Would you like to spend more time at school outdoors?
13th September 2024
13th September 2024
A report from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) reveals that only a quarter of UK schools give pupils a daily chance to experience nature.
It says that children are missing out on the benefits that come from connecting with nature – including better mental health, less stress and better behaviour.
The Schools for Nature report finds that children in poorer parts of the UK are given less access to nature than those in richer areas.
The likelihood of experiencing it also drops when you move from primary school to secondary school. In fact, 56% of secondary schools said they don’t offer any outdoor learning to any pupils.
The WWF says ‘experiencing nature’ may be:
kb1. · 5 months ago
I love school so if we want to grow up and do what we want we have to learn
opsm909 · 4 months ago
I love school too. Yes I wish there was a lesson where we could do gardening and spend more time outdoors. It would be so fun.