Watch a rare baby Rothschild’s giraffe being born!

The birth of a rare Rothschild’s giraffe calf has been caught on camera. Rothschild’s giraffes are endangered in the wild, so the birth of the 1.5m-tall baby at Chester Zoo is great news for the species. Special CCTV captured the amazing footage, which you can watch here! The baby doesn’t have a name yet, although we think that Giraffey McGiraffeFace sounds pretty good!
What do you think the giraffe should be called? Let us know in the comments below!
plopping · 8 years ago
What is the mother called.
If the mother is named after something in the year (mounth, season) the baby should be called a flower or something bright and bubbly.
sangn08 · 8 years ago
This is so sweet! I think it should be called Daisy if she is a girl or Spot if he is a boy!
banjoblaze · 8 years ago
I honestly have no idea what it should be called, but as sangn08 said, Spot or Spots sounds nice.
radishes10 · 8 years ago
I think daisy ?sounds nice,sangn08