BEHIND-THE-SCENES: The First News team head to Dubai to meet the world’s best teacher!
Global Teacher Prize

Not so long ago, a few members of the First News gang were invited to put down their pens, power down their laptops and hop on a plane to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates to meet the world’s best teacher!
Every year, Dubai hosts the Global Education Skills Forum, during which the Global Teacher Prize (worth $1 million!) is awarded every year. Simply put, at this annual event, the biggest prize in teaching is given to the world’s best teacher!
First News got to interview the world’s top teacher, as well explore the wonders of Dubai – almost 3,500 miles away!
Lots of you might have already read about our trip in our newspaper, but for you extra nosy parkers, we filmed EVERYTHING!
The video above was put together by First News film man and venturing vlogger, Dan (he’s basically our very own Joe Sugg), who filmed his entire experience for you guys! It’s like taking a mini holiday with First News HQ
To learn more about what happened at this year’s Global Education Forum in Dubai CLICK HERE.
To watch a short film about the winner’s life in the Canadian Arctic CLICK HERE.
Watch even more films about this year’s Global Teacher Prize by CLICKING HERE.
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