Are you happy with the air quality in your town?


16th November 2016

Unicef recently revealed that one in seven children across the world are breathing in toxic air right now. How’s the air in your town? 

Are you happy with the air quality in your town?


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tincan · 8 years ago

yes i am because we live in a happy and healthy place

lightning · 8 years ago


hello123 · 8 years ago

Why doesn't it let me vote?????????

gscornmell · 8 years ago

Yes but I know there are some less fortunate people whose skies are polluted so I respect the fact that I am one lucky girl like many others just because I have a healthy sky! YAY!

Samaal · 8 years ago


hello123 · 8 years ago

Why wont it let me vote?????????

hello123 · 8 years ago

kind of. I have ahstma so bad air is a pain for me

Shaeshae1 · 8 years ago

No,when pollution reigns our whole country,your going to change your mind,for now,its good

carlo · 8 years ago


hfrules · 8 years ago

yes course I am

duggee · 8 years ago

I am happy with the air quality around me. I do feel sorry for people who suffer from dirty, horrible mucky air.
We could help them I suppose!!!!!

pratham25 · 8 years ago

the ozone layer is getting heavier, and the air pollution helps the global warming;this global warming causes many risks eg that antarctic and Greenland mass and extent is decreasing.

oliverj · 8 years ago

we live in Caerphilly where there is lots of greenery. so we are OK.

espion23 · 8 years ago

well i know in other countries it can be really bad but i like it where i live

crump-mis · 8 years ago


welovenews · 8 years ago

no voting today guys

welovenews · 8 years ago

yes anyway

evebuckley · 8 years ago

I have asthma so being in polluted air is horror. It's not letting me vote! It only managed to let 1 person do the vote

sportfire · 8 years ago

I'm absolutely fine my town is fine
Why can't I vote !!!!!!!!!
Only one person has been able to vote
I never find it hard to breathe
Apart for the time I had asthma
Or Hay fever

gaggy116 · 8 years ago

i am not ( i live in central london) but it won't let me vote. There is so much pollution!

Asupercool · 8 years ago

Kind of. Its ok but it could be better.

natella · 8 years ago

Yes my town's air is clean and fresh. :)

ernie4545 · 8 years ago

personally yes my towns air is fine however I know its not like that in other places like major cities

ledbury · 8 years ago

The air in my town is perfectly fine! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!there is sometimes a little fog but not from factories.

_banter_ · 8 years ago

Only 1 vote ????

1616 · 8 years ago

yes but it wont let me vote

dh9 · 8 years ago

i am happy but i wouldn't like to live next to a sugar factory

bluelion · 8 years ago

But don't you hate it when people have big smoky barbecues. The smoke is horrible. But we are not suffering the worst. We should be happy about the air.

1isme · 8 years ago


yanisk · 8 years ago

There is only one vote, why won't it let me vote?!

yanisk · 8 years ago

I think children in London would vote no, but I am quite happy about air where I live

rubyrub · 7 years ago

of course, yes

dk.moffatt · 7 years ago


shea2005 · 7 years ago

i am Oxford is lovely and green with not much air pollution

shea2005 · 7 years ago


amelia.a · 7 years ago

in my town yes but not all towns

horkai · 7 years ago

my cities air is fresh but it won't it let me vote

ASA · 7 years ago

only because we don't live in London!!!!
It doesn't let me vote either!!!!!!!!

AlanaH10 · 7 years ago

I live in London and I wish the pollution would stop

ozoz · 7 years ago

No way!

unicornfan · 7 years ago

It's not letting me vote! Why? Anyway, yes I'm happy

sunglasses · 7 years ago

I cant vote!!! What's wrong, is it broken or something???

wiseowl49 · 7 years ago

Why don't I get to vote?

wiseowl49 · 7 years ago

the world will have ended in 100 years due to pollution

wiseowl49 · 7 years ago

Only 1 person got to vote! Unfair!

sealover13 · 6 years ago

Yes but my grandma lives in Bangkok and there is pollution there ?

acehenry09 · 6 years ago


acehenry09 · 6 years ago

I doesn't let me vote

acehenry09 · 6 years ago

Annoyed ? very Annoyed ?

xdcoconut · 6 years ago

yes thres's never too muckh smoke

sophie.w · 6 years ago

why doesn't it let me vote

humanbob23 · 5 years ago

I cant vote

19jm07 · 4 years ago

no. it is only yes because only one person voted

19jm07 · 4 years ago

you cant vote because the deadline was 4 years ago

katkid10 · 4 years ago

Sort of the place where I live is only 10% Urban (Houses, streets, shops and things like that).

lilslby · 3 years ago

why can't I vote!!!

lilslby · 3 years ago

Well anyway, I am happy with the air because I live in the country so the air is fresh and nice. I do realize though that some people that live in towns get asthma and things because of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

puzzlepeas · 2 years ago

yo Me happy