Should kids’ clothes be gender neutral?


7th September 2017

JOHN Lewis has become the first major clothing store to make all of its children’s clothing ranges gender neutral. From now on, they’ll just be labelled as being for ‘girls and boys’ or ‘boys and girls’.

Now, any clothes for ages 0-14 will be unisex, so any girls and boys can have flowers, dinosaurs, butterflies or spaceships on their clothes.

The idea was welcomed by many people, as shops are often criticised for forcing girls and boys to wear certain types of clothes, instead of letting them wear whatever they want.

“We do not want to reinforce gender stereotypes within our John Lewis collections and instead want to provide greater choice and variety to our customers, so that the parent or child can choose what they would like to wear,” a John Lewis spokesperson said.

However, not everyone is happy. Some complained that the move is just ‘political correctness’ and that John Lewis is keeping a small number of people happy, but ignoring the large numbers of people who don’t want these changes in their clothes shops.

A lot of adults have had their say, but you’re the ones who might be wearing these clothes, so what do you think? Is it a good change, or do you prefer clothes shops how they are right now? Or are you just not bothered, and think it’s adults making a huge fuss over nothing? Take part in our Poll Of The Week and let us know what you think!

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Should kids’ clothes be gender neutral?


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Magic10 · 7 years ago

First Comment! Yes, I think they should, it's not fair that people can't wear what they want to wear!

shpee · 7 years ago

I don't know. With some I understand but if it's like a pink unicorn then most boys won't want it. And, if they did, they wouldn't care if it said 'girls' on it. But for maybe flowers them I guess it makes sense.

schwab1 · 7 years ago

1.i think this is a bit inappropriate!

banjoblaze · 7 years ago

Definitely. I'm female but I'd wear a Doctor Who t-shirt over something pink and sparkly any day. This is a step towards something brilliant, not just political correctness like some things are.

banjoblaze · 7 years ago

Schwab1, why do you find this inappropriate? It's not.

oliverj · 7 years ago

We should always be aware of our genders


happy4456 · 7 years ago

yeah, why not? At my old school we had a non-school uniform day. this girl wore a 'boys' top (which she picked up from the 'boys' section). She walked into class and she saw a boy wearing the same top as her. She didn't seem to mind but the boy turned red and asked her if she had any spare clothes. He said it in a rather loud voice so everyone turned to listen. He turned even redder and the girls looked at him in disgust. By the way, they were girlfriend and boyfriend too!!!(true story - i was there)
This portrays that boys seem to care what other boys think of them, and i can tell you - this happens to girls too!!!

i_care · 7 years ago

I don't think they should because, although this is a good thing for some- and there should be some gender neuterals, there are girls who want to wear pink glittery tops with unicorns and boys who want to wear robot and spaceship tops. But there are boys and girls who want to wear the others. Not ALL should be neutral but some should.

raygt1 · 7 years ago

Yes because its our choice of what we want to were

oceangirl · 7 years ago

Totally I agree with Magic10

emperor · 7 years ago

The adults say 'the large percent of people who don,t want the changes' and 'small number of people who do'. However this poll shows the opposite. I think clothes should be gender neutral because I hate stereotypes. They really annoy me.

radishes10 · 7 years ago

yes, I think it's a great idea! it's a step further in fighting against sexism, and who says that boys can't like pink clothes, or things with flowers or butterflies on. who says girls have to like pink and can't like dinosaurs and spaceships? why should we be judged by our gender?!!!?

Sashgirl06 · 7 years ago

Yes, definitely! Clothes, toys and lots of other stuff are always aimed at a specific gender, but it's always the same thing with the girls stuff being pink and the boys stuff being blue, but maybe not all girls love pink, and maybe not all boys love blue. Both genders should have the right to wear what they want!!

ewok5 · 7 years ago

I think it is unfair that girls wear clothes that boys don't, and vice versa. I remember when recently, my brother couldn't go to gap to buy clothes because the men's section closed down there but there was still a women's section. Now we have to buy his clothes online. If all clothes were gender neutral, then there would just be an adults' section and there would be less occurrences similar to my brother's.

LeoCOOL · 7 years ago

Why shouldn't they be?

claudine · 7 years ago

Maybe for younger children, but when you grow up (11+) your size will be different.

Samaal · 7 years ago

I don't know, if it's something like flowers than yh but if it's a pink sparkly unicorns than boys wouldn't be interested

hptigers · 7 years ago


angelcrown · 7 years ago

Yes, girls and boys should have the right to where what they want

velcipanda · 7 years ago

I think that it is good for children to wear whatever they want, I'm a boy and i also like unicorns (who doesn't?!) so if I want to wear something with unicorns on it I think its great that I can!

stefano · 7 years ago


VAHC · 7 years ago

It is the kids choice when it comes to what they wear. If a boy wants to wear pink dress, let him. If a girl wants to wear a batman top, let her. besides, its just clothing!

bilalzen · 7 years ago

I think clothes should be gender neutral, as anyone could want a change to their clothes.

Magic10 · 7 years ago

Thanks, oceangirl

bruh12345 · 7 years ago

Definitely. You should be able to wear to whatever you like

woof04 · 7 years ago

I'm not exactly sure. I voted 'yes' because at first I thought they were just talking about school uniform, but now I see that it's all clothes in general. Some girls like boys' clothing (some of my clothes are boys clothes), but others like pink T-shirts with unicorns on them or leggings with pretty patterns on them, which most boys don't like. But on the other hand, it's good to treat both genders in the same way.

woof04 · 7 years ago

Hang on, I get it. So they're selling the same clothes any other clothes shops would have (sparkly pink dresses and stuff for girls, Star Wars T-shirts and things like that for boys), just putting them all in the same section - that makes sense. I'm glad I voted 'yes' now.

sportgirl · 7 years ago

i think that they shouldnt be diffrent because i am a girl and i like to were boys cloaths. and all the girls cloaths are normaly pink or purple and i dont like those colours

stefano · 7 years ago


gaggy116 · 7 years ago

you are mostly all acting like this will stop from girls wearing pink glittery stuff and boys from wearing astronaut stuff but it won't! people will just have more choice. i don't see what you could have against it, cos people will be able to wear exactly the same things as before, if they want

gaggy116 · 7 years ago

i meant like it would stop girls from being able to wear pink stuff, not that it will stop them from wanting to

banjoblaze · 7 years ago

schwab1: there's nothing inappropriate about transgender people.

sunglasses · 7 years ago

I know a lot of people won't agree with me, but I like having separate clothing for boys and girls. I think that if you asked younger children who get their clothes from John Lewis they would say that they want to have separate clothing for boys and girls. Anyway, why would any girl want to wear boy's shorts?!

sunglasses · 7 years ago

Sorry if anyone thinks the last sentence in my last comment is rude.

hotdogboss · 7 years ago

I agree to someone earlier (sorry I forgot your name) i hate stereotypes.

flameemily · 7 years ago

By gender neutral they just mean that the clothes will say boys and girls on them. It doesn't mean any of the clothes are being changed. I think it is a really good idea because it doesn't affect people unless they are unsure about their gender. The gender neutral clothing means they feel more comfortable wearing what they want.

flameemily · 7 years ago

Sunglasses, I am a girl and I wear some boys clothing. Frequently because it is more comfortable.

flameemily · 7 years ago


flameemily · 7 years ago


popchip4 · 7 years ago

no just no

popchip4 · 7 years ago


flameemily · 7 years ago

Don't say something and then say sorry. It is pointless. I really can not see how anyone could have anything against this.

Shreybu · 7 years ago

Yes! Of course! You shouldn't have to wear pink just because you are a girl or wear blue just because you are a boy. It really isn't fair and no child should be upset because they can't choose what colour or pattern they want to wear. John Lewis is completely correct. I think that all companies should follow that example and be gender neutral.

cooledie · 7 years ago

Kids clothes should DEFINITELY be gender neutral because I hate seeing people separating boys and girls just because of their gender.

pinkfoxy · 7 years ago

It's ok for boys and girls to be different but people shouldn't be afraid to walk down the wrong isle and buy something

scomplin · 7 years ago

Yes as sex discrimination is terrible

porkypie56 · 7 years ago

gaggy116 how would it stop them???

chatt001 · 7 years ago

How can you tell what gender they are???????????

.-hunterx · 7 years ago

i think YES!! because there ppl out there who always want to where something cool and then it says FOR BOYS ONLY....rlly!!!????

lollypop · 7 years ago

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! definitely because when I walk into a clothes shop I see the girls section and the boys and the girls is all sparkly and pink and rainbows and the boys is star wars , army and blue gray!
I think kids should wear whatever they want ! like me I'm a girl and I wear jeans and hoodies and pink and sparkly! A MIX! My sister loves superheros and loves wearing dark clothes but she still loves pink stuff!? And my brother loves cute things and superheros ! I am pretty pround of my family for this!

smiley122 · 7 years ago

I said they should be gender neutral because it's not forcing you to wear clothes with dinosaurs or butterflies on... It's just giving you the CHOICE!!

Everest13 · 7 years ago

If a boy wants to wear a dress (and vice versa), they can. They don't need to wait for the shop to say "boys and girls" or "girls and boys".

zeushades8 · 7 years ago


nonster · 7 years ago


I like wearing boy stuff...I don't care ?‍♀️ if it is a girl or boy clothing.

I vote .......(drumroll)..........YES!

ki3ran · 7 years ago

People have rights and should be allowed.
This may also mean though that people are made fun of, but if you want to do something, do it and be who you want to be, not what others make you.

(I don't mind my opinion being posted in your magazine first news.)

amo · 7 years ago

YES,YES,YES,YES,YES,YES,YES,YES,YES,YES,YES,YES,YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think they should.

ashelley · 7 years ago

Some girls prefer boys clothes but they don't do that style in the girls section.
The same is said for the boys clothes.

izzy_xxxxx · 7 years ago

Girls and boys are DIFFERENT. I would not be happy to wear the same clothes as a boy and I am proud to be girl

izzy_xxxxx · 7 years ago

Bit I think u should take off the labels

izzy_xxxxx · 7 years ago

BTW I have nothing against LGBT

anna123 · 7 years ago

Yeah they should

fifa · 7 years ago

Everyone should be allowed to wear what they want to wear

pooemojie · 7 years ago

My friends at school wear boy shorts. I wear boy clothes. Why should we not be able to wear boy clothes we have a right to wear what we want!!!

e.rin_xo · 7 years ago

yes because not all girls want to wear some pink t-shirt saying 'love' and not all boys want to wear some green shirt saying 'adventure'. I am also voting yes because some people are trans-gender so if they think themselves as a girl they won't necessarily want to wear something bright pink with love hearts on it or if they think themselves as a boy they might not want to wear some blue top with a truck on it. in addition people should be allowed to wear what they want.

popchip4 · 7 years ago

its sort of weird in a way

izzy_xxxxx · 7 years ago

Just get rid of the tags and give everyone the opportunity to wear whatever they like

anjakf · 7 years ago

No if a boy wants to wear girls clothes they can and vice versa.

flameemily · 7 years ago

Everyone should be allowed to wear what they want and by making the clothes gender neutral it gives people the choice.

lilpenguin · 7 years ago

I think that girls and boys should be able to choose what to wear individually.

bubble33 · 6 years ago

YES! why shouldn't boys be allowed to wear "GIRLS clothes" and girls be allowed to wear "BOYS clothes"???

holholster · 6 years ago

Children's clothes should be gender neutral in my opinion. This is because boys may like flowers, whilst girls could like dinosaurs. At the moment, if a boy wished for a flowery item of clothing, they would probably have to wear it in pink, whereas they should be sold in colours that boys like as well.

amandanewm · 6 years ago

Yes, definitely! Clothes, toys and lots of other stuff are always aimed at a specific gender, but it's always the same thing with the girls stuff being pink and the boys stuff being blue, but maybe not all girls love pink, and maybe not all boys love blue. Both genders should have the right to wear what they want!!

xdcoconut · 6 years ago

yes def cos umm... what was it? Oh ye let anyone wear wat they want to wear

nostrils · 6 years ago

I think that they should be because we have the freedom to wear whatever we want. Although I do occasionally buy clothes from the boys section because most of the girls clothes are so stereotypical ?

flossingg · 6 years ago

Yes, of course!

katkid10 · 4 years ago

All clothes should be gender-neutral because people will definitely prefer other genders' clothing to their own. Like woman like to wear trousers and Scottish men wear kilts, which are skirts.