Are you getting stressed over tests? Here are some expert tips for battling stress!
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Feeling stressed about tests?
There are lots of things you can do to cope when you’re feeling stressed, particularly ahead of exams.
Here are a few top tips for keeping stress at bay from Dr Fiona Pienaar, a children’s mental health expert from the charity Place2Be.
1. Focusing on breathing in and out can be a helpful way to take your mind off worries.
2. Try doing something that you really enjoy and that helps you to relax or feel good, like talking to a friend or watching TV to take your mind off things.
3. Have a plan! As well as setting aside time to revise, it’s also important to make time for the things you enjoy – reward yourself after you’ve been working hard.
4. Try to remind yourself of the things that you are good at! While exams are important, you should remember that there are lots of other things that make you unique.
5. Talk to your mates about how they might be feeling about the tests. Chances are that someone else will be feeling the same as you. You can help support each other!
Read more in Issue 568 of First News, on sale Friday 5 – Thursday 11 May.
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ggg · 8 years ago