Would you be happy with just one day per week in school?


3rd January 2024

A new school is set to become the first in the UK designed to let pupils learn from home.

It’s aimed at children who feel anxious about coming into school, or parents who don’t feel any of their local schools are quite right for their children.

Pupils will only be expected to come in for one day per week, to take part in practical subjects and sporting activities. For the rest of the week, the school will teach live lessons online instead.

It will teach kids from across the UK, right up to sixth form, and will be run by a group called Dukes Education.

When they need to come into school, it will be at one of the many regular schools and colleges also run by Dukes.

Would you be happy with just one day per week in school?

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saltyjeff · 1 year ago

Yes because I don’t like school and they only give us 2 days off