children’s rights ensrined in the convention and asks that all governments respect and protect them. This year’s theme is refugees. Our film explores how children in the UK with the help of UNICEF are learning about these rights and responsibilities.

Refugees and the work of UNICEF

You can read more UNICEF and the lives of refugee children here

Growing Up In A War Zone




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sarawalter · 8 years ago

Heart Cel I love you even more now you show you care for Unicef.