Two powerful poems have been written by Tess from Minchinhampton Primary Academy

First News Isolation Station



A Number on a page,

A line upon a graph,

To represent a person,

Who used to breath who used to laugh


It’s not right to make someone

a number on a page,

Even though they’re dead,

It still fills me up with rage.


They don’t have their own number,

They’re all bundled up together,

And read out in a fashion

that could almost be the weather.


Every day there is a number –

452, 685….

They were all somebody’s family

and they used to be alive.


Not a proper send off,

Just a funeral of four.

If it wasn’t for the lockdown,

they would have had lots more.


Family and friends

want to say goodbye,

But now there is a Lockdown

You must sit at home and cry.


This shouldn’t be the way,

It should fill us up with shame.

This person’s not a number,

This person has a name.





Did you hear it going past,

Lights a blaring, sirens blast.

Superheroes work within,

To save somebody else’s kin.

Working through the day and night,

Speeding through the traffic light.

Going out to save the life,

Of someone’s daughter, someone’s wife.

Stay Home, Stay Safe.


To help the heroes in the van,

To do the best work that they can.

It’s the least you can do,

To help the heroes see it through.

For all the brilliant work they’ve done

To save someone’s brother, father, son.

To the Superheroes in the van,

Doing the best work that they can;


Thank you.


Superheroes wear a cape?

And they help you to escape –

From baddies big and strong?

That is where you’ve got it wrong.

No, they help you to escape

From your ever nearing fate,

They aren’t extremely big or tall,

Super heroes wearing scrubs, are the very best kind of all.

More in First News Isolation Station


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opalstar · 5 years ago

Amazing!!!!! I could not of written a poem like that Tess

catsbooks · 5 years ago

You are an amazing poet Tess! You should enter the Round the table competition!

crystalx27 · 5 years ago

Beautiful poems! You're such a talented poet, keep writing! :)

opalstar · 5 years ago


ecoreader · 4 years ago

That was amazing!
Well done Tess