Do you think swimming should be a bigger part of the curriculum?


26th July 2017

Almost a third of 11-year-olds in England will leave primary school unable to swim, according to a survey for Swim England.

A survey of 1,000 parents of Year 6 pupils were quizzed about their children’s swimming ability and whether or not they could save themselves in water.

Steve Parry, a former Olympic swimmer, thinks an urgent overhaul of school swimming is needed. He said: “Water safety is the only part of the national curriculum that will save children’s lives. It can’t be treated as an optional extra.”

Do you think swimming should be a bigger part of the curriculum?


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eliali · 7 years ago



schwab1 · 7 years ago


wren · 7 years ago

I absolutely love to swim, it gives you such a sense of freedom and joy and achievement.

banjoblaze · 7 years ago

This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but no. I think swimming is something too special to become just another lesson at school. It could also cause embarrassment for children who aren't very good at it. Maybe schools could recommend good swimming lessons and pools and teach children about water safety instead.

shpee · 7 years ago

Not really. Just how to survive if you fall in water and stuff like how you should float on water until cold water shock goes away.

lishy · 7 years ago

i agree wren, as well swimming is a lifesaving sport whereas things like hockey and netball aren't.

P.S: 4th comment

happy4456 · 7 years ago

yes, definitely, why not?!
At my school, swimming is not very big subject(we actually have to pay £40 per child!). I adore swimming, and although it may be an embarrassment for some, they should get involved more - evidently, they will improve their swimming and will also be a great role model for people who aren't as capable!

uniliv05 · 7 years ago

Yes. Swimming is such an important thing to learn, you never know when you will need to use the skill.

rebecca.xo · 7 years ago

Swimming is good just in case of an emergency

grace27 · 7 years ago

It should definitely be a part of the curriculum. For example, you could be at the poolside or by a river and you could fall in and if you don't know how to swim it can be life threating, whereas if you know how to swim you can swim to the edge of the pool instead of waiting for someone to come and rescue you because it may already be to late.

rainbow07 · 7 years ago

Swimming is a life-saving skill, I think that it is essential that children are taught it otherwise their lives will be at serious risk.

i_care · 7 years ago

As a national swimmer, I believe that it is very important for swimming to be a bigger part of the curriculum as I, in a year group of 60, am the only one who is able to swim all four strokes( I am in year six) something has to be done!

sinister50 · 7 years ago

Maths and English are helpful in life but compared to swimming, which could save your life, there is a massive gap!

dorito · 7 years ago

deffo yes!

mazzy136 · 7 years ago

I think swimming should definitely be encouraged more at school as it boosts fitness and teaches you lifesaving skills.

joohyun56 · 7 years ago

I chose yes because swimming is extremely crucial in life because whenever you fall of a boat you can swim to safety but if you don't know how to swim there is a chance for you for drowning.

arian · 7 years ago

Yes times 1 million ??????????☘️?✨??⛲️❤️??????⚜️???♥️?️‍???????

horsefan · 7 years ago

It's the only lesson that will save lives and should be treated as an important part of education; more important than any subject.

radishes10 · 7 years ago

Definitely, because even though many people forget this, swimming CAN save your life one day!

mastermiss · 7 years ago

It's good to have Swimming lessons as part of the curriculum because
1. You know how to deal in a situation where you are in water and you have to swim if you want to get back to land (at a beach) or the edge of a swimming pool
2. It's fun

sunglasses · 7 years ago

Swimming is an important life skill. Everyone should have the chance to be able to swim. I can't swim myself as when I was younger I was allergic to the chlorine in the water so I wasn't allowed to. At my old school we did swimming during the summer term in year 5 and this was the only time we ever did swimming. I definitely agree with Steve Parry's quote; 'Water safety is the only part of the national curriculum that will save lives. It can't be treated as an optional extra.'

riverdance · 7 years ago

Okay people. You probably won't have noticed this unless you ain't English. This says ENGLAND. Y'know there's this hole thing about Scotland going independent and sometimes it seems like we all ready are independent. They always forget Scotland. NOT even mentioning Wales and Ireland they get left out EVEN more than Scotland. So next time you watch the news see how much they mention the rest of Britain.
I don't know why I'm anwering this because it won't even affect me. But yes there should be more swimming BUT were I come from we have out of school swimming lessons and I fineshed them years ago and I still had to do school swimming and I think if you finish them you shouldn't have to do the lessons because we often have to do them in the morning and that's horrible having wet hair ALL day. And why you can't dry it at the pool? 1. You have to pay for the machine. 2. there's only one 3. It hardly works. And another reason It's horrible is there's only three showers everyone would hog them and I'd need to wash my hair but you only get like 5 mins to wash your hair and you'd have to share with someone. and I have 7 year olds I my class and I'm 12. Why? Compisite classes and government cuts from leaving the EU. And as if that wasn't bad enough my teacher didn't have any helpers or assistants so I had to bacicly tech some of the class, and she'd be so stressed out all the time she'd always be shouting.

catonclan · 7 years ago

Swimming is a must in the first steps of childhood and I do not thing they are taking thing seriously enough.

catonclan · 7 years ago


akurapaty · 7 years ago

yes because if swimming is treated as an optional subject for then thousands of lives will be at risk

ggg · 7 years ago



artymartin · 7 years ago

I think swimming should be a bigger part of the surriculum.

VAHC · 7 years ago

it should definetly be taught. but not as massive part of the curriculum.

horsefan · 7 years ago

The only reason you don't want to swim is because it's an embarrassment; but look at the facts - you will regret being in a life threatening situation just because you are embarrassed to stop yourself drown

Sashgirl06 · 7 years ago

I'm going to be honest here, I hate swimming lessons. Especially school ones. But swimming is a very important thing to learn. More important than algebra, or Romeo and Juliet, because they won't save your life. But swimming will. Although I hate swimming lessons, its just one of those vital things that isn't super fun but it's important you learn it.

Sashgirl06 · 7 years ago

I agree with riverdance. I do think swimming is an important life skill, but schools need to be more efficient with teaching it. In big groups of kids, there's usually only two groups - there's no in-the-middle group for if you're okay but you need to improve. And it's changed now, but we used to go to a pool where there wasn't enough cubicles, so people had to stand getting changed in front of everyone else - and if you felt self-conscious about that, tough luck. Parents are paying for this....

bunneh · 7 years ago

It might be embarrassing for those who aren't confident with it, but that can always be improved. The ability to swim is something that can save your life and someone else's too.

horsefan · 7 years ago

Swimming is the only lesson that could save your life; English and maths are important but can't save your life, and so should be treated as a very important thing.

horsefan · 7 years ago

If you are not taught swimming, you legs are at serious risk so swimming should become a bigger part of curriculum

horsefan · 7 years ago

Soz I did not mean to put in legs

horsefan · 7 years ago

If you are not taught swimming, your lives are at serious risk so swimming should be a bigger part of the curriculm

tolu · 7 years ago

EXCERSISE is what i am thinking of

tolu · 7 years ago

I agree horsefan

april2008 · 7 years ago

I think Steve parry is right because if you are in a swimming pool and you didn't know how to swim you'll drown so I give credit to Steve parry:)

evadore · 7 years ago

Yes. Not only is swimming a fun sport to do, it is exercise, and it could be a very useful skill if you are drowning, for example.

bigdream · 7 years ago

it is good if you swim because then you get into galas and big events and may win them (I have been in a few galas and we won)
you also get exercise because some people may not like running so swimming would be a better thing for them. If they r in the sea on holiday, they could swim with their cousins and siblings.

ajmyles · 7 years ago

Yes because some of us want to be professional swimmers

unique · 7 years ago

because swimming is good fun

oceangirl · 7 years ago


wallygirls · 7 years ago

It is sooooooo important to swim for you need to learn how to survive just encase you fall into a pond or the beach. It would be so scary to drown. Most schools are starting to do swimming like my school where we go to a private school across the road to go swimming. It is also a nice break from all school work.

3v0charl · 7 years ago


prongsii · 7 years ago

Ok. I would say that swimming should be a major part of the curriculm, but i do not think thatt it should be during school time. People have their swimming lessons at school when they are higher up in their Primary schools, so when they are in about Year 6. In Year 6, the whole class has to do their SATs tests. In Year 5, a few revise for their 11+ entrance exams (Not all people do that-just some with parents who find it a MASSIVE part in a childs live, like my parents). For those doing the 11+, they actually dont find school a great help to them as they find it does not really support them with the required work. I find it upsetting how you still, during the SATs and the 11+, have to go through repeating Physical Education lessons when it does not help at all. Adding on to it, by having EXTRA SWIMMING lessons, will just stress the student.
For Example, I was, without even trying to brag or anything, in the Top Group in my school swimming classes, and i had reached the expected Standard within a month of my lessons, yet i still had to attend all of the lessons and was not allowed, when my own mother wrote a letter, to revise for my exams (this is for the 11+). The teacher stated that it was all covered in our lessons in class, though to be honest that cant be true as at school she taught us very simple things, which are for example:
That is just for maths.In the 11+, the Mathematical Brain needs to be much more progressed, and it actually could be quite difficult to compare it with a GCSE paper and find many major differences.
Thank you for reading this and i hope that you have a great time when you go back to school in September!
Prongsii xx

FNKS · 7 years ago

I definitely think swimming should be a bigger part of the curriculum because it is a life saving skill!
Even if people can't swim at first and they may feel embarrassed, that feeling should motivate them to do better. Also once they have mastered a stroke or skill in swimming they will feel the joy and happiness of achievement! This also means that there will be less injury due to the sea because people will be able to swim and,therefore, save themselves!

banjoblaze · 7 years ago

Prongsii, that's terrible! I hope you passed your 11+ in the end.

bruh12345 · 7 years ago

I think more schools should have swimming lessons so children can have more experiences

Magic10 · 7 years ago

I think swimming would take up too much school time. I mean, school can't do everything for you! Not every single school has the budget to afford a swimming pool, so they need to travel to other places on a coach, which takes up time and money. If you want to learn swimming, ask your parent or guardian. I personally don't think people are seeing the realistic version of things.

dotmatilda · 7 years ago

I definitely think that swimming should be a bigger part of the curriculum. The thing is, in my school, they have just stopped doing it at all.

gavriella · 7 years ago

Swimming, as well as being a form of enjoyment ,should also be a serious thing.
Many people do not realise the danger of swimming. All sorts of accidents could happen to you. I think that swimming should be higher in the curriculum. It would save many lives

Popcornkid · 7 years ago

Used to swim completed all levels grandad used to be Olympic swimming coach

Benjyb1 · 7 years ago


orangebob9 · 7 years ago

I don't think so because you can learn to swim outside of school if you want to and some people might be afraid.Also one person might not like swimming and it's just the same as every other sport.Some schools don't teach Rugby for example and some schools don't teach swimming.There's not much of a difference.

fox64 · 7 years ago

swimming is vital and what about all those sad drowning stories. i saw a video about someone who can't move their legs so there.

fox64 · 7 years ago

p.s. the person who couldn't move their legs could swim with their arms.

10d · 7 years ago

Yes. My school go swimming every Friday and I think a lot of schools should do that. I'm not saying it has to be Friday though

emperor · 7 years ago

I know loads of people put yes, but I am a strong no voter. At primary school I was laughed at because we had swimming lessons and I was aquaphobic. Swimming should, I think, be a big part of the Physical Curriculum IF students wish to take part in it. I think it should be water safety lessons, not physical swimming, because many kids hate it. I totally agree with banjoblaze

dolphindm · 7 years ago

Yes ,you never know when you come into contact with water

xmeowcatx · 7 years ago

If you fall in water and you can`t swim, how are you meant to save yourself! My opinion is YES!!

LeoCOOL · 7 years ago

yes! I think swimming is really important ??

emerald123 · 7 years ago

Swimming is an important skill. If someone suddenly fall in a deep river they could drown!!!

epicboy@11 · 7 years ago

Yes, as think about it??? swimming can be a vital part of survival, especially in a flash flood

ZENCE40 · 7 years ago

At my school we learn to swim every week from year 1, which is very helpful. But, unfortunately, it is quite rare to do so much swimming, and I think that everyone should be able to swim well by the age of 10.

Shreybu · 7 years ago

Yes. I think it should. Swimming is important and it is a life skill. In my primary school, we used to only swim in year 4. Then there would be a gala for 5's and 6's. However, not all people learnt to swim in a year. I think that swimming should be a bigger part of the curriculum.

cooledie · 7 years ago

Water is a main part of our world and so are we, so we should be part of water.

zeushades8 · 7 years ago

# Yes

zeushades8 · 7 years ago

Do U thinC that pe0ple who Zaid no did n0t like swimming

icelolly06 · 7 years ago

I don't think it should because for really strong swimmers it would be to easy for them. Not very strong swimmers should have swimming lessons.

shadow39 · 7 years ago

Yes of course who doesn't like or hates swimming soz to the people who really don't like it ??

elephant10 · 7 years ago

Yes swimming is a life skill

redindian9 · 7 years ago

i started swimming lessons a couple of months ago and my mum says im a LOT better at swimming :D

i voted YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!

jelibean · 7 years ago

its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun!

vvvv · 7 years ago

Yes, though I don't enjoy it.

miadabest · 7 years ago

at my school we swim once a week all year round so almost everyone can swim

pony · 7 years ago

I think yes because swimming could be life saving.

kinsparke9 · 7 years ago

Yes but you should have longer to get changed. When I was in yr 4 we had 2 minutes to get changed. I timed it.

unidist · 6 years ago

i dont like swimming

dcfan · 6 years ago

People can really struggle with swimming,they might feel embarrassed.

nostrils · 6 years ago

Definitely! I go to a swimming club and we never do it at school. I would love to swim with my classmates, it would be much better that normal p.e lessons.

nostrils · 6 years ago

They should do swimming galas at secondary school too because we did them at primary but now we never do them.

jedigeorge · 6 years ago


katkid10 · 4 years ago

I LOVE swimming and I could swim at the age of 5. I am now training to be a rookie life guard.