Should there be a ban on playing games like Fortnite for more than two hours a day?


25th May 2018

It’s the latest craze among kids, college students and even celebrities: Fortnite.

In the UK and across the world, schools are banning it and bosses are complaining that their workers are distracted by the survival game, too. Fortnite was even mentioned by ministers in a meeting at 10 Downing Street last week.

Parents have been arguing with kids about how much time they are spending on the game. Now, they could get a helping hand from the Government, which is said to be thinking about banning teenagers from being on social media and gaming for more than two hours a day.

Quite how the Government could carry out the ban is not clear, but it could involve social networks and games companies being forced to use technology to build in time limits.

“It’s one of the hardest times to be a parent,” said the Government’s Culture Secretary Matt Hancock, whose eldest daughter is 11.

“This new technology has come and made changes to childhood that we couldn’t have dreamed of when we were growing up.” He went on to say there was a balance between making sure the internet was used for good, while also making it a safe place for children.

Andy Burrows, safety chief at children’s charity the NSPCC, said new rules and laws were urgently needed to keep children safe online.

Let us know what you think – are worries over Fortnite a fuss about nothing, or is the craze a problem? Make sure you take part in our poll.


Should there be a ban on playing games like Fortnite for more than two hours a day?


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gxlden · 6 years ago

NO! Fortnite is the best thing that has happened to this generation! We all love it! We should neveer ban it! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE THAT PEOPLE ARE EVEN THINKING ABOUT BANNING FORTNITE!!!!!!!

buddyboi · 6 years ago

Yes because after the school day finishes, most boys shut themselves in their room and stay there for the rest of the day and don't come off it until bedtime.

shpee · 6 years ago

No, there shouldn't be a restriction. Even though Fortnite is a stupid and terrible game that will hopefully fade into obscurity soon, there shouldn't be a restriction on playtime, and that goes for any game. There should only be a restriction if the developers decide to put one in. They shouldn't be forced to. It would likely just be time wasted on unnescary code, especially considering that if they didn't add a server side clock, it would be easily bypassed by simply changing the time on your computer or phone.

ninjagoh · 6 years ago

I really do think that there should be a ban! In my class, all people are talking about is fortnite; it makes me sad. I don't play it myself, and feel it should be a 1 hour only ban!

boomboom8 · 6 years ago

Yes because I don't have it and My freinds keep on telling me to get it and it is getting really annoying!

rideboy · 6 years ago

Nintendo already has parent controls, so just do something like it for all consoles.

ohmycool · 6 years ago

I don't think you should play games like Fortnite for more than two hours a day because it is addictive and people will be spending too much time on it to be doing their homework. However I would like to see how the Government would enforce this.

xcurlysuex · 6 years ago

I think yes because it really isn't good to spend ages on a screen. I don't really like spending too long on a screen because it makes you feel ill if you spend more than an hour on it, So a 2 hour ban isn't ideal, but it's a start! I would personally set the ban at 1 hour or less.

draco · 6 years ago

yes 'cause after two hours they could go bleaugh

waterlucky · 6 years ago

I vote no, because it's up to parents how long a child spends on electronics. Also it wouldn't be fair on YouTube children who do gaming live streams as the game would kick them out after 2 hours and they might not have saved. :)

synchro101 · 6 years ago

Fortnite should not be banned it is a good game that kids enjoy and, plus after a tiring day at school kids should be able to relax.

synchro101 · 6 years ago

Fortnite should not be banned it is a good game that kids enjoy and, plus after a tiring day at school kids should be able to relax.

sgadders · 6 years ago

100% yes. Everyone at my school talks about it and i just don't get it! What is it all about?

dancemunch · 6 years ago

I think that there should be a ban because so many kids are going crazy over an animated screen! There definitely needs to be som sort of limit.

koalalover · 6 years ago

I think yes because too many people are getting addicted to video games including Fortnite which means they're not being as sociable and getting less exercise.

spywolf124 · 6 years ago

Fortnite is an amazing video game and loads of Fortnite you-tubers and streamers wont be able to make awesome videos for children to watch. This is why I think Fortnite should not be only usable for two hours

pand3rp1ay · 6 years ago

I think Fortnite is an amazing video game and loads of Fortnite you-tubers and streamers won't be able to make videos for children to watch in their spare time. This why I think Fortnite should not be accessible for only two hours.

uglypigeon · 6 years ago

Yes because, 2 HOURS is still quite a lot of time and more than 2 hours is a waste of time you could use to study and exercise.

natalija · 6 years ago

Of course. It is absurd the amount of time children spend playing computer games. You can play for 30 minutes but the rest of the time should be spent on sports, schoolwork and other activities.

lovetrains · 6 years ago

I think that although some people do spend too much time on social media and for those people their parents should keep track it, but isn't up to the people who make the software of games: It really isn't there fault or their games fault but I DO think that parents might want to keep an eye on their children's social media time depending on how they can be trusted based on past experience and how their children are changing. And adults should make the right choices themselves or if they play on it for too long face the consequence of probably being fired. P.s I don't play this game I just saw it and I knew what had to be said about time restrictions.

toband06 · 6 years ago

People are just addicted to Fortnite and other games, and if you spend too much time on a game, you never talk to your friends or family much other than over text. All people talk about these days is Fortnite and that is getting quite annoying if you want a different conversation.

igaming · 6 years ago

NO! Parents should be the ones who decide how long their child plays games for!

bruh12345 · 6 years ago

Fortnite is some of our lives so it shouldn’t be banned beacause its a good game but we have to manage our time.

firefox24 · 6 years ago

No, I really enjoy it and on a rainy day then there is not much to do.

darjap · 6 years ago

Yes there should be a ban on playing games for more than 2 hours since they can get addicted; if one plays more than 2 hours they won't focus on learning and homework or even have time to spend with family.

fbc123 · 6 years ago

Time limits should not be integrated on gaming consoles since young youtubers will need to have more time on their gaming

missgalaxy · 6 years ago

Yes! It is not healthy for people to play games all day. Its just silly. 2 hours is plenty enough and if kids cant manage that then they are spending too much time on it

lexi0615 · 6 years ago

I think you should make a thing were you are on a screen for about 20 minutes and after that time your screen goes to sleep and your not aloud to turn it back on for 3 hours also this will help the earth

ZENCE40 · 6 years ago

Yes!! I understand that these sorts of things should be left to personal choice and that lots of people enjoy these games a lot but I think that 2 hours a day is more than enough and all they need to do is put a timer on the game. I personally can’t imagine spending an entire 2 hours sat down staring at a screen playing a game, never mind longer!! It is becoming a problem and something has to happen.

bobfm · 6 years ago

Yes as the game fortnight is taking over this world so yes 2 hours is enough I mean it is quite a lot of time

shreddeddo · 6 years ago

Free country. Can do what you like.

shreddeddo · 6 years ago

not just your patents can do what they like.


hermione26 · 6 years ago

I don't think there should be a ban on Fortnite or any other games because it is our parents' decision what we do, not the government's.

dolphindm · 6 years ago

Fortnite is starting to consume people in a world of its own and can be very addictive. I think it should be played only for two hours a day but I also agree that children should have their own time to play games as well. It is not only children who are doing this, adults are too. I don't think the rule should apply in all cases but should be fairly relaxed at first. Adults should also have restrictions put on them. Teenagers and children are not the only ones to be blamed.

irock122 · 6 years ago

I'm neutral about this one.I play this game and enjoy it.I think no because parents should choose their kids limits and it's their responsibility.I think yes because some kids aren't keeping active, or being very social.This could help millions of kids get active and become more social.
P.S I'm first to comment!

irock122 · 6 years ago

Also second!ha

irock122 · 6 years ago

Fortnite is great!
Favourite game
Omg so cool!
Times to have fun for everyone
I love it!
Tell your friends
Everyone should play it!

irock122 · 6 years ago

Read my poem
Side spells out fortnite

sophia6 · 6 years ago

Yes because It increases bad behaviour. I have 2 brothers who like going on their Xbox and after about half an hour they are really moody and unpleasant to be around.

sophia6 · 6 years ago

Correction after an hour

flowerpom · 6 years ago

No because it's not fair to ban children from playing their favourite games but grown-ups should have control of how much their child plays on electronic devices or how much screen time their child has.

popcorn100 · 6 years ago

playing games such as Fortnite for long periods of time reduces activity and is a large cause of obesity.

doctor2010 · 6 years ago

There should because it could affect your learning and eyesight

doctor2010 · 6 years ago

First to comment.?

llamatoast · 6 years ago

I don't think so because I like video games.

7diamond07 · 6 years ago

I don’t think so because at the end of the day, it’s only a game!

bed · 6 years ago

yes because playing games for too long makes you moody and that's not a good thing. You should spend longer outside in the real world.

jake10 · 6 years ago

I think the ban should be 30 minuets

dolfincake · 6 years ago

It will decrease the addiction to video games and help pupils to focus on what's happening in the real world.

coolio99 · 6 years ago

I think you shouldn’t play violent or ove4 age games for over two hours because it could have an impact on their behaviour. I think adults should be restricted also.

dory2008 · 6 years ago

Fortnite should be banned for more than 2 hours a day

sisi · 6 years ago

Yes, because it isn't good to be in front of a screen all of the time, you should be exercising your brain just as you do to your body, spending too much time playing games literally makes your brain smaller.

rugbychamp · 6 years ago

I think it's important that kids don't go on Fortnite for more than 2 hours because they can't just be stuck on it all day they need to get more active. IT SHOULD BE BANNED!

sophia6 · 6 years ago

I guess I do it to

bonjour · 6 years ago

I think there should be a ban so kids can play for an hour and a half and then they can interact with the real world

vortex2007 · 6 years ago

Of course there should be a ban on games like Fortnite for more than two hours a day because it distracts people from getting there work done.

oceanwaves · 6 years ago

There should be a ban on games like Fortnite because it is distracting during lessons in school and is bad for your eyesight. In addition, the game Fortnite supports the idea that values like violence, guns and shooting people are right.

daisy101 · 6 years ago

I said Yes because people will be more social and would be more likely to go to the park on a nice day rather than on there phone/Xbox/PlayStation/PC playing Fortnite

fabisgirl · 6 years ago

I think fortnight should be band for more than two hours a day because it is not good for us to be playing on them for long periods of time.

pawsomecat · 6 years ago

No. Because children who already have restrictions could have less but, would be used to it but for other people it would be like a big whack round the head with the big wet fish called reality

xx.stxr.xx · 6 years ago

I think yes or at least every other day they should have this ban because kids beed to spend more time with their families and explore new places instead of just staring at their screens.

Iyra · 6 years ago

First yo comment?

nib · 6 years ago

I don’t think you should play any computer game for more than 2 hours a day.

eg40374 · 6 years ago

It's not fair on people who can control how much gaming they do.

firegirl16 · 6 years ago

I think video games should be banned for more than two hours as too much screen time is bad for your eyes and can take time off other important things like keeping fit.

someone434 · 6 years ago

Fortnite shouldn't be banned, it's an awesome game that millions of people are playing. Why should it be banned?

unicorn3 · 6 years ago

I completely say yes! @gxlden, you may think that it is the best thing that happened to this generation but when the school day finishes, all boys do is shut themselves in their room and play it. It is also aggressive and violent which doe snot make a good impression on smaller people.

someone434 · 6 years ago

But still, 2 hours is pretty long...

czesio007 · 6 years ago

Yes! People are so addicted to this game that it actually causes them to shoot other people in real life. Also children just sit in their rooms playing all day and think about nothing else, but this game FORTNITE. At school the only subject is FORTNITE and it gets boring after a while.

ali-a · 6 years ago

There are people out there such as Ninja, Ali-A and Myth who make lots of money from streaming on Twitch and posting content on YouTube. This is one of their main sources of income. You wouldn't stop production of, for example, the KitKat bar and lose people their jobs, would you?

hsa1010 · 6 years ago

I think that Fortnite is a really good way for kids to relax and to take their mind off school! But I also believe that 2 hours is just enough for most people.

itzzelz · 6 years ago

No:It is a game that they can also connect with friends on

Yes: Fortnite is VERY addictive and stops kids from learning, socialing with family and doing homework. The boys in my class always talk about fortnite.

amo · 6 years ago

fortnight is terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

astro_girl · 6 years ago

I think maybe:
yes - because it is addictive and kids are spending too much time on screens. Also it makes kids want to be on it all the time
no- because it might be stress relieving and helpful for some kids

sophievans · 6 years ago

I believe there is no point in having a restriction because although it would be useful , I think children would not listen and just play it the same amount or even more as they did before the ban .

hipposcrib · 6 years ago

Yes AND no.

Yes - some children lose sleep playing and sometimes even miss school so they won't get a good education.
No - there's a few children who don't have friends at school and outside of school so they play Fortnite to make virtual friends and Fortnite is the closest to them having friends.

h@rry679 · 6 years ago

Fortnite is HORRIFIC. The previous video game crazes were good: Minecraft was amazing and Roblox was fine but Fortnite, uuuhhhhh! I just hate it it is sooooo dumb and boring. All you do is shoot people. But, that's my opinion. No game should have a time limit. It's your decision what you do with your time.

taos1234 · 6 years ago

Yes and No! Yes because if Fortnite is taking up more than two hours of each day, that is too much time where you could be doing more important things. No because people should learn how to restrict time on video games by themseleves and make good choices.

oceangirl5 · 6 years ago

YES, yes, yes, yes! Games like Fornite are violent and don't give us any education in things worth knowing!!!
I do not play video games like Fortnite and now it is that people get LESS exercise and more screen time! If I had my way it would be a 1 hour ban!

tpalmer · 6 years ago

I think we should make sure that there are limits so that young people are not spending too much time playing Fortnite, but it should not be banned completely because then people who play it will be really upset.

mayasoccer · 6 years ago

These games are addictive and annoying. Kids don’t get social interaction because they play this for so long.

h@rry679 · 6 years ago

@hipposcrib if someones only friends are fortnite players they've never met, that is a reason for them not to play anymore and make real friends.

maxi782 · 6 years ago

No I love fortnite so much do not ban it

10emoore · 6 years ago

No, they should leave something to time how long you have been playing and then an alert can come up, telling the children when to stop. The alert can also come up on their parents phones. This means people can play for longer than two hours, but with long breaks in between.

cleverclog · 6 years ago

I'd say yes because, as you mentioned in your Fortnite issue, screens influence bad mood, lack of energy and brain growth problems.

bigbouille · 6 years ago

Yes because you would still be able to play it, but restrictions would make it easier for you to enjoy the REAL world.

redpikachu · 6 years ago

I think no because it's the parents decision on how much time they spend on screens but there could be an optional parental controls feature for all games and social media. Also there could be little reminders that pop-up telling you to take a break like on the nintendo wii. Credit to their switch parental controls app too.

redpikachu · 6 years ago


shroomboom · 6 years ago

Yes, I think there should be a ban for fortnite for more than two hours, because even though a lot of people play it that doesn’t mean everyone plays it and loads of people talk about it and some people might get left out if they don’t have the game.

emperor · 6 years ago

I think Fortnite should be banned for two hour limit - it makes people who dont have it at school feel left out and even lonely. However, banning social media and gaming for more than two hours isn’t good because what if you’re doing something important like contacting childline or something? Also, its not a ban on Fortnite. Its a law that prevents people from being addicted to it, which isn’t a major problem for the kids themselves (theyre happy) but it is having negative effects on those around them.

hulkstar1 · 6 years ago


ninlewis · 6 years ago

No, because that would make the children angrier and even more driven to cause trouble if they are banned from Fortnite, or other games like it, for 22 hours a day! What a scandalous suggestion! ?

ninlewis · 6 years ago

I agree with everyone saying no. Sophia6, restricting video game time limits is gonna make your brothers even more trouble!

extremehat · 6 years ago

There definitely should be a ban on it because practically all the boys in my class and some girls play Fortnite and that is all they talk about now.It also seems like they are spending to much time and money on it. I do not actually play Fortnite so this comment is for my classmates sake.

ringozingo · 6 years ago

No! It is not a good idea to ban kids playing Fortnite for beyond 2 hours. In my opinion it is the parent’s/ guardian’s decision to choose what’s best for the child, definitely not the government. Although it is shown by scientific research that it may not be good for children’s mental health, it is part of the child’s upbringing to have fun and socialise as well as using the internet and playing games. To limit a child’s entertainment is worse than letting them play Fortnite hours on end!

zomboss · 6 years ago

I think the parents should decide the rules the government can set guidelines but the parents/guardians should make the decisions for the child’s upbringing. Even if the parents decide not to now, they will know it isn’t right for the child to do this every day and night because the government will set the guidelines and set a mold for the parents to follow. Sometimes games are good for them depending on the game like strategy games and creative games. All people from different generations will have something bad in it so if all adults are saying that they didn’t have games in their times then the next generation will be worse than the last.

hobbes123 · 6 years ago

I agree with ninjagoh.It should be 1 hour only ban too!!!?

ciarza123 · 6 years ago

Yes, because people are loosing eduction by playing a stupid game that teaches you nothing they need to read first news instead.

Pumpkin31 · 6 years ago

If people get too addicted to things like fortnite then they won’t focus on important stuff like academics.

ecrabbit · 6 years ago

I don’t think that people should ban it, because Fortnite is a very fun game - I play it! - but I know that some people do play it for too long. Video games are very epic and awesome but also very addictive and can be unhealthy if you play for too long. People should still be allowed to play Fortnite (after all, it’s the best game in the world!!!) but maybe they should try to monitor how much they play and limit themselves to one or two hours a day. I usually play it, but only for a short time.



Also lots of people will be very sad if the goverment ban Fortnite ??

rollersk8t · 6 years ago

I think that there should be a ban on gaming for more than two hours. We should be outside playing since it is nearly summer. We should also be thinking of those who are less fortunate and are hiding from war zones such as Syria.

mollyboo8 · 6 years ago

YES! Because I've been told that they do quite [ very ] rude dances.

dis · 6 years ago

Fortnite is the worst! You should not be allowed on it for for more than two hours! I think it should be banned completely. It is a horrible game.

pink2005 · 6 years ago

My cousins are playing the game 24/7 so that will teach them a lesson (they're boys in year 10&12)

swace · 6 years ago

I think Fortnite should be banned because all it is teaching people is shooting, fighting and war! We are past the war and I don't think we should be trying to re-live it again!! Its CRAZY I think!!

walden · 6 years ago

The fortnite game should be restricted as children get addicted to it, and this will affect their school life.

xdcoconut · 6 years ago


bookcrazy1 · 6 years ago

I agree with you both, ninjagoh and boomboom8. I feel really really left out at school because all my friends ever talk about at the moment is Fortnite. It got even worse when I told them I wasn't allowed to play it because it's rated 12 (so why are younger children playing it then?) and they all laughed at me! If only this horribly addictive, unappropriate game was banned! And not just for 2 hours, FOR GOOD!
Sorry if this upsets anyone.

bucky · 6 years ago

yes no children will ever come off this game

freakybuck · 6 years ago

No way it's up to the parents and what would we talk about its like when fidget spinners were a craze talking that away but remember this poll will change the programing not just in England but the whole world it is a disgrace that people even thought of this poll!

epice · 6 years ago

No because you would have to do it for all games and you should be responsable for your own disitions. I don't even have Fortnite.

tabbycat29 · 6 years ago

I think there should be a ban because looking at screens for too long can be bad for you and people can get addicted to that kind of thing.

tka10 · 6 years ago

you can ban fortnite but some people love that game and games like that for example rob lox has a ton of players and they all love it

14stjohb · 6 years ago

I think that this ban could be good for children throughout the country. I don't know what everyone's problem is with a HUGE TWO HOURS A DAY. I'm a year away from GSCEs and my weekly console time is about 3-4 hours if not lower. My little brother - on the other hand - is completely addicted to Fortnite and plays it for at least 2 hours every day which totals up to over 14 hours screen time in a week (on average). However, even in the middle of the summer holidays when I'm not doing much, my weekly screen time never exceeds 8 hours because I know how to restrict myself (even when my parents set up a 2-hour restriction on the whole console). So I really don't see everyone's problem with an official 2 hour per day restriction, because - if I haven't already made myself clear enough - TWO HOURS OF FORTNITE A DAY IS PLENTY ENOUGH FOR ANY CHILD, IF NOT OVER THE TOP CONSIDERING WHAT THE TOTAL COMES TO.

jiffpom972 · 6 years ago


samuel08 · 6 years ago

They arent going to ban fortnite they are thinking of limiting the time played on it and other games.

Us children will get bored of playing it for so long

joabboss · 6 years ago

no because that is not up to the goverment its for the parents to decide

yoyeah27 · 6 years ago

No because my cousin Archie really likes it and so do I !!!!! I HATE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BAN FORTNITE IT IS UNACEPTABLE PEOPLE WANNA BAN FORTNITE!

dcfan · 6 years ago

There should be a ban on playing violent games for more than 2 hours a day.

my_life · 6 years ago

Yes, because more then half of the UK plays Fortnite and I think it effects their grades because most of the people who plays Fortnite doesn't study for their lessons/exams . And it's bad for little kids because you kill people and kids might try this in future, which is extremely dangerous.

12kpalme · 6 years ago

yes it should two many of my friends are getting addicted

12kpalme · 6 years ago

are you crazy of course there should be a ban yoyeah27

jamesy10 · 6 years ago

I hate the game for the same reason as ninjagoh (4 below)
Plus it is extremely addictive

bubblyball · 6 years ago

Fortnite is getting in some of my classmates heads to much!?
Mostly the boys!

nergit · 6 years ago

YES! Fortnite could lead to anyone having the same problem as that girl. Also, anyone could have severe headaches and would not be able to sleep properly because of blue light getting in their eyes. Then you wold come to school looking like zombies!

1isme · 6 years ago

@buddyboi please do not say that most boys do so. Girls do too and actually most boys don’t. Btw we don’t ‘all love it’

nannycelia · 6 years ago

I disagree with gxlden

cloudysky · 6 years ago

maybe as long as you don't play it for hours at a time

licorne · 6 years ago

I have never played any video games but I still am treated thes same as every one else until I say I don't play them people start judging me

licorne · 6 years ago

In first news they talked about a 9year old girl going to REHAB because she was addicted I thing the maximum time should be 2h because it wouldn't mean you wouldn't have to play it anymore but just a little less.

ninjanoah · 6 years ago

NO kids love to play video games like fortnite and FIFA and if they don't there lives will be sad????

Isabelly · 6 years ago

I think there should be ban on Fortnite playing for more than 2 hours a day because people are becoming addicted to the game and it is distracting them from their learning and work. Just because some may say the game is good it doesn't mean it is good for their health.

k@nga · 6 years ago

Yes because Fortnite isn't even good.....

giraffe8 · 6 years ago

People are playing it at 8 years old, yes ban fortnite

oceangirl · 6 years ago

No because all the boys and some girls are talking about it

oceangirl · 6 years ago

I think make the ban 3 hours

oceangirl · 6 years ago

The Fortnite creators should make a 3 hour playing time then the screen goes back to home

oceangirl · 6 years ago

Put on parent controls for parents to track what there kids do

roseydog · 6 years ago

I think there should be a ban on fortnight. My brother and his freinds are only 10 and they play fortnight. Also, my freind's brother is addicted to fortnight and doesn't come of when he's told to, but luckily he comes to school.

mrsquash · 6 years ago

It's the parents choice

123kittens · 6 years ago

I think that there should be because it is taking up peoples time who don't seem to be able to be living in the reality that they live in. Some people obviously don't understand the consequences of constantly being on there electronics.
Even though this is my opinion, I do respect others who think the opposite of me.

gingerzulu · 6 years ago

Yes because even though it is a good game, Fortnite is very addictive and a lot of people spend their time playing fortnite instead of spending time outdoors, with their friends or family or doing something that is beneficial to either themselves or someone else.

munchiepun · 6 years ago

There should be a ban because then my brother would have to stop hogging my xbox and I'd finally get a go!

woo2le · 6 years ago


fatseal · 6 years ago

Yes. It's really not good for your eyes and playing games is just temporary happiness. Why not just spend time with your family? Fortnite should just be a game for kids to relax after a long day after school. 2hrs is plenty. I don't know why people would spend longer time than that.

"We all love it" isn't necessarily true -.-

dcfan · 6 years ago

gxlden, playing games so much is bad for your health.

dcfan · 6 years ago

gxlden, playing games so much is bad for your health.

toughgirlx · 6 years ago

Yes! Games like Fortnite could cause epilepsy, aggressive behaviour, sleep deprivation, depression and more. Kids should experience the world because with global warming, god knows, if they would know whats going on, may go into jail because they have been playing violent games and use knives and gun etc or not even survive because they been locked up in their room playing.

redpikachu · 6 years ago

munchiepun XD

hermione58 · 6 years ago

I do think that there should be a ban on playing games like Fortnite for more than two hours because you could be using those other hours for homework or doing something else that's more productive, such as writing or reading. It is so important that we don't just spend all day stuck indoors staring at a screen, watching avatars kill each other. I am anti-Fortnite for that very reason: it is very violent and if you have younger siblings who happen to walk into the room and see avatars harming each other, they would automatically think that that is something they should be doing. Is that something we want? To teach the younger generation to hurt and kill? I don't think so.

Let me know if you agree/disagree. hermione58 :)

shpee · 6 years ago

@toughgirlx Do you have any proof that Fortnite "could cause epilepsy, aggressive behaviour, sleep deprivation, depression and more"? Or is that just random? Because I play games that are kind of similar to them, and I don't suffer from any of those.

kitten26 · 6 years ago


ZENCE40 · 6 years ago

Yes! I think that playing for up to 1 hour is already too much. If the video games can only be played for a certain amount of time a day, people are more likely to be sociable and do other things like read. Although to be honest people will probably find ways round it.

cherrybomb · 6 years ago

people shut themselves in there rooms for hours playing fortnite and they never do anything else!

shreddeddo · 6 years ago

all the people that have said that fortnite should be banned are crazy

shreddeddo · 6 years ago



bellebeast · 6 years ago

Yes because play on a video game too long can make you have glasses and your eyes site will be bad

ti-10 · 6 years ago

I think we should play video games for at least 30 minutes or one hour. I have seen the poll and probably 1,441 people have voted no and I am assuming that is a very big number. I, myself play video games with my dad but after I play (which is usually in the evening) I get tired and flop down onto my bed , meaning that I won't get enough sleep and will be tired in the morning. I am trying to limit my video gaming time. Instead of playing you could:
.Or do imaginary play.
It's all up to you.

22well · 6 years ago

Yes definitely because a lot of boys in my class play fortnite and they are not even twelve and it’s a 12 plus game!!!!!!!

penguinbow · 6 years ago


robella47 · 6 years ago

yes!!!!of course you really shouldn't be on any game for 2 hours all the boys are talking about is Fortnite it drives me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and its a 12 plus game but 5 year olds I know play it and it is a violent game!!!

robella47 · 6 years ago

Fortnite is such a bad game and most of the people at my school would probably KILL me for even thinking that but it is true

elk10 · 6 years ago


geckogamer · 6 years ago

People Shoud have there own choisis not get them taken away

darth_bob · 6 years ago

Not everybody loves it and it can be bad for your mental health. I personally think that Fortnite is a total waste of time but I know that not everybody thinks the same.

sophie0808 · 6 years ago

how dare they

sophie0808 · 6 years ago

HOW DARE THEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

flossingg · 6 years ago

I agree with #firsttocomment

gigicorn01 · 6 years ago

YES!!! Children and teenagers {adults too} are causing a game to take over their free time! no-one ever talks verbally anymore only through computers and phones! othis change will be good for children and maybe people will actually go outside and speak to their friends instead of texting.

Cathryn Wheadon · 6 years ago

Yes Turtles love me
They eat toast off a chicken nugget

Cathryn Wheadon · 6 years ago


lamb14 · 6 years ago

Fortnite is at least a 12+ and everybody plays it. It's not right. You should ban playing fortnite for more than 1 hour a day!

finbob207 · 5 years ago

No fortnite sucks it's the worst game in the history of the universe

finbob207 · 5 years ago

Also it’s a 12 and I know someone who’s 6 and plays it

bunnyboy10 · 5 years ago

Keep a restriction

lottielove · 5 years ago

I think there should be a ban on Fortnite because I know someone who actually has to be dragged of their desk to stop playing Fortnite. It is WAY too addictive. I don't even know why people like it it looks terrible (no offence if you like it).

lottielove · 5 years ago

I think there should be a ban on Fortnite because I know someone who actually has to be dragged of their desk to stop playing Fortnite. It is WAY too addictive. I don't even know why people like it it looks terrible (no offence if you like it) but it looks like trash.

catfan123 · 5 years ago

A boy on operation ouch wasn’t allowed to play these kind of games for 2 weeks, because he strained his wrist playing video games!

trudie · 5 years ago

No😉 kids love playing on there tablets and games so you should let them play on it but as long as it's not all day other wise you would get a terrible headache and feel dizzy

wireskid · 5 years ago

Yes! Fortnite is very violent and if kids play it to much then they may get ideas about doing things they see! Also I have 2 friends who play it and once I went to one of their houses and they wouldn't come off it! Then a little kid came in and got terrified!😡

wireskid · 5 years ago

YES! Kids get to addicted to it and when you disturb anyone they get all grumpy and they just play for hours and can't sleep because they have had to long on their screens.

wireskid · 5 years ago

The age limit is 12+ and some 6 year-olds at my school play it!!!

wireskid · 5 years ago

To agree with me please type:

wireskid · 5 years ago


celtic10 · 5 years ago

Yes it is bad for your mental health and is addictive

panda89 · 4 years ago

There shouldn’t be a ban because although I don’t you shouldn’t play to much video games because you need a break from screens it’s your own choice how much you play