Should junkfood ads be banned before 9pm?
18th June 2018
18th June 2018
A POLL has shown that more than three-quarters of people want the Government to ban junkfood ads before 9pm.
The survey by ComRes for the Daily Mirror showed that 76% of people supported the ban. Some experts and health campaigners think that restricting the junk food ads you see will help to tackle the UK’s obesity crisis.
“Profits shouldn’t come before our kids’ health and our kids shouldn’t be targeted relentlessly with unhealthy products, especially when we know its crippling effect on our NHS,” TV chef and campaigner Jamie Oliver told the Mirror.
Junk food ads are banned during children’s shows, but not family shows, like X Factor or BGT.
But what do you think? Will a ban on ads affect the food you eat? Take part in our poll and share your comments!
amo · 7 years ago
Yes but i think that junk food ads should be banned all together
explorer12 · 7 years ago
Yes, because without the ban more and more children would be persuaded to eat junk food, which is bad for their health.
tomboycat · 7 years ago
Junk food is bad for you! If we keep seeing junk food adverts, we'll all be so fat by the end of the year, that we will all be rolling around like footballs!!!???
shpee · 7 years ago
Sure, it wouldn't effect me anyway. I generally don't watch TV, and even then I only really watch BBC channels. So I don't usually see ads unless I'm browsing the Internet, and even then I usually don't see fast food ads anyway.
icestarz · 7 years ago
I think that junk food ads should be banned before 9pm because it will help with child obesity and there might be less children overweight.
aim123 · 7 years ago
I think junk food ads should be banned before 9am as it encorages children to eat it and then their teeth rot.
hc-524219 · 7 years ago
It is my opinion that junk food ads should be banned because most children are awake until 9pm and also, if they are exposed too often to junk food ads, they will become more tempted which would be difficult for children to beat (not much option for parents).
ace2010 · 7 years ago
It should definately be banned because everyone is getting fatter
uni_savage · 7 years ago
I strongly believe that junk food ads should be able to be shown before 9pm because not many people are going to be watching TV after 9. In addition some TV channels close before that time which leads to the junk food company's to not make enough money!
titmouse · 7 years ago
What difference would it make? They'll be on TV for the rest of the day.
xcurlysuex · 7 years ago
I think yes because junk food adverts make you hungry. I see adverts for McDonald's on the tv when I'm watching Nickelodeon so I don't think it's banned during children's shows. I hear adverts for kfc on the radio when I'm in the car and that makes me hungry too. I think they should be banned all the time on tv because me and my little brothers watch tv until after 9 most days. I think it's fine on the radio because I don't feel that many children listen to the radio.
cloudysky · 7 years ago
I think they should be banned anyway because it is just encouraging people to eat unhealthily
bobfm · 7 years ago
Yes, junk food is bad if you have to much and is always described as crispy or tender witch encourages you to eat it. More adverts should be put up for healthy foods.
licorne · 7 years ago
Britain is the second most obese country in the world and I think by setting this law it would decrease the amount for children greatly.
ninjanoah · 7 years ago
No because if junk food ads were banned junk food won't be advertised which means that people who work at junk food places won't have customers so they won't get payed and will have to live on the streets and be poor
georgie8 · 7 years ago
I think children will be persuaded to eat junk food by the ads
Everyone knows that is bad for children's health.
Infact it's bad for everyone
georgie8 · 7 years ago
I think children will be persuaded to eat junk food by the ads
Everyone knows that is bad for children's health.
Infact it's bad for everyone ????????
natalija · 7 years ago
Yes junkfood ads should be banned as it encourages people to eat it and that is why there is a problem with obesity. If it was not for the ads, people would not think about it and would not eat that much junkfood.
cleverclog · 7 years ago
amo · 1 day ago
Yes but i think that junk food ads should be banned all together
I totally agree with amo
legend2258 · 7 years ago
Yes because it is stupid how you see junk food ads 8/10 times when you watch TV
bookcrazy1 · 7 years ago
Yes because it convinces kids that eating until you're obese, have no teeth and have several health problems is a GOOD THING when it obviously isn't.
Y'know, thinking about it, maybe junk food ads should be banned altogether...
xdcoconut · 7 years ago
depends what kind of food so i have not voted guys
bookcrazy1 · 7 years ago
I also agree with @amo
skate · 7 years ago
yes because it gets people into bad habits of eating to much junk and afterwards they expect more!
julio · 7 years ago
Yes they should be banned because whenever you see a food add it makes you hungry
And you go and get some food so if you see junk food before nine you end up getting sugary snacks and the sugar will just satay in your teeth for ages?
kimpearce · 7 years ago
Yes I think junk food ads should be banned after 9 p.m. because some kids can see things that aren’t truthful or appropriate about junk food for example an ad could say that junk food keeps you fit and healthy whereas the truth is it doesn’t. ??????
xbunnymadx · 7 years ago
I don’t think that they should be banned because the companies need to make a profit. They could just say not to eat them all the time as they are unhealthy.
joohyun56 · 7 years ago
I believe that junk food should be banned before 9pm due to 10% of children who are only in their first year of school has obesity. Junk food ads are just persuading children to eat more unhealthy food and it can effect their health dramatically. However, just so they won't have cravings for them, children should have junk food once a week.
unicornmag · 7 years ago
I think that it should be banned before 9pm but i think people are over reacting about this. It isnt the junk food stores - its the parents that let their children eat these foods and acess them so easily.
boyhornet · 7 years ago
Well this is tough; the guys making the ads are going to go broke as their adverts are barely going to be viewed, on the other hand it wil reduce obesity by quite a lot, so probably yes :~)
fresh · 7 years ago
Yes because most children go to sleep before 9pm
yoyeah27 · 7 years ago
i voted because if you are obese you get badly ill
pipings · 7 years ago
I HATE JUNK FOOD ITS YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Junk food ads should be banned forever and never be seen
buddyboi · 7 years ago
ABSOLUTELY!! Although I don't watch TV that often (apart from the sports news and BGT - which is on once a year) junk food ads are encouraging kids (and adults!) to buy junk food. They want to ban junk food ads on JUST kids shows but I think this ban should be applied to ALL channels as adults are getting overweight as well. Obesity is a huge problem in the UK and something has to be done to stop it!
buddyboi · 7 years ago
I agree with all as well :)
buddyboi · 7 years ago
elsatrot · 7 years ago
I think people should not eat too much junk food a day because it makes you fat and it's bad for you. When you have the adverts people think it's alright to shove sugary food in their mouth all day but if it's banned before 9pm children won't see the adverts.
bela · 7 years ago
They should be banned all together. People advertise unhealthy food BOO TO BAD FOOD ??
summer18 · 7 years ago
Yes because the add will just make you hungry and you’ll want to have something sweet ?
ciarza123 · 7 years ago
No, because if your watching tv at 9pm then you could see the add and start eating junk food just before you go to bed.
rosyrhada · 6 years ago
No. Wants in a while is fine but probaly they should show less then 5 a day.
izzywiz · 6 years ago
Well obviously it should be banned, showing unhealthy food ads is really bad for our health. It basically saying by junk food should be eaten
firstspin · 6 years ago
Yes! I think that junk food should be banned altogether!
oceangirl · 6 years ago
Yes. Of course
xcrystalx · 6 years ago
Junk food adds just make you hungry and eat food that maybe has high sugar in it
roseydog · 6 years ago
I have never seen a junk food ad before, but I think it should banned.
sprinkle10 · 6 years ago
Junk food should be banned as it could really have an impact on the way children behave and their health.
Sunubo1 · 6 years ago
I think it is not an especially bad idea, however a lot of children aged 9+ stay up past 9 p.m, watching the television, anyway so it would be ineffective considering most children who eat junk food continuously are 9 years or older...
donutlove · 6 years ago
this may seem a good idea to some but I think different households have the right to make their own decisions about this kind of thing.
edinburgh · 6 years ago
No because if you forget McDonald’s have breakfast ? and you wanted to have it as a treat what are you going to do?
123kittens · 6 years ago
Most definitely, I think that this type of food is becoming really out of hand at the moment and the last thing that will help is seeing yummy treats on TV.
apple92 · 6 years ago
I think no because it’s up to their parents to teach them how to be healthy.
123kittens · 6 years ago
...Sorry, didn't mean to post that twice.
fly · 6 years ago
Why do people eat it in the first place???
synchro101 · 6 years ago
Yes!! Junk food is highly addictive and not good for you so if you watch an advert it makes you hungry for unhealthy food instead healthy adverts should be made to help you enjoy a healthier life.
kitten26 · 6 years ago
Is before 9am any different to lets say 6pm? This idea is out of this world!!!??
radha1 · 6 years ago
Its very easy to get sucked it with advertising of junk foods - this is making the younger generation spoilt(even though its the fault of these big junk food brands)/obese & completely sending out the wrong message.
ZENCE40 · 6 years ago
ros89 · 6 years ago
I think they should because then people will want to have lots of junk food and will not be very healthy
agentlord · 6 years ago
I think they should be banned before 9:00am because we don't eat junk food for breakfast
killknight · 6 years ago
I think yes, because if people see the ads they'll think it looks nice then eat loads, get diabetes and won't be healthy.
bellebeast · 6 years ago
They are really annoying and make you want to eat junk food whilst watching something
marla_cat · 6 years ago
No, because there are better ways to get the uk more healthier than putting junk food workers out of business. Even though junk food is really bad for you, I think there could be other things to do to help britain become less obese. Maybe junk food ads could be made differently, to make people not get hungry watching them. Also its going to be on after that anyway, and tons of kids stay up late watching tv anyway. Junk food is really bad, but I think there are much better ways of helping obesity. Maybe less junk food ads?
sootysweep · 6 years ago
I think we should. Because if we put junk food ads on the telly when children are watching then we are encouraging children to eat junk food. Though it would be better to ban the ads all together.
ti-10 · 6 years ago
Yes! Because it is not healthy to eat too many sweets. Eating too many sweets can cause:
. Cavities.
.Tooth aches.
.And so much more...
But did you know that chocolate decreases a third of heart disease? But still, don't eat too much of chocolate. I'm just explaining both sides.
pieface225 · 6 years ago
yes because some kids drink a can of coke for breakfast
unidist · 6 years ago
Yes! It makes you want to eat more.
ys001 · 6 years ago
Definitely! They should have thought about this before!
llamatoast · 6 years ago
No I like junk food!
jedigeorge · 6 years ago
no, junk food is great and is not junk anyway. It should be called great food. Take that as a lesson peeps
jedigeorge · 6 years ago
What about getting rid of adverts but not junk food