Is smacking ever okay?
24th October 2017
24th October 2017
A PLAN to ban smacking in Scotland has led to calls for it to be banned everywhere in Britain.
In every part of the UK, smacking a child is still legal, as long as it is justified or reasonable. However, that will soon change in Scotland, as the Scottish Government has confirmed that they will make sure the ban becomes law.
The United Nations has said for years that smacking children is wrong, and the UK is one of the few places in Europe where it is still allowed.
Bruce Adamson, the children’s commissioner for Scotland, said that the ban is “the right thing to do, but it is something we should have done many years ago”.
The ban will give Scottish children the same protection from assault as adults, but it means that children in other parts of the UK won’t have the same rights. Anne Longfield, the children’s commissioner for England, said that the English law on smacking was “outdated” and that smacking should be banned everywhere in the UK.
shpee · 7 years ago
Wait, so if an adult smacks another adult they get jail time, but if they slap their children it's okay???
coolguy · 7 years ago
You know they are talking about the lightest smack ever not just HARD ✌? It’s bad if it’s hard
catawesome · 7 years ago
If you smack a child ITS CHILD ABUSE!!!!! There are no expectations
anjana · 7 years ago
I am in the middle as I think it is kind of right for an adult to slap their children. Where I come from, adults use it as a techinique to disipline their children. I know you might think,"what?" but if the children don't listen to their parents however much they shout, then they just do what they think is right, which is to slap. This has led to good disipline in the future and many people still stick to using that technique. However, we should also consider that slapping can also go into a dangerous level as it can cause some rather nasty incidents. we as children should be disiplined but in a safe way , so that we actually learn from our mistakes.
woof04 · 7 years ago
It is OK but not if you smack too hard, that's abusive.
roarso101 · 7 years ago
Not ok
magic123 · 7 years ago
It's so not okay to be smacking children it's child abuse
pennyroyal · 7 years ago
Not acceptable at all
oceangirl · 7 years ago
It is okay if it is just a gentle tap
chekeymonk · 7 years ago
Its okay to smack a child, but only if there's a true, justified reason behind it.
Magic10 · 7 years ago
I agree with you. It's not fair that children can get smacked. Isn't that child abuse?
Magic10 · 7 years ago
I didn't even know it was legal! That's totally not OK.
skyler · 7 years ago
You shouldn’t smack because it hurts people and you should get in trouble if you do.
Sashgirl06 · 7 years ago
There's definitely better ways to teach your kids lessons than smacking them - if a child smacked another child because they were annoyed with them, they would get into trouble, so how is it fair that adults can smack children?
ashelley · 7 years ago
its ok if it doesn't hurt a child but if it does that's abuse.
cooledie · 7 years ago
It is NEVER EVER EVER okay to smack a child. Every kid who is smacked has a massive right to call childline straight away. Even if your kid is being really,really naughty , it is not okay to smack them, because it makes them feel reeally upset and bad, but it's the adult who should be feeling guilty for smacking thheir kid. IT'S CHILD ABUSE!!!!!!!!!
rubyrub · 7 years ago
Smacking is something that people do to express their anger. It is wrong but if they keep that feeling inside, it will just build up (unknowingly) inside of them. One thing could make them burst and do something much, much worse.
arthikank · 7 years ago
Smacking is bad it might cause injures but if its so light its alright because that person might not feel the pain
grace27 · 7 years ago
Smacking a child can actually hurt them if it is hard, but it can change the way that they act if they have been naughty. I am for banning smacking a child, although that they are receiving discipline there must be other ways to show them that what they have done is not right.
turquoise4 · 7 years ago
If a child does something wrong then his or her parents should talk and explain to the child what he/she has done wrong and tell them ways of avoiding it . Smacking them will only make them feel worse and continue doing it ,I am not saying that the parents should be careless of the child's wrongdoing but they should make an attempt to prevent the child from doing it, this involves having a reasonable talk with them.
fox64 · 7 years ago
Sorry I've disappeared for a bit, everyone ok?
fox64 · 7 years ago
I once saw a person in Ireland do something similar to her daughter, because the girl was having a bit of a tantrum about a bow she wanted, but I don't know if it was hard or soft. A light tap is okay, but an actual SLAP is different.
fox64 · 7 years ago
(p.s. any new commenters)?
poojha · 7 years ago
No, it's just child abuse...
Teddyowner · 7 years ago
It is perfectly fine to slap your child but only very gently not so hard that it really hurts them alot? but if they don't slap you everyone is OK?
mowtheboss · 7 years ago
NO, it counts if they smack a child 2.
bingaling · 7 years ago
No it is not OK because it can hurt the child. If another adult did it to another adult then they would get in trouble. If another child did it to another child then they would get in trouble so WHY is it FAIR for adults to smack kids?
bingaling · 7 years ago
Surely there is another way to discipline a child? Not just by physical harming. You could have a chat with the child and tell them what went wrong or what not to do again.
neenar · 7 years ago
It's not okay ? ? because it's bad to do that.
artymartin · 7 years ago
I just think it’s mean
artymartin · 7 years ago
I just think it is mean but sometimes we might do it by accident because if we swing round really fast and we don’t notice them.Still I think it should be band
lilialolli · 7 years ago
I think smacking is not ok unless you're doing in a playful way. Adults should not smack children because it's cruel and can harm.
tigrrlover · 7 years ago
I think that smacking should be allowed because, as long as it is not abusing the child, and only goes up to a certain age, one smack will discipline a child against a certain action. As a child, I did not care if I was sent a day without TV or put on the naughty step- but if I was smacked I never did it again. It is quick and over within 10 minutes, not a prolonged matter which makes the child feel resentful.
owly · 7 years ago
Slapping is practically hitting. It makes you feel like your parents don't like you either if they smack you.
hookswool · 7 years ago
Smacking children is a act of bullying and it mite encourage children to smack other children
emperor · 7 years ago
It depends on what the child has done and how hard the slap is, so I think sometimes it is okay
tiger6 · 7 years ago
No it's never ok. Children have to learn from their mistakes first and it doesn't matter what they do, they don't deserve to get hurt.
rocker26 · 7 years ago
A prod is fine, a tap is fine, a SLAP is not.
georgina15 · 7 years ago
I think adults have a right to discipline their children if they are being disobedient. However, on the other hand two adults can not hit each other as that isn't right. Children smacking children isn't ok, but sometimes it can come across as thought they are play fighting, if you saw to adults smacking each other then people would just think they were very immature. Rules are different for children and adults.
mine188 · 7 years ago
Yes it is sometimes because if a child is naughty they have to face consequences and if they dont understand, when they grow up and go into the big world, they will be incredibly shocked and not expecting it. So as long as it dosent really hurt, its fine by me.
xyzman · 7 years ago
XYZMAN says Nono because smacking bad bad baddy bad.p.s. XYZMAN = mesmerisingglow.
Joshua910 · 7 years ago
smacking should only be for serious things!!
anna123 · 7 years ago
I think that smacking is a horrible thing, I don’t think it does anything to children apart from hurt them, they don’t learn from it, they only become scared of the person who smacked them.
jamesy22 · 7 years ago
Yes. Some will not agree but I do. This might be an outrage for some but if your late 10 miniuts per day you are late 1 hour per week. In a year that's over a whole 2 days! How do you stop it. Smack them. Not hard but a small sharp smack.
10d · 7 years ago
I don't think it's ok.
kitten6262 · 7 years ago
It is not ok to smack people . There is never a right to smack people they have there ways and you have yours
kitten · 7 years ago
I agree with Sashgirl06. That is a really good message. If children smack other children,they get into trouble but if parents do it,it's OK?? How is that fair?!
P.S. I was just browsing through comments! xxxx
islabear · 7 years ago
its child abuse although i do agree with you angana. i think it should stop because IT REALY URTS . IT is funny though to watch my brother get hit.on the other side it makes kids show respect.i also am freeking out about what shpee siad. ts unfiar.wiat can i vote for both.have u voted for whitch toy should stay or else your ffiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeda. qoute from the cat in the hat.
vvvv · 7 years ago
By arresting parents who slap the child loses her parent. That is more abusive! The kids who are smacked love their parents.CHILDS CHOICE
islabear · 7 years ago
I agree vvv
pooemojie · 7 years ago
I think they should do something else to tell their children off BUT THEY SHOULDN'T GET JAIL TIME FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!
zeushades8 · 7 years ago
e.rin_xo · 7 years ago
No due to the fact if a parent smacked their child because they were annoyed with them, the child could get annoyed with another child and smack them so in a way smacking is encouraged but parents don't realise it.
gavriella · 7 years ago
Smacking is never ok , it is harmful and not approved of.
izzy_xxxxx · 7 years ago
The laws are put on place to help children. Obviously, if a child feels they're being abused, that is not right and it is much better for the child to be taken away from this abusive parent before things get worse. But is it helping the child if a parent gives them one small slap and gets put in prison?
PinaEgg123 · 7 years ago
PinaEgg123 · 7 years ago
How could it be legal, justified or reasonable to hurt a child! Violence is NEVER the answer! If the adult is angry at the child for whatever reason, they should act responsibly, like a sensible grown-up, and sit down with the child to talk with them about it. But they should NOT lash out, smack, strike or hit a innocent child!
EXACTLY, shpee, I agree totally! Children are innocent and know less about the world than adults. That's why it's the parents' job to raise them and teach them how to behave. The parents have a huge influence on how the children act when they are older, so ABUSE will not teach them anything, in fact it will just make them angrier and/or more upset, and therefore more likely to misbehave again!
PinaEgg123 · 7 years ago
Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their environment and especially on their children than the unlived life of the parent.
PinaEgg123 · 7 years ago
When you become a parent remember: Don't allow anything in your lifethat you don't want reproduced by your children.
PinaEgg123 · 7 years ago
"Parents are the ultimate role models for the children. Every word, movement and action [Smacking!!] has an effect. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on the child than the parent."
- Bob Keeshan
wiseowl49 · 7 years ago
Smacking a child is never OK - even if the child has misbehaved. I say THERE IS NEVER AN EXCUSE FOR VIOLENCE except of course in self defense. Why resort to violence when there are so many other punishments that will teach children their lessons just as well?
appleman · 7 years ago
smacking a child is ok unless it harms the child i lightly disagree
appleman · 7 years ago
children should learn the hard way it is the adults choice. :(
appleman · 7 years ago
adults that smack= poo
welovenews · 7 years ago
pony · 7 years ago
It is a form of punishment and consequence.
winnieflo · 7 years ago
I think that smacking isn’t ok because your teaching children that if they get cross with someone that they can smack them which could lead to severe consequences. Also adults hurt children by doing this. I think that they should just have a stern telling off.
kgrewal · 7 years ago
If children are not behaving properly, it's the parents right to do whatever they can
icecream2 · 7 years ago
Um of course it should be banned!###
april2008 · 7 years ago
smacking is sooooooooooooooooo not okay!
I know you learn your lesson from it but it could really hurt your childs feelings and break trust you have between you and ur child.I'm not trying to be bossy and all I'm just sayin'
emojiluv05 · 7 years ago
It's child abuse we children can get seriously hurt it's child abuse ????????
melon_cow7 · 7 years ago
... well DUH
vvvv · 7 years ago
Most people have never been smacked themselves
RoseBun · 7 years ago
It is sometimes okay because you could be smacking in tag and that isn't that hard so it is SOMETIMES ok.
bugster@sm · 7 years ago
Weird question?
girlywirly · 7 years ago
You shouldnt smack anyone!!! It hurts ? and goes red...?
ZENCE40 · 7 years ago
reader9000 · 7 years ago
I agree with shpee ( top comment)
reader9000 · 7 years ago
hi fox64 I am new
mayah · 7 years ago
NO!!! what does that even teach children??? shpee u r right
ironman09 · 7 years ago
smacking people full stop is a no no let alone children.
rinlen432 · 7 years ago
I wouldn't DARE hit my parents but my parents smack me because I have been naughty or my parent's mood is down. I don't think its OK for parents to hit their kids because they could get the habit and they could hit their own kids when they are older.
piggy12345 · 7 years ago
Only if it’s friendly
izzyddogg · 7 years ago
No! It's physical child abuse. I cannot believe it's legal!
bubblyball · 7 years ago
I don't get it.
amberspell · 7 years ago
NEVER EVER EVER!!! That's AWFUL. Put #BANSMACKING if you agree with me. #BANSMACKING
sealover13 · 7 years ago
Where my mum is from (Thailand) smacking is okay and a lot of families do it. But I think it’s wrong to smack because it’s hurting them.
bubble33 · 7 years ago
How come smacking children is even allowed??????? it is wrong in EVERY way! ?
holholster · 7 years ago
Smacking is never OK. Someone could get hurt, and an adult doing it to a child is basically classed as child abuse.
sophia6 · 7 years ago
People should NEVER smack it is CRULE.☹️?
sophia6 · 7 years ago
#ban smacking
ti-10 · 6 years ago
I think smacking (overall) is totally unfair! When children get smacked, they cry and cry and cry, which makes me feel sorry for them. Sometimes when parents are SUPER ANGRY at their child-this is all they can think of- smack the child, smack the child, smack the child. IT IS SO UNFAIR!!!
acegirl20 · 6 years ago
Parents should never ever smack a child especially young children because they are more delicate and it will really harm them. I strongly think that parents should use other ways like sending a child to their room or if they are like really young and under 8 then probably the naughty step or something like that.
mavericke · 6 years ago
It’s really unfair that children should get slapped and it hurts them.
ari_anitor · 6 years ago
To all you people who are saying “oh it’s ok if it’s just a tap” a tap isn’t smacking a kid, also you should never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never
never never never never never never never never never hit someone