Do you think the Government’s plastic ban goes far enough?
6th October 2023
6th October 2023
The plastic knives and forks you typically get with your takeaways are history.
The same goes for polystyrene cups, trays and plastic balloon sticks. This is because, on Sunday, a ban came into force throughout England to stop businesses from giving out single-use plastic items to people.
‘Single-use’ means you only use it once, then throw it away. In England alone, it’s said that 2.7 billion pieces of mostly plastic cutlery and 721 million single-use plates are used every year. They usually can’t be recycled, so they end up in landfill sites where waste is dumped, taking hundreds of years to break down.
Rebecca Pow, the Government’s Environment Minister, says this latest ban on cutlery and containers will “protect the environment… stopping plastic pollution dirtying our streets and threatening our wildlife.”
Greenpeace UK says the ban doesn’t go far enough because some things are still allowed, like the plastic trays or bowls that shops use for ready meals.
kb1. · 1 year ago
There are lots of creatures like ants who can get affected by plastic .
xiangxiang · 1 year ago
There still plastic knives and forks is my local restaurants
dystopia · 1 year ago
Our earth's natural environment is decreasing rapidly. Everyone needs to do more to help the world we take so much from. Particuarly the government who have the power to make a real, big difference.
bunny34 · 1 year ago
No because just think about all the other plastic.
The incinerator, plastic food packagings,petrol cars.
I'm very surprised the government still hasn't banned buying petrol cars yet ,it's just not enough
Comment from bunny34
coola · 1 year ago
I think they should ban plastic in many more areas but even so, banning plastic knives and forks is an achievement in itself.
candyapple · 1 year ago
i voted no because lots of people still don't recycle plastics AT ALL. i think that the government should make not recycling illegal altogether :)
aces10 · 1 year ago
The government’s ban is a huge step in the right direction, but it’s still only halfway there. There is so much single use packaging that needs to be cut too.
poopyman2 · 6 months ago
No because there are still single-use plastic knives and forks being used