Would you like to learn BSL in school, instead of French or Spanish?
27th March 2024
27th March 2024
Last week was Sign Language Week 2024, held every year to help us raise awareness for British and Irish Sign Language and the deaf community.
British Sign Language, which can be shortened to BSL, is a way of communicating using gestures, facial expressions and body language.
It’s used by deaf people or those who are hard of hearing to communicate with others. BSL has been recognised as an official language by the Government since 2003.
Sky Kids FYI went to find out more about how a school in Suffolk has swapped out their normal French and Spanish lessons for BSL.
In the episode, the children tell us all about why they enjoy learning BSL and share their favourite words to sign.
They show us how learning BSL can be lots of fun, can help them to talk with friends who have hearing impairments and help them feel more confident.
1 Comment
camillabob · 9 months ago
It will mean if you ever encounter someone who is deaf then you can communicate.