Would it be better if games were available on all consoles?


21st February 2024

Four Microsoft Xbox videogames will be opened up to alternative platforms for the first time.

It might be the start of a shift from games that are exclusive to consoles, opening them up to a wider audience so they can reach their full potential.

Research company Ampere estimated that in 2023 there were a total of around 46.5m consoles sold, but only 7.6m were Microsoft’s Xbox. That leaves nearly 39 million gamers who weren’t able to play Xbox exclusives such as Forza Motorsport (and the rest of the Forza franchise).

As the market continues to grow and get more competitive, how long will it take to see games like this move across different consoles and platforms?

Would it be better if games were available on all consoles?

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myrealname · 1 year ago

Well the reason that Microsoft has done this is because the majority of the money that they make comes from game sails not xbox sails so really Microsoft just wanted to sell there games to as many people as possible. It will. Be interesting if Sony dose the same.