Do you think we should get rid of wrapping paper?


12th April 2019

GETTING rid of wrapping paper would be great for the environment, says one children’s science writer.

Isabel Thomas believes that if we started giving our gifts unwrapped, we’d all be much more eco-friendly. She’s also suggested swapping balloons for handmade decorations sourced from nature (such as painting pine cones at Christmas) and using socks as party bags!

The author explains: “Lots of wrapping paper isn’t actually recyclable. We think of paper as really easy to recycle, but if we take it and scrunch it up into a ball and it won’t stay scrunched up, then it’s not recyclable.”

Thomas made the comments at the FT Oxford Literary Festival, where she was talking about her new book, This Book is Not Rubbish. The book looks at how our daily activities affect the environment and suggests 50 ways to ditch plastic and reduce rubbish.

Do you think we should get rid of wrapping paper?


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xx_tan_xx · 6 years ago

I do not think we should get rid of wrapping because you associate wrapping paper with gifts so if we take this away it would make people think that you are giving them something and they have to give something back and also people may think you got give a gift and don't want it so they are giving it to you instead of throwing it away. I think people should buy eco-friendly wrapping paper and recycle it but not stop using it.

frogo45 · 6 years ago

I think we should get rid of it and provide an eco friendly alternate!

hc-524219 · 6 years ago

Yes. We should because that way, we would be helping the environment. Too much wrapping that cannot be recycled would cause a lot of damage to marine life. We should try our best to help our earth.

First to comment!

docgirl · 6 years ago

We should ban wrapping paper since it goes into the bin then goes into landfill

hawkeye1 · 6 years ago

Yes Because it would help the environment because of people not using so much unnecessary paper coming from trees!

rivalgamer · 6 years ago

No, I don’t think that we should, because having gifts wrapped up makes receiving gifts more fun and more of a surprise, and if we can find a material that is friendly to the environment, I don’t think that it is necessary to stop using it, as as long as it’s made of an appropriate material, it won’t affect the environment.

skatergurl · 6 years ago

I think we should get rid of it and just draw on brown paper ?

newsfreak1 · 6 years ago

We could use newspaper instead!!!

abhirrhaas · 6 years ago

I think we should get rid of the wrapping paper with plastic or any other non-recyclable material as its's no great for the environment. We should start coming up with ideas for recyclable wrapping paper as we at least something to wrap up our gifts.

emeve · 6 years ago

Wrapping paper can be recycled and even if some isn't ban the ones that can't be recycled. I think you shouldn't ban wrapping paper altogether because some can be recycled and If you woke up on Christmas/ your birthday it wouldn't be the same if you could see all your presents all at once.

emeve · 6 years ago

Also in the article it said about using socks instead of party bags.Just use a paper one ?‍♀️. Also who would want a smelly sock? ?

super5tar · 6 years ago

Yes, if wrapping paper affects the environment ,we should find a good alternative or not wrap gifts at all.Also, wrapping paper is usually torn we presents are opened so they can't be re-used. Although wrapping gifts show that you took time to prepare the gift, people are happy with just the gift and wrapping paper is thrown away.

super5tar · 6 years ago

Yes, if wrapping paper affects the environment ,we should find a good alternative or not wrap gifts at all.Also, wrapping paper is usually torn we presents are opened so they can't be re-used. Although wrapping gifts show that you took time to prepare the gift, people are happy with just the gift .

super5tar · 6 years ago

Yes, if wrapping paper affects the environment ,we should find a good alternative or not wrap gifts at all.Also, wrapping paper is usually torn we presents are opened so they can't be re-used. Although wrapping gifts show that you took time to prepare the gift, people are happy with just the gift .

super5tar · 6 years ago

Yes, if wrapping paper affects the environment ,we should find a good alternative or not wrap gifts at all.Also, wrapping paper is usually torn we presents are opened so they can't be re-used. Although wrapping gifts show that you took time to prepare the gift, people are happy with just the gift .

super5tar · 6 years ago

Yes, if wrapping paper affects the environment ,we should find a good alternative or not wrap gifts at all.Also, wrapping paper is usually torn we presents are opened so they can't be re-used.

_m3esha_ · 6 years ago

Sure, present wrapping may be able to keep a gift a nice surprise to a person, but to the environment, it’s no surprise, we know that it will hurt our earth, why do we even need it? We can live without gift wrapping, (Although I do love unwrapping it, well, tearing it) it’s not something essential! If wrapping paper isn’t recyclable it will hurt our earth and eventually, that will hurt us!

spacegirlg · 6 years ago

Yes, because wrapping paper is used to much of the time. My family usually use fabric instead of wrapping paper which can be used again or made into a skirt or some other clothes.

piestar124 · 6 years ago

im nor really bothered about wrapping paper, im only bothered about whats inside and rapping paper just isn't neccasery

piestar124 · 6 years ago


super5tar · 6 years ago

Why did my comments post so many times?

moseskwok · 6 years ago

don't get rid of it! Make it recyclable if you can.

shadow14 · 6 years ago

I don’t think that we should get rid of it completely but we should be able to get some kind of bio-degradable paper so it can’t harm the wildlife.

chahou · 6 years ago

First to comment!

chahou · 6 years ago

I think that we should obviously get rid of wrapping paper. People are putting too much on and buying non-reclyclable paper. Plus, it is expensive and wastes the earths rescources. Finally, with wrapping paper is especially hard to distinguish between the reclycable and non-reclycable stuff so it all ends up in landfill.

munchie26 · 6 years ago

# first to comment

munchie26 · 6 years ago

I think it is a good idea that wrapping paper should be banned is because you put the
Wrapping paper on the presents and then you hide them but if you didn’t use wrapping
Paper and you still hid it then they still wouldn’t find it so I think wrapping paper should go.

rubikspark · 6 years ago

First to comment!

rubikspark · 6 years ago

I think we should get rid of wrapping paper because if we don't, we will face a whole lot of trouble in terms of climate change and waste problems environmentally

luciemay · 6 years ago

I think we shouldn't get rid of wrapping paper as it makes a gift more exciting. It will decompose eventually, if we don't plactacise it. Our earth should be more aware of what wrapping paper we use as glitter wrapping paper and plastic wrapping paper will end up in the oceans and future generations will be left to clean it up.

josh_h · 6 years ago

I think that we should get rid of wrapping paper because it isn't really needed for wrapping presents. I think that it's better for the environment if people would make their own wrapping paper or if in the shops they sold a less harmful wrapping paper.

jeffdaboss · 6 years ago

first to comment

jeffdaboss · 6 years ago


supersteal · 6 years ago

If wrapping paper affects the environment we should get rid of it and use an alternative that is good for the environment

mermaid14 · 6 years ago

We need to start changing the way we treat our world, and we should listen to any ideas to help us.There are lots of replacements for wrapping paper.Like bags, which are reusable.If people really want to continue using wrapping paper then we should try to make more eco-friendly options available.Balloons (which are also not very eco-friendly) are never essential and it is possible to cut both of these things out completely.

herbology · 6 years ago

Yes, because lots of wrapping paper is used every year, and it's only ever to cover up a present. Instead of wrapping paper, you could use newspaper because that looks just as good.

lh08 · 6 years ago

Saving the world one present at a time!

drummercmd · 6 years ago

I personally think that we shouldn't get rid of wrapping paper but I think that it should become more recyclable-FIRST TO COMMENT!

ruby_roo · 6 years ago

First to comment! :)

ruby_roo · 6 years ago

No because wrapping paper is something we don't use as much as other products. Why not get rid of something a bit more common (used more often)? That will do the environment good, more than getting rid of wrapping paper which (as Isabel said) is only not recyclable when scrunched up, whereas other items, such as plastic is hardly recyclable at all. Why not focus on something that is a major issue and come up with replacements or bans for them other than unnecessary things like wrapping paper. I have only just heard about the issue Isabel Thomas has pointed out, however I have heard about the plastic issue for a while and barely anything has been done. Get that part sorted first before wrapping paper etc.

icestarz · 6 years ago

I think that we should get rid of wrapping paper or use brown paper and string to be more environmentally friendly.

ruby_roo · 6 years ago

No because wrapping paper is not a big issue. However, something like plastic which is a major issue should be sorted out before going onto minor problems. As we all know, wrapping paper is what we wrap presents in and presents are nice as a surprise and when gifts aren't wrapped, they aren't surprises nor as exciting as when they are.

ruby_roo · 6 years ago

Yes because being eco friendly is very important. Some people may disagree, however, but instead of wrapping paper, we could use bags or small presents which we could place in an envelope with the card.

erinwb · 6 years ago

I think that the shiny and glittery wrapping paper that can't be recycled should be got rid of- I think that fully recyclable wrapping paper should be kept though.

melon_cow7 · 6 years ago

Use tissue paper?

crazylama8 · 6 years ago

I do not think we should completely get rid of wrapping paper but we should get rid of the plastic, non recyclable types but can keep the paper ones.

wriggles · 6 years ago

I don’t think we should ban as wrapping paper adds it to the excitement and surprise of opening a gift. Instead I think that we should use recyclable wrapping paper and/or eco paper. Such as paper made from vegetables or plants.

ch28 · 6 years ago

No, I don’t think that we should stop using wrapping paper because it is a tradition to wrap something for someone on their special day

flopsy08 · 6 years ago

I think we should ban it because we are damaging our environment and instead we can just use materials that are able to be recycled instead.

cellogirl · 6 years ago

I think we should get rid of wrapping paper because it is bad for the environment. As there is a problem with paper waste, it would help to get rid of it.

cellogirl · 6 years ago

Also, wrapping gifts provides an element of surprise, but it only lasts for a minute.

singsongla · 6 years ago

skategurl has a point. i never use wrapping paper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

catonclan · 6 years ago

rubikspark , 26-524219, munchie26, jeffdaboss, drummercmd, ruby_roo and chahou you are not first to comment on my screen xx_tan_xx is but you a have equally good points

tintin13 · 6 years ago

I think its a great idea to get rid of wrapping paper because its bad for the environment.Its easy to find other solutions like me and my mum made cloth bags with cords from bits of old cloth as present bags!

minky10 · 6 years ago

I think yes, because you don't really need wrapping paper

Sneaky · 6 years ago

I don’t think we should get rid of wrapping paper because then it would destroy the whole point of gifts. However it would be good if we could get the eco-friendly alternative to wrapping paper.

aces10 · 6 years ago

I think we shouldn't get rid of rapping paper because it is an exciting feature of gifts and it conceals the surprise within. Instead, we should just buy eco-friendly wrapping paper to help the environment

puzzpom · 6 years ago

I think we can keep wrapping paper as long as it's eco-friendly and recyclable as it makes special occasions fun and colourful.

puzzpom · 6 years ago

I think we should keep wrapping paper as long as it's Eco-friendly and recyclable as it makes special occasions fun and colourful.

hptigers · 6 years ago

I think that you can use an eco-friendly alternative but still wrap presents.

robino · 6 years ago

There are plenty of alternatives to wrapping paper (e.g. Brown paper or newspaper e.t.c) so it makes logical sense to ban it.

robino · 6 years ago

The excitement of opening a gift is not taken away by using newspaper or brown paper instead of normal wrapping paper.

wolflife · 6 years ago

No. It ruins the fun of presents

unicorn103 · 6 years ago

Get rid of it. It is useless. Why do we need it?

hegde007 · 6 years ago

I think we should stop using wrapping paper and try using an eco-friendly alternative such as newspaper to pack presents

mia-18 · 6 years ago

Im an environmental activist but I said no because we do like it to wrap presents but we should only have it if they could make a special type that would be good for the wnvironment

mia-18 · 6 years ago

I also thinking wrapping paper is bad because it is waste it is used once then thrown away.

yussy2006 · 6 years ago

When I was in an outside market, the wind was really hard and all the plastic and rubbish was being blown and because of that many animals die, if we get rid of stuff bit by bit, it would at least help the environment, many adults are not listening to our voice for climate change so if they listen to us for this, then that would be great. When you give gifts you don't always wrap it, just put it in a party bag and give it, what's more important, saving innocent animals from dying, or pleasing someone occasionally by giving them wrapped up presents in wrapping paper that goes to the bin when opened?

zebra10 · 6 years ago

We could use newspaper??????

finbob207 · 6 years ago

It's a waste of paper. You could use an old newspaper to wrap up a present instead.

finbob207 · 6 years ago

Dang it I realised that the person before me had the same idea as me. :(

yam0608 · 6 years ago

depends if it is recyclable or not

purple1 · 6 years ago

No because it is something to look forward to on your special day and it would be a shame to get rid of it.

meadwaym · 6 years ago

Rivalgamer I totally agree I mean wouldn't it be great to have the 'best of both worlds'?

noooodles · 6 years ago

I don't think we should get rid of wrapping paper all together we should just buy eco friendly paper

lucky810 · 6 years ago

we could use newspapper for wrapping

drduck · 6 years ago

No, But maybe we could make a eco wrapping paper! Made out of paper!

booboop · 6 years ago

I think we should abolish wrapping paper as it is plastic which is very bad for the environment, also it is getting in our ocean and hunting and killing our sea life. However, wrapping paper is always used for gifts and some people appreciate the paper to surprise them on their birthday and christmas. We could just use gift bags and when our presents are opened we reuse them.

rubikspark · 6 years ago

I say yes because we don't REALLY need wrapping paper for gifts; We can just give presents to each other without it, right?

rubikspark · 6 years ago

I say yes because we don't REALLY need wrapping paper for gifts - we can just give presents to each other without it, right?
(Edited version)

rubikspark · 6 years ago

we should stand up for the environment by getting rid of wrapping paper!!!

asbml · 6 years ago

Our environment is much more important than wrapping paper.
Who would choose to please someone a smidge more with wrapping paper than save the planet/earth/environment?????!!!!!

angelshine · 6 years ago

Yes because at your birthday you open all your presents then just have a massive bag of torn up wrapping paper left.

naturewalk · 6 years ago

I think we should get rid of wrapping paper because we could just make amends and invent an eco-friendly wrapping paper. It would make a big improvement to the amount of plastic that we are throwing away.

naturewalk · 6 years ago

I think we should get rid of wrapping paper because we could just make amends and invent an eco-friendly wrapping paper. It would make a big improvement to the amount of plastic that we are throwing away and will help the planet more.

fenry · 6 years ago

I do think we should ditch wrapping paper seen as there is other alternatives like newspapers, brown paper, tissue paper, REUSABLE plastic bags, maps and a lot more economical substitutes!?

purple1 · 6 years ago

No because i love the feeling when you un wrap yr present!!!!!!

lottielove · 5 years ago

I think no because then if we get rid of it then at Christmas or your Birthday then your friends, family and maybe Santa will bring you presents and instead of having the joy of unwrapping them you just look at what you got. Also, if it was at your birthday party and your friends and family gave you presents that weren't wrapped then you won't be excited to unwrap them and see what's inside because you will already know. Although it would be VERY eco friendly I think that is one thing we SHOULDN'T get rid of.

lottielove · 5 years ago

Fenry, do you think that unwrapping something in tissue if fun? No, unwrapping something in wrapping paper is fun though.

trudie · 5 years ago

Get rid! We can hide it behind our backs at Christmas and say SUPRISE!

trudie · 5 years ago

How about tin foil?

superpug27 · 5 years ago

GET RID OF WRAPPING PAPER?! Of course NOT! At Christmas our family uses wrapping paper to put in our fire to keep up warm. Also, if we didn’t have wrapping paper, I would probably look at the presents before Christmas ?. Seriously though, wrapping paper is not good for the environment but it’s pretty essential and most wrapping paper is recyclable. I think we should make as many as we can recyclable.

owlgebra · 4 years ago

Use recycled paper wrapping or wax wrapping instead of plastic wrapping paper

zizzizoo · 4 years ago

Maybe we could use recycled?