What would help you feel less stressed or down?


9th December 2016

What do you think would help you feel less stressed and down day to day? We want to know what you think would help you…

What would help you feel less stressed or down day-to-day?


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chatt001 · 8 years ago

We have childline if more people would go and ring them then we would have a much better time and wouldn't need to talk about it.

RedWombat · 8 years ago

I think that if you want their should be a certain teacher that you have quite a lot if lessons with and feel comfortable talking to that you can either see individually or just have special optional classes with others about more general issues.

Hippo54 · 8 years ago

mindfullness is actually quite soothing

GeeMee · 8 years ago

I think just having toime to talk to people like your friends?

sportfire · 8 years ago

I'm really not sure but I'd probably want to rest at school
But I'm normally fine so I don't think I'll need it

uniquepika · 8 years ago

Other: I would go to my bedroom and read my favourite book to help me calm down.

minijeff · 8 years ago

more time with parents who are attuned to a childs needs and feelings.
less time on computers as they are bad for brain development
less pressure from schools for me to attain targets

rocker26 · 8 years ago

If you have a well trained adult that you trust, then you can rely on them to help hard things.

TF11 · 8 years ago

Play a videogame, it helps me forget about worries

rset005 · 8 years ago

we should get no homework

Bert2006 · 8 years ago

A specially trained adult is not always the person you trust. you would have more trust in close and understanding relatives or a person who you would like to share your feelings with

hello123 · 8 years ago

Other: Less pressure from exams at school and more creative things to make you relax.

ledbury · 8 years ago

Talk to my BFFs

gracie777 · 8 years ago

doing something that makes you feel safe or calm etc. reading swimming or just doing anything that you enjoy or if that does not work you have child line there for a reason

marlsberg · 8 years ago

A role model

chazfret · 8 years ago

Meditating is relaxing and should be done every day.

sangn08 · 8 years ago

Child line is quite a big thing in our school and we are always encouraged to talk to them if we need to. The good thing about having friends as well is that you can talk to them if you are stressed ? or tired out.

Leeandari · 8 years ago

I put the 4th one as I think you need some more time to relax.

ploppitty · 8 years ago

i think i agree with GeeMee cos friends will understand you more than some adult you have never ever even seen before

ploppitty · 8 years ago

please put other :):) :) :)

ploppitty · 8 years ago

TF11 i really like the idea but it depends what video game you play. A dramatic game might remind you of how you act like the character you are playing as

charliep06 · 8 years ago

for sure people to talk to

snowflette · 8 years ago

to spend time with mu mum or dad

fergiefan · 8 years ago

I think most stress comes from school. If we get opportunities to associate school with something positive instead of stress, I think it would help a lot.

unicornmag · 8 years ago

school workshops DO NOT WORK
adults are fine but might laugh
life lessons are not necessary

emojigirl · 8 years ago

I think a pet like a cat or dog help you to fell less stressed and down day to day

dh9 · 8 years ago

i would like to be with an animal!!!!!!!

kungfu_cat · 8 years ago


welovenews · 8 years ago


kingyosi · 8 years ago


puppy20 · 8 years ago

Other:Just have some time after school to relax completely.

Rigejti25 · 8 years ago

Studying the Bible

babytiger · 8 years ago

I agree with the yoga but if you had some good friends with you no matter what it helps you calm down as well

coolguy · 8 years ago

I think it's different for different people but I would cuddle my dog?????

ballerina7 · 8 years ago

Any person who will listen to you,not share what you tell them,and help you.

farlington · 8 years ago

Giving my mum and dad a cuddle while singing.

poojha · 8 years ago

You can talk to your friends and people you trust so that gives you a feeling of trust.

happy4456 · 8 years ago

I would go to a specially trained adult to do this because they are more experienced than the other classifications and they can always help you feel better again.

Mae-Bush · 8 years ago

i love yoga

Etonmess54 · 8 years ago

Just relax??, lie on my bed, and read. ??

anna002 · 8 years ago

I have chronic depression and fatigue, and each week i go to a psychologist - that helps.
Whenever i feel sad i like to snuggle up in a blanket with some herbal tea and watch my favourite youtubers.

anna002 · 8 years ago

To any of you struggling, i would recommend Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or try Meditation .

anna002 · 8 years ago

If you have depression, Something i learnt is to look into the future, when you feek happy, and keep that with you . Then learn to gradually change your habits, perhaps try meditation or yoga, to achieve that goal.
Your happiness is in your own hands. :)

ZENCE40 · 8 years ago

Talk to friends and family, and also adults, I personally think that probably all of the choices; different people suit different things to help them. Also, play therapy is very good for some people.

pinkangel · 8 years ago

Other: I would just play my computer and take my mind off things. Normally i talk to my Mum as we are very close.

3-10 · 8 years ago

I would talk to someone i know and trust! I would not like to talk to a trained specialist cuz i dont know them and i might feel uncomfortable!

natella · 8 years ago

Trained experts can help to feel less stressed and I think it would be a relief that you can talk to someone in private rather than having to share your problems in public with your class or even the school :)

Dozzeria · 8 years ago

When I'm stressed I listen to music, or watch funny videos! I always feel calmer.

fatima11 · 8 years ago

i found the other opions abouslutely bonkers

sjadav · 8 years ago

I think you should share your stress with your parents or a trusted adult.

tomboy123 · 8 years ago

I agree with uniquepika. Books can take you into a different world far far away from your troubles. For example, I like the Harry Potter books and pretending I am Hermione Granger. Making stress balls are cool when you fill an empty balloon with flour but try not to spill it on your aunt's laptop! (oops...)

prongsii · 8 years ago

AlI I would need is to relax, read an eventful book for about 30 minutes to help me relax, not exactly yoga

Newsiscool · 7 years ago

I think a pet would help!

emojigirl · 7 years ago

I think a pet can help you feel less stressed or down day to day as you can cuddle and play with them to make you feel better.

owen123456 · 7 years ago

I think we would feel less stressed if people(Le teachers) put less pressure on the students.

claudine · 7 years ago

Talking to my friends does the trick for me

wrayth360 · 7 years ago

I would talk to a teacher

pudsyears · 7 years ago

Just to put my foot down and say it. Most parents aren't that nice to there children and they aren't nice to us at school so if children were a bit happier and less grumpy and playful it would rub of on everyone and be like a big happy family.

evieowl123 · 7 years ago

Sometimes when I feel sad I don't want to talk to a parent/carer because I know it will be awkward. There is a school councillor but I don't know her very well. In the end I mostly just keep it to myself or right in my diary about it (if I can remember where I've hidden it!). Kids (especially kids new to starting secondary school) should be taught tips like keeping a diary (it really helps) or reading (this sounds cheesy) cheerful books.

autumn · 7 years ago

I want to be able to choose what we do when we get that oppurtunity

yomum · 7 years ago

i like to go for a run or a walk . dancing is good as well

marthakom0 · 7 years ago

I think talking is very important, if parents can talk to therapists, why cant we?

sisterocks · 7 years ago

I think it would help, because I'm stressed quite a lot, to have less homework and teachers ?‍? have more resources to help us. Government?... credit rset005

ponyclub · 7 years ago

I talk to my mom when I feel stressed.

ewan17 · 7 years ago

Having some fresh air.

eleaaylwin · 7 years ago

we have childline and other things but if we talk to a trained adult we can get our feelings out not feel down or stressed any more and you know someone you trust knows

orangebob9 · 7 years ago

I would play games with my family and do something special with them.

antrabbit · 7 years ago

I get very, very, very stressed with homework.

harryrocks · 7 years ago

I think we need to talk to childline about it, kind of like what chatt001 said.

evadore · 7 years ago

A day out with a friend!

Smile122 · 7 years ago

Chatting to my friends and family makes me feel happy and safe

smile80031 · 7 years ago

I'd do something I love with the people I love

I'd feel uncomfortable talking to an adult I barely know

pinky123 · 7 years ago

talk to the teacher

shaniaram · 7 years ago

Having someone who will just let me ramble endlessly about my problems helps as long as it's NOT AN ADULT; they just don't seem to get it. Also, getting advice from people you trust:)

lolteen23 · 7 years ago

I would do something I really like doing!

kittenlove · 7 years ago

Tea and a good book

amelia.a · 7 years ago

we have a mindful lesson every day and it really helps deal with stress
maybe u should suggest it at your school
sometimes just stretching for a minute can help you relax

darren919 · 7 years ago

I watch movies and sometime anime

1isme · 7 years ago

A relax!

vvvv · 7 years ago


ASA · 7 years ago

I would like to do something fun like go to a theme park or a water park (practically have a nice day out!!!!!

lizypop · 7 years ago


kawaii101 · 7 years ago

I would talk to a person you trust or some one who might work in child line because they might of felt the same way you might be feeling and might of had a very good solution to that problem so they could help and guide you

peregrine9 · 7 years ago

I do the one most reliable thing, the thing that will work the most: Pray.

bethyboo8 · 7 years ago

I just talk t my mum

me.com · 7 years ago

For other

I just ignore everything and everyone until I've calmed down and they always understand that I need time

foodiegirl · 7 years ago

Instead of picking one of the other options I said 'other';I would suggest to read a book ? or have some quiet time by yourself.???

alexfoster · 7 years ago

I just get on my bike and ride it in the wind when i am angry

pugly · 7 years ago

You can talk to Childline or you can just have some quiet time and think about why you're stressed and just try and stop it

humzie · 7 years ago

talking to my best friend

flameemily · 7 years ago

Talking does not really help. I just spent time with my friends or pets.

elliefn123 · 7 years ago

I would talk to a specially trained adult because they know what to do?

bilecks · 7 years ago

I chose other and I would do maths science English PHSE R.E or maths

dorito · 7 years ago

toy, games, putty, stress ball,etc

they put my mind off stuff

ajmyles · 7 years ago

Yoga calms the senses and opens the mind

gavriella · 7 years ago

I would love to play a match of cricket ,my favourite sport ,as it would make me feel better

oceangirl · 7 years ago

Have a good cry ?

Shreybu · 7 years ago

I would probably do some gymnastics. I love gymnastics and do it when I am sad, happy, bored, lonely or even when my stress levels rocket.

icelolly06 · 7 years ago

I think ,for me, having something or someone like an animal or just a member of your family being with you would help a lot. ;)

jcirmaci · 7 years ago

fidget spinners

wiseowl49 · 7 years ago

Talk to people you trust.? ?

jelibean · 7 years ago

I just like to rest at the end of the day,after school.Maybe read?

elise2006 · 7 years ago

I would want something that would be where you are doing something but it would be reasonably calm. Maybe something like woodwork.

sealover13 · 6 years ago

I picked other because I think animals cure everything

kgrewal · 6 years ago

I sort my own problems out myself

ysiad1 · 6 years ago

I chose other. The thing that would make me feel better is Childline as they are frendily and always are there for you

Patana Library · 6 years ago

For Other: My mother would help me out.

flyingjo · 6 years ago

All of them!

sootysweep · 6 years ago

definatley other! I find it helpful to read to escape to another persons life , or to talk to my Mum. But I find it most helpful to talk to my rabbits.

ti-10 · 6 years ago

School yoga or mindfulness classes. It will help calm the mind and let pain and suffering and hard feelings exit the body. You could try some pottery or do whatever makes you happy, like dancing or spinning or singing or reading or writing.

dcfan · 6 years ago

All of those and showing my feelings creatively.

humanbob23 · 5 years ago

Childline is 0800 11 11

awhitebus1 · 5 years ago


celtic10 · 4 years ago

Watching a movie or reading a book

katkid10 · 4 years ago

Being able to see friends more in your break time or have more fun lessons.

humbugs · 3 years ago

Art helps me relax as well as meditation and daydreaming.