Do you wish social media had never been invented?
12th October 2017
12th October 2017
TWO out of three schoolchildren would not mind if social media had never been invented.
That’s the finding of a survey of 5,000 students at schools across England.
The study shows that young people are becoming tired of the bad side of the technology, such as online bullying and fake news.
Nearly two thirds of the students in years nine, ten and eleven said they would not care if social media didn’t exist. Even more (71%) said they had taken time out to escape social media.
The survey was carried out for Digital Awareness UK and the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC).
Many of the young people who took part said that social media was having a bad effect on their emotional wellbeing.
Some 57% said they had received abusive comments online, 56% felt they were becoming addicted and 52% said social media made them feel less confident about their looks or how interesting their life was. Many also felt that friends showed “fake” versions of themselves online.
Samantha Price, head teacher of Benenden School in Kent, said: “When young people have time away from social media, they see and feel the benefits. They sleep better, concentrate and therefore learn better and feel better. Of course, social media and the internet are not the enemy – there are enormous positives to them – but it is a matter of finding the right balance.”
Students said they liked some things about social media, such as memes, filters and storytelling features.
popchip4 · 7 years ago
YES it is dangerous. #First one to comment
1isme · 7 years ago
Social Media is great for it’s proper use, it’s just that sometimes it’s not use properly.
shpee · 7 years ago
No. Social media has changed a lot of things and, in the long run, the pros outnumber the cons. My school uses what is effectively a form of social media for Homework etc and without it, a lot more trees would need to be cut down. It helps people talk much easier, and allows you to stay in contact with someone even if they've moved away. So I personally think that it was for the better.
dashy17 · 7 years ago
NO! Life would be dull without Social Media also how would you keep on touch with long distant friends!!
cheesy · 7 years ago
Its awesome to see cool stuff and if you use it properly social media is completely safe. It is good social media was invented!!!
woof04 · 7 years ago
I like going on Facebook and things like that, but I can definitely understand why some people don't like it I put 'No', but you get an awful lot of nasty things on the internet - fake news, angry comments, and quite a lot of rude stuff. I think if social media had more security and politeness, it would have a much happier atmosphere.
peony · 7 years ago
No, because social media can be helpful and educational. World leaders use social media, and you really can learn a lot from it.
cooledie · 7 years ago
I'm kind of stuck because social media is a good thing for people who can't leave their screens alone, so they can communicate with other people for once, but I said YES because all sorts of mean things can be posted and their is lots of cyber bullying happening every day.
antrabbit · 7 years ago
Social media can be dangerous, and you could just send letters.
bellecat96 · 7 years ago
As long as you use social media sensibly, it is a great way to communicate, have a laugh and enjoy yourself! It can be helpful and and a good way to learn as well.
owly · 7 years ago
I don't use social media, but my mum does, and a few times we have seen advertisements, and in the comments people argue over such small things.
jic007 · 7 years ago
Dangerous! don't like it! bad
nbeausang · 7 years ago
Social media is a great way for children, teens and adults to have fun or chat online. Of course there is always going to be the bad side with the cyber bullying, hacking and just generally being mean but we can help prevent that if we all try because social media is great when used for the right purposes
jic007 · 7 years ago
It's bad, but see the irony of chatting online about the downside of social media!
neenar · 7 years ago
No because you can catch up with friends
anjana · 7 years ago
Yes I agree that inventing social media can lead to big problems such as, bullying however, I bet that no one in this whole world has not gone without using the internet atleast about 10 times in their life. the internet is not just the thing that you do on your laptop and google apppears. it is what you also do on your phone. Youtube, twitter and facebook are only some of the things we go on using via the internet. Plus it is the 21st century, no one can go by without atleast going on social media. the first thing I see when i walk into my classroom is that everyone is on their phone either using snapchat or instragram.
queenloopy · 7 years ago
Social media shapes our lives in many ways. With this comes advantages but mainly disadvantages. People get tied to their phones and the amount of likes they get rather than enjoying the outside or being 'in the moment'
If social media didn't exist, we wouldn't miss it because we wouldn't know any better and I think without it we could all be healthier and happier because we would have enjoyed every moment rather than 'zoning out' and missing things.. ?
queenloopy · 7 years ago
By not having social media we aren't stopping ourselves form keeping contact via text, just no having addictable apps to check on all the time.
Sashgirl06 · 7 years ago
I can see how social media can be really great, but there's so much negative stuff that comes from it, I think it might be easier if we just didn't have it. Social media can be a great way to send messages, post pictures, chat to your friends, etc - but there's also some big problems with it.
banjoblaze · 7 years ago
No. Although some use social media to bully or hurt, you can also get a lot of helpful advice from it. For example, I'm autistic and sometimes when I'm not sure how to act in a social situation, I'll use the Internet and social media to help me. Also I was inspired to do more charity work by a Youtuber.
banjoblaze · 7 years ago
However, I think children and teenagers are too addicted to their electronic devices.
banjoblaze · 7 years ago
When you think about it, this comments section is social media in itself.
hfrules · 7 years ago
boss13 · 7 years ago
social media is very dangerous. it should not have invented in the first place! we all need to be open to world and not our smartphone.
boss13 · 7 years ago
lots of cyberbullying happens on social media
chissy · 7 years ago
I think that social media can connect people, although many people would argue that it is anti-social, I believe that it encourages people to be more social. It can allow people to talk to others all over the world. Admittedly, their are dangers with social media, but their is increasing education to prevent against these dangers.
rainbow07 · 7 years ago
I vote no,because even though social media can be a bad place full of cyber-bullying and nastiness,there is a lot of good,inspirational posts too.
musica100 · 7 years ago
Sometimes, the social media can be good but it can also be bad because some people end up being addicted to their phones, constantly checking their Instagram and Snapchat. This is why I haven’t downloaded those sort of social media apps because I want to actually socialise with my friends without using my phone.
pinkfoxy · 7 years ago
There is no way people are going to get rid of social media even though some people don't like it. I think that some people abuse their use of it and bully other people. people should be taught how to deal with it more and use it to their advantage
dork · 7 years ago
pick yes it is dangerous .
hptigers · 7 years ago
I agree with 1isme
dancemunch · 7 years ago
I said no because I know that a number of peoples' lives are being made happier because of it, but it should be made safe enough for there not to have any criticism against it.
omnomnom · 7 years ago
It is great way to catch up on homework and get messages around quickly. However, it can be a bad thing for other people because of things like bullying. Those people should delete all socia media apps.
smile444 · 7 years ago
I think that social media should had never been invented because it affects peoples brains and leads them to lack of concentration. Also it leads to children seeing inappropriate things and it leads to fights.Some children feel left out because they either don't have the app or they just don't want it but children are put under pressure to gets these apps so they don't get bullied.It also has age limits for a reason . Such as whats app. People are legally aloud have it at the age of 16 but children at the age of 11 use it and thats NOT OK.
Thank you
jackspicha · 7 years ago
Yo mi name is Jo
thegunners · 7 years ago
YES! even smartphones are not needed-people say to communicate with social media but what is wrong with text?I'm sure many people who do not have a smartphone would agree!
thegunners · 7 years ago
and its dangerous
happy4456 · 7 years ago
I don't really have a lot of social media (part from whatsapp) and everyone gets really surprised when i say, oh sorry i can't follow you on snapchat and Instagram because i don't have it. Everyone ignores the age limit and it's really bad because it's there to help you!!! I don't even understand Instagram anyway, I only want snapchat when I'm 13 and twitter(but i'll only use it about once or twice a year) when i'm around 21. I've got it all planned out!!! And when people are like, "I couldn't SURVIVE without wi-fi" and "Instagram is MY LIFE", it gives of a vibe that they're more focused on getting the perfect selfie than getting the perfect grades.
I know, deep - but true!!!?
pumpkinace · 7 years ago
I put no, I think social media is a good thing as long as people use it responsoply
Umbrella4 · 7 years ago
It's great if your using it to share your holidays or if you're going abroad but some people can use it in bad ways. Along as it is used properly. NO!!!!
.-hunterx · 7 years ago
YES!!! cuz tbh im alredy addicted and plus it aint good for me or u or EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE WIDE UNIVERSE!!!!!!
smiley122 · 7 years ago
Not sure I haven't got any yet.... ??
Everest13 · 7 years ago
Social media is an incredible way to be in touch with friends around the globe. The world would function very differently without email. I think many people don't realise that email and youtube are counted as types if social media. It can be dangerous, but only if you aren't careful. People with malicious intent can only find out s much about you as you or your friends put up; like personal details and where you live in profiles or pictures
zeushades8 · 7 years ago
I’m sort of in the middle so I voted NO
purple11 · 7 years ago
social media can lead to cyber-bulling and lots of other stuff
daisy101 · 7 years ago
i would not care
ki3ran · 7 years ago
Without it so many jobs will be lost. Our economy probably wouldn't survive. I am aware of cyber bullying and everything, but people shouldn't even be using it at the age they are.
clackyg6c · 7 years ago
I like it but it can be dangerous!
oceangirl · 7 years ago
I agree with 1isme
gracehope · 7 years ago
i voted no as at times it can be very dangerous however it is fine when u use it properly at the right age. i think social media should have never been invented however games would be fine
ashelley · 7 years ago
it gets really annoying when you are trying to talk to someone and they are not listening instead they are watching videos or looking at pictures.
ashelley · 7 years ago
I was meant to put #48thcomment
myrtle10 · 7 years ago
I don't mind it existing but kids shouldn't be on it!
emperor · 7 years ago
Here are my reasons for picking Yes:
a) Social Media is encouraging kids to be on phones all the time, instead of giving old friends a call.
b) The annoying thing about social media is people get offended by lots of things, so when you post something you might offend people
c) Cyber Bullying is a common form of bullying, and it was social media that started this.
d) It allows lunatics like Donald Trump and other people to share racist and hateful views
e) (similar to d) It lets haters express their racist and hateful views, and offend people on purpose
f) people who are younger than 13 but all their friends use social media often feel left out on most conversations (like myself)
g) Lots of young people share photos on social media, and weird people can try and get information
izzy_xxxxx · 7 years ago
It's great but we use and rely on it WAY too much
artcrazy · 7 years ago
Yes because people shouldn't feel bad about themselves because of social media, or be lured in to dangerous situations or project fake images of themselves. Be you! Be happy to be you!
spark60 · 7 years ago
Social media can hurt people so should be banned
elephant10 · 7 years ago
Yes because people spend too much time on it and it is wasting our lives
Joshua910 · 7 years ago
social media actually tears us apart rather than bring us together!!
anna123 · 7 years ago
I think social media is great, if your old enough.
anna123 · 7 years ago
It is dangerous if you are to young
mintpanda · 7 years ago
It is ok if it is used safely
kitten6262 · 7 years ago
Yes - social media has changed kids life leaving them stuck to there phones . Also people and kids online can get cyber bullied and hide it and become sad
islabear · 7 years ago
I LIKE messaging people but it is very dangorus
vvvv · 7 years ago
Email doesn't count and internet doesn't count and I have never used it so no
pooemojie · 7 years ago
No I don't wish it has never been invented but it needs to be more safe.
bestdanfan · 7 years ago
zeushades8 · 7 years ago
tennis08 · 7 years ago
PinaEgg123 · 7 years ago
I think social media is a great way to socialise and share videos, photos and happy fun stuff. Some people, like shpee mentioned, are more shy and find it easier to express themselves when they're not face to face with other people. Social media is not all bad! It is a wonderful way to communicate, put yourself out there, make friends, educate and express your opinions in a non-violent way.
I have a very close friend who recently moved away to India, and I miss her loads! But we are able to stay in contact through social media, which I am very grateful for! :)
Social media, when used wrongly, makes people severely depressed, anxious, paranoid, bullied, even suicidal, if they are so targeted and trodden down on social media. Also it can be hacked, gossip and rumours can be spread like wildfire, it can cause personality and brain disorders in young children, blue light given off by electronics damages your brain and eyesight if used too much, stalking can occur,
bloodgun · 7 years ago
Social media is awesome
appleman · 7 years ago
social media can beused for bad and good
wiseowl49 · 7 years ago
I didn't vote yes but I was tempted to as I think sometimes people spend a little too much time on there and might not be very nice on there. However if you think about all the things that you can do on there it is very useful if you can use it sensibly. ?
redindian9 · 7 years ago
i dont mind i dont use it anyway :P
icecream2 · 7 years ago
well it kinda is quite cool! so yeah it should not be banned! but also NOO! I don't know###
kgrewal · 7 years ago
If you have the right balance it's ok. Anyway the internet,messaging and phones wouldn't bring us together without it.
huddlest · 7 years ago
#71 to comment
bunkins · 7 years ago
arguitar10 · 7 years ago
People enjoy using social media but sometimes it can be used irresponsibly. My advise is to use it responsibly and we will all be happy!
#i voted no
tiffanycat · 7 years ago
turns out people are spending more time on their phones/any other device then their family. Say if a really close family member comes for a couple of days from FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR away and you don't pay ANY attention to them. Waist of money ppl!
bugster@sm · 7 years ago
I want to change now????????
girlywirly · 7 years ago
I wish it hadn’t because it makes people fall out about stupid things ie, followers and comments
ZENCE40 · 7 years ago
Yes and no. I'm not really sure.
It's like anything really, if you use it well, it's a great thing to have but if you use it wrongly, it shouldn't exist.
nickmoo · 7 years ago
some people text people in the same room as them if it had never been invented then everyone would be more sociable
catgirl101 · 7 years ago
Although social media can be harmful, it is also a good way to stay in touch with friends!!!!!! Just ensure that you 'follow' people u know and make sure that only ur real friends can c ur profile. Its an easy way 2 stay safe!!!!
rachel360 · 7 years ago
#Totes yes
smolchild · 7 years ago
I have a friend from school who has now moved to India. Social media is our main way of talking
hobbes123 · 7 years ago
People used social media to persuade people to vote for Trump and if you don’t like Trump then you shouldn’t like social media ???? plus Trump is very rich ???? and that is tots wrong dude!!!!!!????
holholster · 7 years ago
I am happy that Social Media was invented, because it gives us an opportunity to communicate with friends and see what they are doing in their lives, as well as catching up with the latest news. Most importantly, there are age restrictions to keep us safe whilst using their apps.
nostrils · 6 years ago
What?! It helps us communicate with people far away and it's so helpful with studying. It's just that sometimes it is used for bad things that it shouldn't be used for.
katkid10 · 4 years ago
I don't know, as I don't have Social Media. I guess it would be no, I don't care if it was never invented.