Global Teacher Prize 2017 finalist – Salima Begum from Pakistan
Global Teacher Prize

Salima Begum is one of the ten finalists in with a chance of winning the Global Teacher Prize worth $1 million on Sunday 19 March.
Salima is head teacher at Elementary College for Women Gilgit, Pakistan. She was born in a remote village in Pakistan. Conditions in her own education were cramped and she was fortunate to complete higher secondary level.
She believes strongly in students ‘constructing’ meaning for themselves through the information they receive, and says classroom activities should relate closely to real-life situations. She has helped create awareness among parents about girls’ education. Salima has been involved in training more than 7,000 teachers across her province, and 8,000 more throughout Pakistan.
Come back to First News this Sunday, 19 March, at 4pm (GMT) to watch a very special announcement of the winner – it’ll be out of this world! You can read more about the winner in Issue 562 of First News, on sale Friday 24 March.
Watch videos about all the all ten finalists.
Watch what Prince Harry has to say about the Global Teacher Prize 2017 finalists.
Find out more about the Global Teacher Prize.
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