Would you only work for companies that don’t harm the environment?
2nd June 2022
2nd June 2022
AT a university in the US, the UN Secretary-General told students not to work for companies that harm the environment.
António Guterres said: “Your talent is in demand. You will have plenty of opportunities to choose from. My message to you is simple: Don’t work for climate-wreckers. Use your talents to drive us towards a renewable future.”
Will you follow his advice?
simbasimba · 3 years ago
We have to treat Mother Nature better!
This is just one step closer to that.
ivansp2011 · 3 years ago
I know it is not alright to work for ''climate wreckers'' but some companies which are mandatory (food, clothing etc.) could not just switch to be climate-change free. It is impossible to make every company CO2 free, so some will just have to work by harming the environment(even though that is not good) and there will be no contradiction to work with factories which harm the environment. It will be bad for the planet, but stopping to work for harmful factories will mean them to shut down, leading people to:
-Fall in poverty without a job
-Not have enough food as not a lot of factories which are CO2 free will produce meat and other food.
vishy_11 · 3 years ago
Of course I would only work for companies that do not harm the environment! I really care about the Earth so a job that helps the environment would be even better!
squeezjoos · 3 years ago
Probably because I strongly believe in helping the environment.
max1234 · 3 years ago
Earth is where we live! We can’t just continue polluting her. So yes.
mistywater · 3 years ago
Yes, definitely. I'd only work for companies that don't harm the environment because so much damage has been done already, we need to put it right. This is one step closer to a healthier Planet Earth.