Abingdon Primary Mannequin Challenge

What's Your Story?


Abingdon Primary School in Reddish, Stockport, has made this amazing Mannequin Challenge film throughout their brand new school. There must have been some very tired arms – especially in the PE lesson.

The Mannequin Challenge is a viral video craze featuring people pretending to be mannequins (shop window dummies). They freeze for the camera while music plays in the background. It started when teenagers in the United States began performing it in high schools. There are now thousands online.

Have you taken the #MannequinChallenge? Send us your videos to [email protected]

More in What's Your Story?


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MissReader · 8 years ago

We did this challenge at our school during our final assembly before we broke up! :D

Inventor22 · 8 years ago

Interesting, In one scene I struggled to see because the light.
From Charlie

happy4456 · 8 years ago

We did this on the last day of school in 2016, it was SO fun!!!! I had to try and not laugh throughout!

happy4456 · 8 years ago

People in :Year two rabbits, ,Library,Debating room,Art room, and down the corridor all moved! The cooking room was so cool though! The camera work really hurt my head so I had to stop watching it. The amount of dabbing as well!!!!! ?

sangn08 · 8 years ago

Very fun but I did see some people move ?

izzy64 · 8 years ago

Happy4456, I hate dabbing!

elena.d19 · 8 years ago

It looks very interesting,I wish our school could do it!
Hope you all had a brilliant time and got to miss a chunk of learning!
Bye the way,who brought the camera round?

sweetpizza · 7 years ago

happy4456 my head started to hurt as well and a lot of people were moving

sweetpizza · 7 years ago

sorry my laptop is messing about sorry about the duplicates

icecream71 · 7 years ago

The mannequin challenge looks great! I want to do it with my family someday!

ti-10 · 7 years ago

THIS IS ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!!!!!! I've never seen anyone do this before!!