Do you think fireworks should be completely banned in the UK?
8th November 2023
8th November 2023
“Remember, remember, the 5th of November” but say goodbye to fireworks?
Setting off fireworks for Bonfire Night is one of the UK’s biggest and most magnificent traditions, however there has been increasing opposition to them in recent years.
They can scare pets, other farm animals and, perhaps more worryingly, cause violence, which is what happened in Scotland last weekend.
Police and fire crews were attacked by youths with fireworks and petrol bombs in Edinburgh clashes.
Scotland’s Justice Secretary Angela Constance said ministers lacked the powers for a ban but she was “open-minded” about the idea.
The Scottish government already brought in a new law last year which heavily restricts the sale of fireworks.
catlover_1 · 1 year ago
Personally I can't decide because they are amazing but then they scare animals and kill hedgehogs?
elloesa · 1 year ago
they are beautiful but bad for the enviroment and are unhygenic
cheekyc · 1 year ago
I think schools or/and events should use eco friendly fireworks instead of harmful ones that pollute the atmosphere and make air unhealthy for us humans.
crokshanks · 6 months ago
Fireworks are so pretty ?