Are you worried about robots in the future?


23rd August 2017

SOME of the world’s biggest robot companies have joined together to ask the United Nations to “protect us all” from the dangers of robotic machines being used to fight wars.

The list of 116 tech bosses includes Elon Musk, the head of Tesla and SpaceX, and Mustafa Suleyman, the founder of Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) company, DeepMind.

They are worried that advances in robotics and AI will lead to governments and terrorists using lethal autonomous weapons systems (‘killer robots’) against civilians. These are machines that do not need a human controller or pilot, and can take the decision on their own to target and kill.

“Once developed, they will permit armed conflict to be fought at a scale greater than ever, and at timescales faster than humans can comprehend,” the letter says.

The sophistication of robotics and AI has increased dramatically in recent years, so many people believe that killer robots will soon be seen in real life and not just in sci-fi movies.

One of the main objections to robots being used in battles is that they do not have human judgement. It’s also not clear who would be responsible if one killed innocent people. Would it be the person that programmed it? The company that made it? The general who sent it into battle?

Many critics think that countries will use this confusion to brush off responsibility during wartime, and that this will put more people’s lives
in danger.

Hackers are also a big worry, as someone could do a lot of damage by hacking into a robotic plane or tank that is armed with missiles and machine guns.

Are you worried about robots in the future?


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coolguy · 7 years ago


minijeff · 7 years ago

NO spells no

minijeff · 7 years ago

#fist comment

radishes10 · 7 years ago

Yes I am-they could do a LOT of damage if they ever went wrong, and we can't guarantee they won't go wrong ? And I agree -people can easily hack them and also they are robbing people of their jobs which they need to get money for things like food and bills, which is really unfair ?

radishes10 · 7 years ago


happy4456 · 7 years ago

No! I mean, robots don't have any emotions so they wouldn't be able to comfort people when things go wrong. Also, humans are getting REALLY lazy, it's actually appalling. In the last poll, we were talking about robotic pilots, now robots! What next - talking toilets???
Robots could also cause an apocalypse or even a war! They could change people's lives so that's why I thoroughly disagree with all of these robotic automatic inventions(unless they are for the better).

daisy101 · 7 years ago

Obviously I am scared humans have created lots of whacky robots and machines and not all of them have been safe it frightens yet excites me to see what's in the future

rebecca.xo · 7 years ago

Yes because robots can mess up our world by thinking they r helping but they aren't!!

RockyTabbs · 7 years ago

Why can't I vote?

puppy20 · 7 years ago

Yes!Robots are developing a lot for good but what if they develop so much that they are used for bad purposes instead!

ellaq · 7 years ago

I am worried because robots could become too clever and start attacking humans

akurapaty · 7 years ago

Yes, it could replace the human race completely. We werent made to let robots work. But on the flip side, it could stop lives at risks .

snowleopar · 7 years ago

i am not worried about them as long as they are tested loads befor put into actoin.It is possible to make them secure of haking and then it would be easy to tell them who and what to attack it will not be a worrie that they will attack there own side

dorito · 7 years ago

Yes. Robots can disobey commands and do the wrong things

dorito · 7 years ago


woof04 · 7 years ago

Hey, I can't vote! Yes, I am worried - I like having phones and computers and stuff like that, but sometimes I think we are going a bit too far with electric technology.

Ben Pulsford · 7 years ago

Hey guys! Ben from First News here :) Thanks for letting us know about the poll – it's all fixed now!

pony44 · 7 years ago

Robots are already taking over peoples jobs, who's to say they won't do more?

banjoblaze · 7 years ago

Of course I am worried. We are teaching AI too much; giving it all the knowledge in the world, letting it run our lives, even teaching it to comfort and protect. But one day, this could easily go wrong. It just takes one tiny glitch to drop a bomb or destroy instead of defend. One little malfunction to wipe all the knowledge in the Internet: top secret plans, recent but amazing historical discoveries… all gone.

If robots can be trained to cry, and hug and care for, they can easily be trained to manipulate and trick and kill. This could be the terrifying truth of our future, if we're not careful. Today it might seem like nothing, but tomorrow, the powers down, the queen and prime minister can't contact us. These machines have the potential to conquer this planet. Think of the daleks, trained to do only one thing: exterminate. That could be reality. I think we have a reason to be scared. To be terrified.

chrischros · 7 years ago

It's dangerous having your computer hacked.
It's even more dangerous to have a self driving vehicle hacked.
It's even MORE dangerous having a fighter vehicle with machine guns on them hacked.
Not worth it

cheerqueen · 7 years ago

If robots take over the world would be ruined ?????

bruh12345 · 7 years ago

yes they could ruin our life

calam12 · 7 years ago

They could eventually destroy the world

gagho · 7 years ago

So excited

ewok5 · 7 years ago

Yes. I am very scared about robots since us humans are creating more and more of them, but if somebody hacks a robot or the coding for the robot goes wrong, the robot could be used for the wrong purpose.

dinopro · 7 years ago

I would hate robots to destroy my family???

kawaii101 · 7 years ago

Robots can either be very good or very bad but we can't be certain whether or not that robots will have the same personality forever because of HACKERS. You never know what could happen because robots can be dangerous too.

chickenu · 7 years ago

I voted no, because if AI technology advances, so will anti-hack systems. Also, the governments in command of the robots would always have a shutdown switch at the ready, so if any hackers get through the security and into the robots,and I am going to say that there are going to be some, the robot(s) could be shut down.

themanspan · 7 years ago

not really worried

sunglasses · 7 years ago


sunglasses · 7 years ago


sunglasses · 7 years ago

?????????? ?

sunglasses · 7 years ago

Sometimes, I think adults are just ridiculous.

Unicorn2 · 7 years ago

Yes, because you don't know what will happen with them

ice · 7 years ago

There will be no jobs for people in the future. ROBOTS are taking over the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

queenwhale · 7 years ago

They could take peoples jobs away as they might be quicker than humans but if something went wrong,they, unlike humans they couldn't fix it as easily

bruh12345 · 7 years ago

duh yes ?

Leeandari · 7 years ago

Yes, so there

crystalcoo · 7 years ago

YES! They'll probably go crazy!!!

crystalcoo · 7 years ago

They'll probably go crazy!!!

orangebob9 · 7 years ago

I'm not really that worried because real people could cause more harm.Robots wouldn't even be invented without people.It's not like their gonna dominate the world. They'd just be programmed to serve people in restraurants and break world records.

fox64 · 7 years ago

I would not like robots to take over, thanks. They might be 'clever' and 'trained', but anything could go wrong. I think
radishes10 is right. People could lose their jobs. And who is controlling them? They could be programmed to do terrible things. Basically, the world relies on technology way to much. In short, no to robots ruling the world.

(first comment).

Sashgirl06 · 7 years ago

Definitely YES! Artificial intelligence could be very dangerous in the wrong hands!

gscornmell · 7 years ago

Yes technology has gone a bit to far and robots could be used for the wrong reasons people probably thought that coloured pictures were impossible and now look where we are who says it won't happen with sci fi movies once it was fiction but now killer robots might become reality also they are robbing people of their jobs and jobs = money = food house and more so yeh

ronandmimi · 7 years ago

They can take over your job and you will not get any money and you won't be able to bye any thing to survive

ronandmimi · 7 years ago


ninjahari · 7 years ago

Why shouldn't we worry?

nbeausang · 7 years ago

If there was a malfunction with the robot then we wouldn't be able to control it to stop it starting a war or killing people

catonclan · 7 years ago

Robber and murders could us Them

emperor · 7 years ago

The principle of robots in the future seems quite fun, but when you consider the technicalities it is dangerous. The future of AI worries me more than anything else.
Remember in the news recently there have been reports of several major hacks into computers and businesses. If one evil person (and there are plenty) hacked into a robot, we could all be killed.
The thought of having robots clean the house could be possible, and the thought of having them talk to us is rational. The thought of having them fight wars for us is not. Why do scientists even think this? Yes, it saves casualties, but perhaps there is something very interesting (nobody seems to have considered this) called PEACE.
I think these scientists who think robots are the way forward need a reality check. We are not living in the Star Wars Universe. The medic droids and battle droids all act like humans, but this is not reality. Instead of living like kings with robots doing everything for us because we are too lazy to do it ourselves, we would be living in the forest hiding from hacked or malfunctioning robots.
Evil killer robots are a thing of science fiction. Not for much longer, if we continue with our insane progression of artificial intelligence.
If you don't think what I am saying is logical, think about that crazy scientist who accidentally made Killer Bees. Except these robots would be armed, powerful and merciless. They could not distinguish an innocent civilian from an enemy. They would go wrong like the bees and would be a greater threat to humanity than anything else.

emperor · 7 years ago

If adults listen to children like us (who probably are more sane!) they perhaps might realise this. How could any adult be so absolutely crazy to think this will be a good thing? Even if what I say is wrong, and in fact it just ends up robots do stuff for us, we will be so unhealthy we will live for no longer than 50 years because we do no exercise or work. There will be something bad, whether they are used for destruction or labour or both.

raygt1 · 7 years ago

Yes! I am because it could lead into losing jobs and then humans will fall into a terrible poverty also they could people and as there made of metal they will be really hard to take down and they could start wars

dolphindm · 7 years ago

Yes-Robots have become a big part of technology and you never know what can happen in the future.

LeoCOOL · 7 years ago

I just like normal humans ?!? ?

ciaranl_07 · 7 years ago


ciaranl_07 · 7 years ago

I will never meet a robot in my 10 year life so far and I will not in the future

bilalzen · 7 years ago

I'm a big worrier, and I don't like the fact about this so I think we should have safer security, to reassure people about this. If there's killer robots' then we must have police robots' as well.

rahul2009 · 7 years ago

They may take over the world!:(

endodragon · 7 years ago

robots can harm a lot of people if they are out of control.

Barneynews · 7 years ago

they could take over the world!

ZENCE40 · 7 years ago

THEY COULD TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!! What is there NOT to worry about?!?!!

izzy_xxxxx · 7 years ago

If robots fought our wars for us......

TSHD789 · 7 years ago

I think people are watching too many sci-fi movies :)

TSHD789 · 7 years ago

I'm not scared but it's definitely a possibility in the future.

mia-18 · 7 years ago

Yes because they are going to take peoples jobs and take over the world by the time i need to gt i job it will be so hard i just wish they werent invented this is ReaLLY DRIVING ME CRAZy what has the world come to they can be hacked into and because of AI you wont know if a robot lives next door to you which is so scary.We will need to protest for justice soon.

gasleak · 7 years ago

Why do people build war machines?

nbeausang · 7 years ago

Robots with AI could turn out to be bad thing if not controlled or managed properly however if they are controlled properly then there shouldn't be much of an issue

ron · 7 years ago


thomass10 · 7 years ago

don't you trust robots I think they are clever

tdn · 7 years ago

yes because it cud cill us.

zeushades8 · 7 years ago


ki3ran · 7 years ago

Although they are getting dangerous, they are helping us. E.g disabled people benefit from them. I saw a video where the robot was giving him water to drink and picking stuff up for him. Although animals like dogs could help, they may not be as reliable and they also have a life to live, they shouldn't just be helping us the whole time.

Robots are taking jobs but they are also saving people money, If your the boss of a technology company. :-)

(I don't mind my opinion being posted in your magazine first news.)

vertigo · 7 years ago

Computers are only ever as clever as the people who program them, and people are stupid anyway so what's there to worry about?

cns1 · 7 years ago


adelie · 7 years ago

Just build in self destruct button, duh

popchip4 · 7 years ago

Yes i think we should stop creating them

izzy_xxxxx · 7 years ago

Am I worried about robots taking over the world?
Am I worried about cats taking over the world?

holholster · 7 years ago

In the future, I bet I won't be able to stop worrying about robots/ robotic devices. This is because people can easily hack into them, and program it to do bad things. Also, if everything is controlled by technology, there will be more chance of things going wrong.

jedigeorge · 6 years ago

they could malfunction and destroy the world

crazyman99 · 6 years ago

Even though they can help us with jobs and other things I am worried about robots because they are coming to quickly and causing people to loose their jobs .Plus they don't get the money they need to buy food and drinks and they loose their homes.We want to stop homelessness not to keep it going .

sammyboy · 6 years ago

stage fright

emilynight · 4 years ago

Cause I watched I robot and it was like it could actually happen but it’s not the 🤖 robot but the programmers 😡