Would you be encouraged to cycle to school if you were paid?


28th June 2023

A DUTCH company is paying its staff to cycle into work. 

Workers at telecoms company KPN are being given 40 cents per kilometre that they cycle, which is 17 cents a kilometre more than someone who claims travel expenses for using a car. Workers can also hire bikes from KPN’s bicycle lease system. 

It’s hoped the move will encourage more people to use bikes, which will cut down on traffic, make workers healthier and reduce air pollution. 

Would the same scheme encourage you?

Would you be encouraged to cycle to school if you were paid?


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axolotl- · 1 year ago

I would ride my bike regardless, but being paid to do something I love would be awesome!

mia13 · 1 year ago

Cycling should be for fun not for money

mia13 · 1 year ago

Cycling should be for fun not for money.

aces10 · 1 year ago

If I could easily cycle to my school and it was a short journey off main roads, I would probably be cycling anyway, so being paid for it wouldn’t do anything. However, if it took a while or was a more dangerous route, I wouldn’t cycle to school at all.

bonniebill · 1 year ago

I would, but my school is quite far away so it would take ages and the money wouldn't be worth it.

coolcats · 1 year ago

No because money would discourage me and take the enjoyment out of cycling.

potterwolf · 1 year ago

I would even if I wasn’t paid! The environment is important, and people don’t get that. We need to take care of it!

eleran · 1 year ago


kb1. · 1 year ago

I'd love to be paid no wonder we pay the schools I love riding bikes !

kawh3 · 12 months ago

Yessss. Cycling is my life!