AN American city has banned people from using mobile phones, laptops, tablets and digital cameras while crossing roads.
It’s an issue that’s been in and out of the news for years, but the city of Honolulu in Hawaii will become the first in the United States to ban pedestrians from using screens as they cross the road, once and for all.
It is hoped that the new law, which will come into effect in October, will lower the number of road accidents caused by “distracted walking”.
According to #SaveKidsLives over 500 children die on the world’s roads every day – how responsible is phone zombie culture?
unicornfan · 8 years ago
Yes of course. It is so sad the amount of children losing their lives because of this.
akurapaty · 8 years ago
Using a mobile phone while crossing roads is dangerous, specially if a car is at high speed.
tolu · 8 years ago
nobody should do that
Sashgirl06 · 8 years ago
First Comment! Yes, definitely. It'll save hundreds of lives. I can't really see any reason why we shouldn't ban it.
ninjagoh · 8 years ago
I voted yes because childrens' safety is very important!
grace27 · 8 years ago
It should definitely be banned, it can save your life by doing it and it is only for a couple of seconds while you cross the road.
shpee · 8 years ago
I doubt it would do much. People who focus on their phones whilst crossing the road are probably completely oblivious to everything around them and won't even care. I feel as though teaching people about the dangers would be more effective.
claudine · 8 years ago
Definitely because your life is more important than a phone, full stop.
horsefan · 8 years ago
If this law applied in more cities, lives will be saved
sunglasses · 8 years ago
I am in the middle; you shouldn't look at your electronic device whilst you are crossing the road, but if you are very careful while you are having a phone call, it should be ok.
Umbrella4 · 8 years ago
Yes. There are loads of accidents which happen because of children looking at the Phones crossing the road. This is just a little thing you can stop doing for 5 seconds! It could save you life...
artymartin · 8 years ago
It is dangerous to cross a road while looking at a phone because you could get run over.
nbeausang · 8 years ago
I think too many people die because of getting run over a lot of the time it's because they're distracted with a device in their hand this rule prevents many people's deaths .
mazzy136 · 8 years ago
Yes, I think it should be banned if you are looking at a screen but if you are just talking to someone with the phone to your ear then no.
banjoblaze · 8 years ago
In my opinion they should; many lives could be saved as a result. (Unless the road is closed for some sort of festival and there will be no vehicles driving down it).
evadore · 8 years ago
I think crossing the road while looking at your phone is very silly. Any sensible person would know that is very dangerous.
oggybogs · 8 years ago
If it will help to save lives then It's a no brainer!
MillyH · 8 years ago
It's safer this way
derpydude · 8 years ago
I think, it should be banned: lots of car crashes has been based on people texting while crossing the road.
bigdream · 8 years ago
If you r on the phone chatting and there is a red light the cars will stop and some people even put down the phone and say thank you and look and then they go back on their phone and start chatting again.
sisterocks · 8 years ago
Yes because hundreds of children die because texting their friend is more important. It's like it's illegal to be on your phone ? while driving!!
happy4456 · 8 years ago
Definitely! I walk to school every day and back, having a phone in my hand a long the way. I have to cross a massive junction - and the amount of people I see there is outstanding! And then the amount of people I see on their phones is disappointing. My friend has seen three people get run over before - and she told me that all but one person were on their phones. That should say a lot.
And the good this is(if the law is cast) that it would be illegal to use a phone whilst crossing - so if someone is doing it, they are breaking the law(and many people are sensitive about that).
Because like many people are saying: PHONES ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN LIVES!
marley800 · 8 years ago
I think it is a good idea because there probably won't be as many road accidents
amair · 8 years ago
Try to tell that to a vlogger
kawaii101 · 8 years ago
YES! The number of lives lost is unacceptable. Children should lead a full life and walking across roads with phones is putting lives at risk.
kawaii101 · 8 years ago
I agree with happy446
ajmyles · 8 years ago
If you're looking at tech and not looking at the road it could cause a fatal injury
rebecca.xo · 8 years ago
Yes!!! People could get killed or very badly hurt and safety is way more important then mobile phones.
flameemily · 8 years ago
Someone at my school was run over ( she didn't die) because she was looking at her phone. The car was also speeding but she would have been more aware if she wasn't on her phone.
RockyTabbs · 8 years ago
This causes many deaths, Don't blame Nintendo for Pokemon Go related
oceangirl · 8 years ago
I think people should put away their screens while crossing roads but I think banning them is a bit much
banjoblaze · 8 years ago
Oceangirl- But if they'll be away anyway we might as well ban them.
joshops · 8 years ago
3v0charl · 8 years ago
Yeah its really upsetting when you here that people die from being run over ?
lollypop · 8 years ago
As much as I love my phone !!!! I think that it should be banned because its life threatening ! Crossing the road it so quick (well unless you have very slow traffic lights like we do in brighton!) and because its so quick you can jus sacrifice five seconds so tech time to save your life ! Think about it!
gm333 · 8 years ago
It doesn't need to be banned everywhere, just in busier places in the city or town and people made more wary of this fact.
bruh12345 · 8 years ago
yea because u r not aware. Easy death
coolguy · 8 years ago
Yes loads of kid die from this every year ??
puppy20 · 8 years ago
Obviously yes as so many children,teens and adults die or get severely injured just for using their phone! You never know what might happen!
gavriella · 8 years ago
Using a phone whilst crossing the road is extremely dangerous as it is estimated that about 500 children are run over because of it.
gagho · 8 years ago
Totes I think ? it's ok ? because they can hear the cars .
march2010 · 8 years ago
yes because people will die if they are crossing the road with a mobile phone while they are crossing and they will lose their life like for example if someone had a mobile phone while crossing the road they will get run over when the lights are green for the cars to go
so it is very dangerous
snake08424 · 8 years ago
Yes, it's really dangerous and life-threatening to kids and adults.
fluffy14 · 8 years ago
Kids lives come first!
orangebob9 · 8 years ago
If you were looking at your phone while crossing the road and you had you earphones then you do not know your surroundings and if a car came speeding towards you then...
fox64 · 8 years ago
ninjahari · 8 years ago
I don't want death by phones!
pakistan12 · 8 years ago
you can use the phone while your walking but when you are on the road then you have to put it in your pocket. That's all you need to do. If the kids knew that then they would be safer and would have lived more longer.
fox64 · 8 years ago
either lookout or kerslpat yourself.
joohyun56 · 8 years ago
of course you shouldn't go on an electric device while crossing a road because there will be less children losing their lives everyday
jam11 · 8 years ago
Thousands of young people are tragically losing their lives. If you just switch of your phone or look at the road as you cross you might just save your life.
ship12 · 7 years ago
you guys are totlly rigkt
17joefspe · 7 years ago
I said yes but i think drivers should be more cautious
zeushades8 · 7 years ago
#It could ZaVe uR life
hookswool · 7 years ago
I think Mobile phones shouldn't be used when crossing roads because you could get run over.
huddlest · 7 years ago
Yes, kid die because of this.
huddlest · 7 years ago
huddlest · 7 years ago
And this goes for an adult too.
huddlest · 7 years ago
tiffanycat · 7 years ago
NO because its their choice to go on their phone when they're crossing the streets. they should know better than that if they wanna die its their own fault.
vvvv · 7 years ago
Yes, but being punished for doing so?
holholster · 7 years ago
Phones should not be banned whilst crossing roads, because of the following:
- Nobody would pay attention to this particular rule
- Nothing bad ever happens on roads, as long as you look up from your device before crossing.
sootysweep · 7 years ago
We should ban looking at mobile phones while crossing the road. It will save so many peoples lives.
ti-10 · 7 years ago
Yes, Even though people like to go on their phones, it is best to ban this because so many people are dying because of this horrible thing. I cannot believe some people said no! I agree with unicornfan
jedigeorge · 6 years ago
urgh. yeah!!!
katkid10 · 4 years ago
People could die by doing this.