Safety from crime

We want to feel safe and confident in public places. We want to be safe in our homes, schools, relationships and where we live. The people who make decisions should talk to us about improvements to our environment, including those that would help children with different needs. It might be lighting on school routes and in parks, access to playgrounds and open space for games. Plus we need safe ways to get around, including for children with physical or mental challenges.

All of us should be protected against violence and criminals and work must be done to cut knife crime.

Police must be friendly and respectful towards children, and organise events to help children get to know officers. We need to know what to do, and who to speak to, if something bad happens to us. If we do become victims of crime, we should get specialist care and support to help us recover.

We should all be kept safe from bullying or any other abuse, with teachers trained to give us high- quality lessons about our safety.

Every young person who is being held in a secure setting, because they have been in trouble with the law, should be given the chance to change and to rebuild their life. More work should be done to stop children getting in trouble and becoming involved in crime in the first place.

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