Would you be happy to have SafeToNet on your phone?
23rd March 2018
23rd March 2018
A NEW app has been developed that could help keep you safe online.
We told you about SafeToNet last week, but we went to the launch this week to find out more.
You’ve probably heard your parents worrying about what you can and can’t see online. You might have your own worries about things like online bullying or older people pretending to be kids and contacting you online.
The difficulty for parents trying to control your use of devices is that it usually involves time limits or even a total ban.
The creators of SafeToNet say that their app “does NOT spy, pry or snoop”, but helps to protect you from harmful content or bullying messages that someone might send you, and can stop you sending things that you regret later or are even illegal.
Parents can’t see your sent or received messages, but the software filters out things that could be harmful, and will give you a warning if it thinks you’re in danger. It’s a way for your parents to look out for your safety without feeling they need to look over your shoulder at everything you’re doing.
It’s out now for Android, with an iOS version coming soon.
superspy11 · 7 years ago
I am the first to vote and comment!!!!!!!
superspy11 · 7 years ago
I think yes because the amount of incidents online is outrageous!!! I am glad people are finally producing something that could be useful and helpful.
pheebz10 · 7 years ago
I am not sure because it is good because it means that it protects you from harmful messages and photos but it reads all of your personal information so the people who made the app know where you live and stuff because they will have to know that so they can tell you if you are putting you personal information in public.
sunglasses · 7 years ago
This is a silly idea. If parents try this on teenagers, particularly girls, they will make their parents delete it ASAP. I would not be happy with it because I can handle my own problems perfectly well. If someone sends something nasty to me, I just block them and sort it out in REAL LIFE. That is what most people are forgetting these days. REAL LIFE.
sunglasses · 7 years ago
I don't actually get it...
izzy28 · 7 years ago
yes as long as it doesn't take up battery, power or space
dreamgoal · 7 years ago
I’m not too sure if it's good or bad because with this I can be safe but I don't need my parents to keep me safe. I can keep myself safe
jaboyth · 7 years ago
It's a good idea, but it needs further review.
blackdog · 7 years ago
i dont I think there is no problem about being online exept if you try to meet people.we are doing something a bit like this at school we have to write a balance argument I did 2 pages on my first piece
poojha · 7 years ago
I think it's a good idea because it helps you stay safe and have fun on the internet.
bobsjam · 7 years ago
I think it could be ok but it depends on what’s on it
donutlove · 7 years ago
No because I am FINE on the Internet as it is and an app does not need to interfere with my online life. Plus, that kind of thing usually takes up lots of storage.
theminion · 7 years ago
I think this is a great idea because it means you can be free on your device as well as being protected. This is a really well thought out idea!
gabbydog · 7 years ago
yes it would keep you safe
rosyrhada · 7 years ago
How am I suppose to trust them if they have no evedance?
absdancerx · 7 years ago
I would be happy to have SafeToNet on my phone because it can protect me from potentially dangerous messages and viruses. However, I do not like the fact that they say they don't look at your messages because if they are filtering all the harmful things out of chat conversations they are obviously looking at what you are sending.
rufuspug · 7 years ago
great i will need that since on the news it said online bulling is a bigger problem right now and someone said online i hope nicola surgen gets killed .i mean why do people do this is it just to upset kids ? please people don't do this ( i am not blaming you). also this app might be like norton. i don't know why people do online bulling .
rufuspug · 7 years ago
also i get why people are saying no . there is really no evidence if it is lying or not . is this a copy of norton or not we don't know but we will find out soon.
pawsomecat · 7 years ago
If it meant getting the restrictions off my gadgets then I definitely would
shpee · 7 years ago
It will probably be heavy on Internet usage and considering I don't really use social media or get any messages except from my friends so it wouldn't really help me that much. It doesn't seem to take up that much space though (only 17.60 MB according to the google play page) so I'm not sure.
fantastict · 7 years ago
Yes! If it's safe for kids, it's worth it!
Esiotrot2 · 7 years ago
I think it is a good idea, but also a bad one because its good to keep kids safe, but it could be quite creepy and annoying because you would have no privacy and it would know your details.
potter123 · 7 years ago
I think this is a great idea as you can do what ever you want on the internet and it will be safe.This is also good so you don't get your parents looking over at you all the time and your phone won't get taken of you . I think you should automatically get it on your phone as soon as you buy it
wrong · 7 years ago
I think some people are too overprotective of their children
Everest13 · 7 years ago
No, even if they aren't using the data, it would be an easy way for a hacker to access your device, being an app that sees all your messages and internet usage.
fox64 · 7 years ago
Er, is it just on my screen or is the circle vote thingy basically not there?
samuel08 · 7 years ago
I dont even have a phone but if i did i would have safetonet
rocker26 · 7 years ago
Yes. It would protect you from all of the dangerous photographs and comments online. Personally, it would make me and my parents feel a lot safer when I use the internet as you never know what might come up on your phone.
licorne · 7 years ago
I understand where people are coming from in the sense that it is in our personal bubble but we have to learn that our parents want us to have the best future that nothing will change how you think or look at things so by letting them not control us but guide us in the right direction we will see the in a better light and not be traumatised on what we see on social media as to finish thi is why I think we should be surveilled/watched not like a hawk but like a innocent but aware child thank you and I beg you to propose.
piewham · 7 years ago
I would feel a lot more secure if I had the app on my phone, and I would also not have to worry about my safety.
hobbes123 · 7 years ago
fresh · 7 years ago
Because it would help is be more happier
bobfm · 7 years ago
I think yes and why be worried about it I have a child lock on my computer and it is not stopping me watch YouTube videos!
bonjour · 7 years ago
So definitely coz my mum is soooooo scared about what might happen too me online. If developed in time, this app could be a life saver!?
doctor2010 · 7 years ago
YES because people won't be able to bully you
emperor · 7 years ago
As long as its totally confidential and safe from other people reading then yes
cookies44 · 7 years ago
Keeping safe online is a good thing because you should enjoy it at the same time as keeping safe having a secure app on your phone will ensure of everyone's safety.
Patana Library · 7 years ago
if it means I get to go on the internet whenever i want...
holholster · 7 years ago
I would love having this app on my phone, because I would be confident that I was safe every time I used the Internet.
melon_cow7 · 6 years ago
No because I am not being told what apps to get