Do you think this new water fountain is ugly?


15th November 2023

Artistic or horrific?

A new water fountain, built to celebrate 150 years of clean water in the Austria’s capital city Vienna, has been criticised for being ugly.

Plus, it cost Austrian taxpayers nearly €2m (£1.75m)!

What do you think of it?

Do you think this new water fountain is ugly?


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elloesa · 8 months ago

it is nice to my opinion so I will ignore everybody else

fatdogslim · 8 months ago

it looks very cool and they have been creative.

ramblebook · 8 months ago

It is a peace of art

lostmother · 8 months ago

I don't like it

pro190 · 4 months ago

It looks like soulless stone people sitting down like mummified Egyptians. CREEPY