What would you ask Santa to do for the world in 2017?


30th November 2016

FOUR out of ten children want to ask Santa to keep other kids safe this Christmas, says children’s charity, the NSPCC.

Instead of asking for more obvious choices like a Hatchimal or a hoverboard, research from NSPCC’s Letter

From Santa campaign  has revealed that 39% of London children would ask Santa to protect young people this festive season.

Children also gave responses such as “get rid of all guns” and “stop all wars”, showing how aware you are of how other young people are suffering across the world, even as Christmas approaches.

Of the hundreds of young people aged between 6 and 11 that were questioned, 19% said they would ask Santa to stop children being hurt in war – with many commenting on the young people suffering in Syria, who are at risk because of the fighting there.

What would you ask Santa to do for the world in 2017?


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diamond1 · 8 years ago

Make our beautiful world peaceful again!

owly · 8 years ago

Peace at last.. Is what I'd like to say by 2020

pinkangel · 8 years ago

Poverty is best although a peaceful world is aswell because of Donald Trump (a nasty man) and ISIS

gaggy116 · 8 years ago

peace is more important than presents

tpalmer · 8 years ago

With any luck, Santa may be able to make a huge difference to the world this year.

AlanaH10 · 8 years ago

What have we humans done to this world?! Maybe, if it's still possible we can stop all the horrible things in the world and make it peaceful and nice again.

firefox24 · 8 years ago

The world should have peace!!

mabel11 · 8 years ago

Provide education for everyone.

wren · 8 years ago

Once we have peace we can start working on other issues like equality, poverty, education and climate change. And there wouldn't be refuggees if there was peace!


eagles1 · 8 years ago

I voted for make the world peaceful so that children don't have to worry about war, ISIS and being in danger.

kkshah · 8 years ago

Save this World!!!

hello123 · 8 years ago

I think that every single one of those things should happen but I think peace is the most important.

greninja7 · 8 years ago

I would ask Santa to get rid of Donald Trump.

3-10 · 8 years ago

Give all the refugees a safe home so they can have a better life

natella · 8 years ago

The world should be more peaceful. Because of wars, people are missing out on education and food becomes more and more limited.

Jewab99 · 8 years ago

I think the most important thing on this list is education because everyone has the right to learn.

ponyclub · 8 years ago

The refugees need a safe home so let's give them one!

steerfam · 8 years ago

Stuck between stop climate change and world peace. What should I do?

alfietyler · 8 years ago

make the world a peaceful place !~!

rocker26 · 8 years ago

If you have peace it is then easier to change all of the other problems.

gracie777 · 8 years ago

we are going to ruin our world if we are not careful

SunChip · 8 years ago

I'd like Santa to work his magic and there be equality for everyone. This is then inclusive that everyone should get educatin because this is a main issue to inequality. Boys can go to school where girls can't.

zuzu722 · 8 years ago

Peace for the world!

Leeandari · 8 years ago

I hate war

Leeandari · 8 years ago

I would also ask Santa to get rid of Trump

faith4623 · 8 years ago

make our world peacful again

jake----r- · 8 years ago

Peaceful world !

hello · 8 years ago

I think every one around the world should live happily

rebeccatdm · 8 years ago

Peace. I would like it to be peaceful now, but also when we are grown up and have our own children, I don't think they should be surrounded by all the things we have today.

spy11 · 8 years ago

I said make equality for all because most wars are caused because of people thinking they need to be the best

momorocks · 8 years ago

we need peace in this world although are trying hard to make it happen!?

ellieince · 8 years ago

every one needs a safe home to live in even if it is very small

ellieince · 8 years ago

every one needs a safe home to live in even if it is very small

ellieince · 8 years ago

everyone needs a home even if it is tiny

a.sandhu@d · 8 years ago

If the world is peaceful, war will not occur, so refugees will have a home, and there will be equality!
( 3 points from above!!)

fossof · 8 years ago

For all countries to unite and for us to use less of the world resorces.

dh9 · 8 years ago

It is sooooooooo sad that animals are dying because of climate change

ng849 · 8 years ago

He should Eat Fish

tomboy123 · 8 years ago

I think that all the war and hate in the world and have equality for all!

tomboy123 · 8 years ago

*I think all the hate and fighting in the world should come to a big stop and that there should be equality for all races

tomboy123 · 8 years ago

Families are being ripped apart and it must stop, why can't we just live in peace?

catonclan · 8 years ago

Everybody deserves to feel safe all the time

boo22 · 8 years ago

If you were to make the world more peaceful, it would mean that everyone would be happy, meaning that there would be less bullying and mental health problems. ? Happy new year everyone! ??

bluelion · 8 years ago

I voted for make the world a peaceful place because when this happens, refugees can have somewhere to live. None of the other things above could happen until the world is a peaceful place. It would be great, all the wars ended, unfortunately the world is not a big peaceful place. But we can change that. That is the reason I voted for a peaceful place.

oliverj · 8 years ago

Make the word a peaceful place!

Sparkle09 · 8 years ago

I would ask him to make the world a peaceful place which also solves another point-because then refugees can go home and wont need to immigrate .

gscornmell · 8 years ago

Our world is a sad broken place but i hope one day we will fix this!

clothie · 8 years ago


Etonmess54 · 8 years ago

No war!!!!?❌❌❌❌❌❌

yanisk · 8 years ago

I cannot decide, they are all very good

1isme · 8 years ago

tricky one

CatLover01 · 8 years ago

Peace... We don't need World War III !

arian · 8 years ago

Peace ? War⚔️

scottdaw73 · 7 years ago

All I want is a laptop!

bluelion · 7 years ago


mroseholt · 7 years ago

EQUALITY is the most important as it covers fixing poverty, if all of humanity are equal (in a communist kind of sense I suppose...) then no one would be richer than anyone else, or at least no-one would be in poverty. Also, equality means education rights too. Peace may then occur as no one will feel the need to fight for anything as they have everything they need provided for.
However, I feel peace is impossible: humans naturally experience jealousy and anger, which are the main drives for violent acts outside of mental illness. Peace would be amazing-don't get me wrong. I just don't think it is possible in humanity.

IsabelleGB · 7 years ago

Everyone Should have a right for education/school

pudsyears · 7 years ago

I think personally we should make the world a peaceful place , but we should give all refugees a safe home
and also provide everyone with a education. How do people choose.

missypie · 7 years ago

refugees safe home is my vote

banjoblaze · 7 years ago

Equality for all- that includes animals! (I'm vegetarian and a big animal lover) ?

banjoblaze · 7 years ago

But also on that subject stop climate change

roseleila · 7 years ago

i would sooooooooo make the world a peaceful place again because then all the above would come after as there would be no sadness,poverty,unsafeness...

ldj777 · 7 years ago

No more melting ice caps!!!!!!!

Smile122 · 7 years ago

I think it is so important that refugees have a safe place- we don't know how lucky we are and people need to realise that so many people are in need of a safe place

arian · 7 years ago

No war ⚔️No no no.

girlywirly · 7 years ago


amelia.a · 7 years ago

dont u guys know what poverty is?
poverty- poor and helpless

1234 · 7 years ago

no more wars

1234 · 7 years ago

save our earth

humzie · 7 years ago

make our world safe and peaceful!

sic.guitar · 7 years ago

Peace would stop wars and there would be no more refugees. Then we could build them homes.

sunglasses · 7 years ago

I voted for: 'make the world a peaceful place.'

sophette · 7 years ago

No war?

harshil · 7 years ago

Peace.... definetly ✌️

ajmyles · 7 years ago

I wish what we voted would happen

oceangirl · 7 years ago

We need peacefulness

redindian9 · 7 years ago

I wasn't sure what to vote for at first, but then I decided to vote for equality, because that's sort of a few options rolled into one. Everyone would get education, they would get treated equally, and hopefully that would make world peace too. There is a lot of news of violence, so I wish there really WAS world peace.

wiseowl49 · 7 years ago

✌ peace ✌

amycheetah · 7 years ago

make it peaceful

shreddeddo · 6 years ago


ysiad1 · 6 years ago

climate change as if we don't act now so many animals will be killed YSAID1

flossingg · 6 years ago

make the world a peaceful covers it all

katkid10 · 4 years ago

Stop climate change, then we can focus on everything else to do when the biggest dilemma has been solved.

humbugs · 3 years ago

All of them