Watch this amazing video of a baby orca being born at SeaWorld!
Animal News

SeaWorld has welcomed its last killer whale baby. The calf is the newest member of the SeWorld family of killer whales.
Takara, the 25-year-old matriarch of the orca pod, gave birth to the calf on 19 April 2017 at SeaWorld San Antonio.
A team of veterinarians and animal care specialists witnessed the historic birth and are continuing to monitor Takara and her new baby 24-hours-a-day to help ensure a successful start.
SeaWorld made a decision to stop breeding orcas in captivity last year, which means that this little calf will be the last to be born and raised in captivity (not in the wild) at any SeaWorld park.
The baby is yet to be named, as experts are still trying to figure out whether it is a boy or a girl! What do you think? Watch an amazing video of the birth above!
banjoblaze · 8 years ago
This is awesome, but it would be wrong for seaworld to keep breeding them.
starshot · 8 years ago
its so cute
justinfab · 7 years ago
i love it
katkid10 · 5 years ago
Why did it say 'last orca to be born?'