Rose Hill Corona–verse
by Rosie Spencer, Year 6
On Friday the 20th of March 2020,
Rose Hill School became suddenly empty,
With the COVID-19 Coronavirus spreading around the UK,
It’s unsafe for hundreds of us to be there together each day.
I miss seeing all my friends,
And all the Rose Hill Staff,
Even hearing Mr Elias’ bad jokes,
Which do sometimes make us laugh
We really must be sensible,
Look after ourselves and others,
Your grandparents, your parents,
Your sisters and your brothers.
It’s really strange not watching,
The Rose Hill weekly class assembly,
Or doing my netball class with Mrs Budd
After school every Wednesday.
But we really need to stay at home
Now the virus is being so cruel,
Socially distancing and self-isolating
Away from Rose Hill School.
Our great teachers are still working hard,
Sending us work to do anytime,
As well as looking after the children,
Of the key workers on the front line.
We get our work on Google Classroom,
It’s become the latest trend,
We can see our classwork and messages
From our teacher or a friend.
Being in Year 6 though,
I feel disappointed and very sad,
Missing our after-SATS chippy in our hoodies,
And all the other fun we could have had.
Robinwood might not happen either,
Or our Leavers party and Leavers show,
I hope we get to say goodbye properly,
But whether we will – I do not know.
I’m scared of the worrying news I hear,
On the TV and radio each day,
I hope the number of cases decrease,
And totally go away.
All the clever scientists,
And everyone in the NHS,
Are working their very hardest,
To sort out this horrible mess.
I hope we get to come back to school,
Once the number of cases become nil,
Then we can all celebrate together,
And say “Goodbye” properly to Rose Hill
rainbow8 · 5 years ago
awwww so nice!
kuhuzoo9 · 5 years ago
Sooooo good and sweet??
kuhuzoo9 · 5 years ago
Loved it
ecool · 4 years ago
That’s amazing!
ecool · 4 years ago
Soooo Sweet.
allegrag · 2 years ago
That is so sweet ?