Would you support a longer school day to include clubs and activities?


19th October 2022

A NEW report from the Children’s Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza, highlights a lack of affordable activities for children and families. With many areas failing to provide enough after-school care for pupils aged between five and 14, one suggestion is to extend the school day.

The report, Vision for childcare, details the problems many families are facing, including increased costs such as housing and energy, as well as a steady decrease in the number of childminders.

It argues that an extended school day works best for parents, opening up opportunities for breakfast clubs and sport after lessons. Schools could also be used to provide care for children aged two to four, when there are few other choices.

However, this could increase the workload for teaching staff, and pupils might disagree with having additional time at school.

In February 2021, we ran a poll asking you if you’d like longer school days and shorter holidays to catch up after missing lessons during the Covid lockdowns. Then, 81% voted against the proposal and only 19% were in favour. But what do you think now?

Would you support a longer school day to include clubs and activities?


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ivansp2011 · 2 years ago

Generally, as a more sporty person, I love the outside/interesting activities, and I would of liked to increase the school day for clubs and activities.

candyapple · 2 years ago

I personally wouldn't because I have started secondary school, I am exhausted!!!! It would also depend on what the activities are, and how long they last for.

dolphin26 · 2 years ago

My school day ends at 4:30, and I would be happy for it to end around 5:45-6:00 if it includes more fun activities. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

dogsaver · 2 years ago

I think I would support a longer school day if it meant we had more time to do extra curricular activities (like sport) and parents could work longer hours, although this could also mean some children would miss other clubs that are happening outside of school, leaving us less chance to socialise with other people.

mistywater · 2 years ago

No, I wouldn't support a longer school day because I'm in year 7 and already do school 8:20-3:05 and dance/play the piano after school everyday. I wouldn't be able to do these activities if we had a longer school day and this would be really sad.

stingray1 · 2 years ago

It took me a while but I would

uniquestar · 2 years ago

i would support after school activities but not longer school days as some people don't like sports and are very tired by the end of the day

kadey.mc · 2 years ago

Yes because it will make you more active.🏀⚽️🎾🏐🪀⛹🏻‍♀️🏊🏻‍♀️🤸🏻🏋🏻‍♀️🧗🏻‍♀️🚵🏻‍♀️

potterwolf · 2 years ago

School is already very stressful for children and if they want to go to clubs then they can with their parents permission. I go to piano club at my school which is every Thursday in school hours.

squeezjoos · 2 years ago

I don’t really want longer school days as getting home after school is always a relief. However if the activities included animals ( ie , school dog , hamster or cat time ) or more environmentally aware activities then I would be happy 😃 to do 8:25-6:00

first@news · 2 years ago

I would love to have a longer school day because it provides more extra-curricular activities

lottielou · 2 years ago

No because not everyone wants to do clubs or activities.