Do you love or hate sports day?


6th June 2023

SPORTS day is a big event in the school calendar, but whilst some children love it, others hate it.

Each year, for one day, schools sack-off their normal learning, for a day full of sporting related activities. From the more serious 100m sprint, to the sillier egg and spoon race, there is supposed to be something for everyone to enjoy – even for parents and teachers at some schools!

But whilst sports day can be the best day of the year for some children, other children think a whole day dedicated to sports is too much.

What do you think? Do you enjoy sports day, or do you wish it didn’t exist?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Do you love or hate sports day?


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uniquestar · 1 year ago

I don't enjoy the pressure on sports day and having to do well for your whole team.

rabbit789 · 1 year ago

I like it. I know that everyone can have different opinions but I would keep it if theey weren't going to have it any more. My favourite thing on my sports day is the running activieties.

trixx · 1 year ago

sports day is super fun and i dont even like sports that much me and my friends just sit on the field and cheer our class on and the school gets an ice cream van and we all wear face paint

xiangxiang · 1 year ago

Our school host long and sweaty sports day

austria · 1 year ago

Sports day could be good and bad.

Naturally, we only really like something if we win in it.

So when non-athletic children (like me) lose in everything (like me) they get sad and also sometimes teased ("You didn't win anything!").

You could be learning in that time to help you in the future.

Writing as a non-athletic person who hates sports day.

bonniebill · 1 year ago

I think it is really fun and I love the competitive aspect!!!!!

aces10 · 1 year ago

In my school, sports day is as much a community event as a sports one. We compete and cheer for our own houses, which makes it lots of fun, especially as my team, the Boarders, are the most supportive, with lots of house chants to raise the energy. Also, there are lots of people who aren’t as good at sports, like me, so it is less pressurising.

kb1. · 1 year ago

I hate sports day because last time I had to stay home for 2 weeks because I had muscle pain and it was 2 and a half hours my sports day was .

rawr12345 · 12 months ago

I hate sports day because it is super hard on the long run and you have to do super long runs without a choose and many people feel faint, nearly throw up or cry. I love cheering for your team and the fun races though!