Have you ever seen an Unidentified Flying Object?
29th June 2018
29th June 2018
SKY-WATCHERS of the world are coming together this Monday (2 July), for World UFO Day!
While there have been lots and lots of ‘sightings’ of Unidentified Flying Objects in the last 100 years or so, there’s yet to be any concrete proof of life from beyond the stars.
Even so, UFO hunters remain convinced that there’s something out there, so they celebrate the day to raise awareness of the existence of UFOs, and to encourage governments to declassify their files on UFO sightings.
We’re just not sure what to believe here in the First News office… what do you think?
Please share your stories in the comments – we want to here about your alien encounters!
cmi_hall1 · 6 years ago
I've never seen a I UFO before but I'm sure I'd be very excited if I did see one.Also,I wonder what it's like inside them!
legend2258 · 6 years ago
no there not discovered yet
maybe6533 · 6 years ago
I can cos a new type of bird is alao a UFO.
So is any other new flying objects.
maybe6533 · 6 years ago
And second to comment!
boss13 · 6 years ago
it would be very cool to see a UFO but if I did, I don't know what I would od
igrose7 · 6 years ago
Their pretty awesome you know they fly so high
joep101 · 6 years ago
I have never seen a UFO before and I do not consider seeing one ever. This is because scientists have proved that 'alien' life on other planets does not exist in our galaxy; therefore, why would green life visit earth in a spaceship>
darjap · 6 years ago
Sadly no, however I would be delighted to see one
jaguar119 · 6 years ago
No, but I would really love to seed one! P.S. Also, I would really want to be featured in First News, because I would be my debut as a writer!
jaguar119 · 6 years ago
jaguar119 · 6 years ago
ohmycool · 6 years ago
no I have never seen a unidentified flying object before. I might have seen something small in the sky a few times but it was probably a plane or a trick of my eyes. Although I would be very excited if I saw one but then I might also be a bit scared.
wolfcrazy8 · 6 years ago
No, I have never seen what UFOs are imagined to be like. I wonder what's inside them, if they are real. However, it has not been confirmed whether they are real or not, since there is no evidence. But I like the fact that loads of believers get together to raise awareness of the mystery.
But even then... A secretive plane\ helicopter or a new species of bird could technicallybe classified as a UFO ???
Seriously though, they could be real! ?
(Soz 4 the long comment)
welovenews · 6 years ago
I have seen one!!!!!!!!
anjakf · 6 years ago
I have not seen a spaceship UFO but I have seen different unidentified flying objects like birds because I can't really tell the difference between many birds!
apple92 · 6 years ago
Never seen one but I’d be shocked if I saw one of those!
apple92 · 6 years ago
I’ve never been in a poll before and I’d like to be in First News.P.S.I’ve never seen a UFO before!
plane · 6 years ago
I have in China. I saw this disk flying in the sky and it kept on hovering around the town flashing a red beam.
We saw this city in the sky also.
claudine · 6 years ago
I have never seen one and I don't believe in them. However, I do think that there is life in space, just not aliens!
sisi · 6 years ago
There probaby aren't any UFOs driven by aliens, but since there HAVE been sightings, you never know. Also, haven't scientist already found a few planets suitable for life to remain on them? Sometimes, anything is possible. Yes, even humans flying (maybe).
firstspin · 6 years ago
Of course not!
natalija · 6 years ago
I've never seen a UFO and probably never will as it has been proved by many scientists that they do not exist.
oceangirl · 6 years ago
Defiantly not
waterlucky · 6 years ago
I've never seen a UFO. I honestly don't think they exist, but if they did, that would be amazing! If I had the chance to go in one I would probably crash it OR start a Gem War (sorry Steven Universe Fan here!) =)
sophia6 · 6 years ago
I do think aliens can be real but I'm not sure about UFO's scin was aliens can be reL but science we've never seen one they might want to hide from us so that would mean not going near earth on a clearly spotable but then who says only aliens fly UFO's
sophia6 · 6 years ago
sophia6 · 6 years ago
I do think aliens can be real but I'm not sure about aliens flying in UFO's. Aliens can be real but scince we've never seen one they might want to hide from us so that means not going to Earth on a clearly spotable flying object but then who says only aliens fly UFO's.
queenfirst · 6 years ago
i have never seen a UFO and i dont think its true because for years and years there has been no evidence so i dont think there is such thing
sct06 · 6 years ago
I have never seen a UFO ? but I will look out for one on the 2nd of July!??
drummercmd · 6 years ago
I have to be honest, I have never seen one, but I really would like to! I want to say that I have though!
ananyaa21 · 6 years ago
I have not seen a UFO before, but it would be amazing to find out what is inside it, and what species lives there. I would be suprised if I see one, bit super excited.
igrose7 · 6 years ago
I have never seen this before but l would love to see one
bed · 6 years ago
N O spell's no!?
mollyboo8 · 6 years ago
NO WAY! (Apart from a plane. Oh, that's identified)
bed · 6 years ago
I don't think I will ever see one because if they did then we would be extremely lightly to have a real (not fake,)photo of one.
sprinkle10 · 6 years ago
No I've never seen one but they seem real cool. I love all the theories that there is something out there. Keep on believing maybe you just might spot something!!!!!!!!
itzzelz · 6 years ago
I have never seen one but if I did I would be really excited
hpcrazy101 · 6 years ago
I have and I was in a field with cubs. It was so scary because it hovered above us for about 5 minutes. It then flew away
xdcoconut · 6 years ago
yes the UFO sound it was perfectly like it it even looked abit like a UFO pretty small that doesn't matter because nearly every thing high in the sky i small cos it's far away
adamr123 · 6 years ago
I don’t think that a UFO will ever come zooming towards Earth in a hurry. The possibility is 1 billion to 1! But if there was, it would be so cool. Maybe scientists should design their thought of a UFO?
pizza2727 · 6 years ago
? are hard to see as they are very small,I think ? are just staying undercover for now,so I think ? are real.
clovell · 6 years ago
sadly i have never seen one
Sunubo1 · 6 years ago
I have never seen a UFO. I imagine UFO's to be spaceships from other worlds, galaxies, or planets. It's very possible UFO's could appear on Earth as there may be life outside Earth, even if it is bacteria and/or tiny insects. I hope that astronauts find signs of life in the Milky Way, it would be another revolutionary discovery.
sprinkle10 · 6 years ago
I may not believe in them but I think lots of us have many other hobbies.
I think it would be really good if I saw a UFO because their so unique and special.???
donutlove · 6 years ago
I have not seen a UFO but I'm sure you could find some pretty crazy stuff flying in the sky if you kept an eye out .
kimpearce · 6 years ago
No I have never seen a UFO ? but I would love to see one! I would also be quite scared if I saw one because lots of people say aliens will destroy everything I just think aliens are harmless ? ? ?
kimpearce · 6 years ago
Sorry this glitched ?
kimpearce · 6 years ago
Also first news is a really great news for kids and I have always voted but never been put in first news it would be my dream to be able to be in first news ? ??
skyangel · 6 years ago
I once saw a shape in the sky, it looked like an aeroplane, helicopter and an imaginary UFO. It was so cool!
rollersk8t · 6 years ago
I have never seen a UFO and don't think that they even exist. The only time I have seen one was in a silly movie!
123kittens · 6 years ago
This is quite intriguing seeing that 23% of the people who have voted, say that they have seen a UFO.
Personally, I would love to see one but if it came to it I wouldn't know what to do and I don't expect that anyone will believe me.
kestj003.3 · 6 years ago
yes I think but it might have been a weather ballon
izzy28 · 6 years ago
i've never seen a UFO however i would love to see them to feel they truly exist as well as that i would love top see what they look like inside and outside!
drsethlord · 6 years ago
I've never seen one but I do think there is a possibility alien life.
bonjour · 6 years ago
Sacraeblob and all that sacred holy stuff
woo2le · 6 years ago
I have never seen a ufo but I’d like to see one.
lavender08 · 6 years ago
No and I know I will never. Scientists have proven that there is no other intelligent alien life anywhere near the earth.
oritime · 6 years ago
I have not but I would be very exited to see one
fox64 · 6 years ago
dunno- UNIDENTIFIED guys!
hc-524219 · 6 years ago
I have literally NEVER seen a UFO before but I would be really excited if I saw one! I would not like if it was an evil kind of alien which wanted to take over the world! Nobody would like to evacuate planet earth...
NO WAY!!!!!!
agentlord · 6 years ago
Never seen one but I don't want to become a egg in the cake on Royal Ufoline
shreddeddo · 6 years ago
i havn't
draco · 6 years ago
i saw this wierd human plastic figure that looked like something from minecraft
con-con · 6 years ago
I voted no but a lot of people haven’t actually seen a ? UFO ? but they still believe in aliens ?
sootysweep · 6 years ago
i would love to see a ufo but i haven't. But i do think they exist!
ti-10 · 6 years ago
I have never seen a UFO before. One night (or should I say near morning because it was nearly midnight), me and my cousins were in my loft. One of them said there was a drone up in the sky and I looked up. There were loads of stars blinking, but there was a weird shadow up in the sky. ''Is there an actual drone in the sky'' I said.
''No! Of course there isn't I was just joking'' he said. I voted no but I still don't know what that shadow was of. Ever since, I became afraid of the dark.
Pipseycat · 6 years ago
How do you know its unidentified?
sammyseal7 · 6 years ago
I think I have but I'm not sure
papa435 · 6 years ago
i didn't rely see one but once i saw light coming from a strange object in the sky
papa435 · 6 years ago
I think some animals are actually cameras like flies up close
picklebum · 6 years ago
nickoo2000 · 6 years ago
Both ways are scary, if there are aliens we would be scared and if there weren’t we would be alone in this giant universe.
geckogamer · 6 years ago
yes I saw an alian in my bag
geckogamer · 6 years ago
llamatoast · 6 years ago
Of course not.
hector7 · 5 years ago
I have never found one but if we do we shouldn’t because they might not find us any more precious than we see bacteria ?.
wireskid · 5 years ago
If you said yes then are you serious?
wireskid · 5 years ago
189 who voted yes are you crazy?!
panda89 · 4 years ago
i think there are aliens out there but i’ve never seen a UFO