Would you like the idea of studying lots of different subjects after the age of 16, rather than having to choose just three?
2nd October 2023
2nd October 2023
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is thinking about a big school shake-up that could mean the end of A levels – and that you’ll have to study English and maths until you’re 18.
At the moment, sixth form students in England usually choose three subjects to study at A level.
Education experts at an organisation called EDSK think this system could hold back students. They say it would be better to allow them to study a wider range of subjects after the age of 16.
lizard · 1 year ago
I say no because I would rather be able to study three subjects that I really want to do instead of doing a few that I’m not interested in
coolcats · 1 year ago
Personally, no. I would much rather be really confident in three subjects that I choose as this gives me more of a chance of being smarter in those subjects and gives me a greater chance of getting into university
aces10 · 12 months ago
I think this would be a good system, as it allows for a broader range of knowledge, which is really helpful in life. Doing big exams in many subjects would be quite stressful, and would mean not as much detail for each subject, so it would be better if there were 3 main chosen subjects, plus English and Maths on the side.
sailor31 · 11 months ago
I'm in Scotland so we do 5 subjects (occasionally 6 if you don't take a study) which I think is good because lots of people don't know exactly what they want to do so you can choose a few different subjects so that if you change your mind about a career you can still get to where you want to be. It also means there isn't so much pressure to do extremely well in something if you aren't that good at it cause you can be good at other subjects.