Do fidget spinners help you concentrate?
18th May 2017
18th May 2017
FIDGET spinners are the craze of the classroom right now, but are they really helping you concentrate at school?
The creators of fidget spinners have claimed that the unique craze can help young people concentrate, particularly those diagnosed with anxiety and a condition called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
However, some experts and teachers are saying that the devices are not as useful as everyone seems to be claiming, with many saying that there’s not enough proof to justify them as a method of treatment for such conditions.
Since the craze erupted a few weeks ago, lots of schools have had trouble keeping the spinning storm under control, with many teachers choosing to ban them.
Do fidget spinners help you concentrate?
schwab1 · 8 years ago
no - I don't have one but everyone who does uses it has it as a distraction
ac20 · 8 years ago
It helps with your concentration.
TF11 · 8 years ago
Sometimes I get too carried away with mine
shpee · 8 years ago
No. Before they were banned in my school people who had never fidgeted started to and it distracted me because they interupted the lesson. I hate the things.
1isme · 8 years ago
No. Fidget spinner is just a title.
nickmoo · 8 years ago
people in my class don't learn anything because they are to busy fidgiting
oliverj · 8 years ago
I think that it is a destraction due to the fact that you have to keep on spinning it. But a figet cube is better because you can just have it in your pocket.
Ivyluna · 8 years ago
I think that they are a brief craze that is destined to die within a month. They may have been originally designed as a concentration aid, but are now just a distracting toy.
sak2 · 8 years ago
I Think they may distract you more that help you concentrate even if they are very fun/cool.
simmie09 · 8 years ago
sometimes it helps
potatolols · 8 years ago
It can distract others but it works for me. I like fiddling with things and I think it is a lot of fun.
banjoblaze · 8 years ago
I've never had one myself but I find other students playing with them really distracting and frustrating. I'm so relieved that they've been banned in my school, although they might be fun for at home.
blodeuwedd · 8 years ago
They're good to use but I think that they don't help people concentrate. I use it as a toy rather than something to help me concentrate.
twinies · 8 years ago
I haven't actually got one so I just said no
twinies · 8 years ago
I don't know why people say it stops fidgeting because you just fidget even more ??
sangn08 · 8 years ago
I find them very distracting because of their noise. Most people in my school use them for some fun. Anyway they have been banned in lessons by the headmaster
orangebob9 · 8 years ago
They don't help me concentrate but in my school they're banned,even at breaktime. They make everyone fidget more so for starters the name is silly and I bet most people who say they help concentrate just want to play with them.
albus2007 · 8 years ago
I'll admit their fun but they don't help any one or any thing and lots of people don't need them but have them . I fidget but I don't have one .
poptyfan_ · 8 years ago
yes-my friends have them they have ADHD and it helps them
sushimunch · 8 years ago
I don't have one but we're not allowed them in class only at play time
greenwoodk · 8 years ago
It is a distraction from your learning
RockyTabbs · 8 years ago
They're fine out of school but in school, no.
Permission should be given to children with mental illnesses though.
RockyTabbs · 8 years ago
Some famous people have fidget spinners (Such as DanTDM)
labrador24 · 8 years ago
NO! It only helps with boredom and should not be brought in to class.
paperninja · 8 years ago
I use them as toys that you can use to pass time
Traindrive · 8 years ago
Fidget spinners distract us. They make too much of a noise and have been banned in our school.
radishes10 · 8 years ago
Originally they were only used by ADHD kids and actually worked.However after they turned into a craze , you gradually just get mad at the sounds of seemingly ENDLESS spinning. but I have a friend who before she got a spinner she kept on getting angry and starting loads of arguments but she got LOADS better after she got one, so it depends who's using them I guess!☺️
Umbrella4 · 8 years ago
Yes, I find it helpful having something to fidget with, I have just ordered one on amazon!
Leilani1 · 8 years ago
I hate the things! Tons of people have them in my class and they are literally useless. In fact, they make people fidget even more!
starama · 8 years ago
I don't have a fidget spinner-and I'm fine without one: Everyone else that has one in my class has turned into fidget-spinner zombies "UURGGGH SPIN SPIN ." :-p
adoley · 8 years ago
everybody in my school try to trade with other people for more money than they cost and sometimes they even get stolen
Sashgirl06 · 8 years ago
Fidget spinners don't help me to concentrate at all, they do the complete opposite. Maybe it helps other concentrate, but I find they're more of a toy than something to help you concentrate.
Sashgirl06 · 8 years ago
Ivyluna I agree. I remember when loom bands first came out and everyone made a huge deal of them, but now they're almost completely forgotten about. Soon enough, people will move fidget spinners to the side, when some other new craze comes along.
artcrazy · 8 years ago
If we were allowed them in class, I dare say everyone would be fidgeting, dropping them, laughing and not even realising or comprehending that the teacher was talking!
derpydude · 8 years ago
i think it helps : you can be doing something to help you concentrate
popchip4 · 8 years ago
they havn't been banned in my school yet but i can overhear teachers talking about banning them. i find them annoying because everyone has one and they always get distracted from lessons.
oshie1000 · 8 years ago
It is so distracting especially the noise it was a terrible inventions for schools
radishes10 · 8 years ago
Sure, they're re fun to play with,but most people just get ones because they look pretty.i think they should be renamed a spinner toy, because the name is misleading. I think that people should only be allowed to use them at break time because some people spin them in class and it's noisy and distracting.
ezbez56 · 8 years ago
they're really distracting
endodragon · 8 years ago
I don't think they really help because kids just spin them and concentrate on spinning more than their lessons.
sophette · 8 years ago
No. But they are fun!!!
tincan · 8 years ago
no not really it is a good toy for people who cant necessarily sit still but if you dont need one it is just a distraction from the lesson you are in
schwab1 · 8 years ago
someone just bought me one of them and at home there fun but in school no
Mog18 · 8 years ago
NO!!!!!!!! THEY JUST SPIN!!!!!!!!!
ice · 8 years ago
NO WAY DO THEY HELP YOU CONCENTRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pengwin325 · 8 years ago
I don't have one but the kid that sits beside me said he couldn't concentrate without it.
trenc14338 · 8 years ago
It's just a distraction for you and everyone else
evadore · 8 years ago
I can sort of understand how they'd be useful for people with ADHD or Anxiety. like it says above, but a lot of people are just using it as a toy.
rosiemeat · 8 years ago
I don't see how fidget spinners help you concentrate. If you ask me they are the biggest distraction ever made. Me and my friend didn't pay attention for a whole Spanish lesson because of her fidget spinner.
lala8 · 8 years ago
If you have ADHD or find it hard to concentrate, they really help.
pugly · 8 years ago
I have 2 fidget spinners and I voted no but I find them very fun?
mathsisfun · 8 years ago
They are banned in my school- in class, break and lunch for everybody.
derpydude · 8 years ago
i think thy help :u can be doing something
bunny2008 · 8 years ago
Fidget spinners distract us in class and should be banned at all schools because they were actually designed for people with autism
girlywirly · 8 years ago
They are fun to play with but make you 'fidget' and get distracted by them hence the name....
raz123 · 8 years ago
They distract you from learning.
heartpony · 8 years ago
In my opinion it doesn't affect you either way. I have a few myself and my friends say they are rather good ones. They're just something to play about with, nothing to dangerous. In my opinion, Pokémon Go was worse.
unicornfan · 8 years ago
No! They are SO noisy!!
ggg · 8 years ago
unicornfan i so agree
rainbow07 · 8 years ago
They are designed to help poorly people or people with mental health to concentrate ;they are not meant for us
gracie777 · 8 years ago
Although we are not allowed them in class nearly everyone has one. They are fun and are also not electronic.
ayla1212 · 8 years ago
Yes they do help. As long as you keep them in your lap or under the table then they won't distract anyone. If you didn't have these then people would play with their pens above the table which, 1) makes more noise
2)distracts people
3)distracts the teacher.
So I, personally, think they help people concentrate-although other people may have different views.
ayla1212 · 8 years ago
My brother and I have 3
coolguy · 8 years ago
No but they are quite FUN ?????????????????☺️☺️??☺️??????☺️???????????
janatetteh · 8 years ago
I secretly use mine under the desk in school and when my teacher is not looking and it is fun but I would not say they help with concentration they are more like a gadget I have 42 of them so am a collector.
flameemily · 8 years ago
fidget cubes do
brebbelion · 8 years ago
i just us it as a toy
ciaranl_07 · 8 years ago
No, they are noisy and people look at them and can't stop spinning them!
ciaranl_07 · 8 years ago
No, they are noisy and people look at them and can't stop spinning them!
ldj777 · 8 years ago
No.I think that they make you concentrate more on the spinner itself than the work you're supposed to be doing.
ashpokemon · 8 years ago
If your bored at home it helps you not using screens
ashpokemon · 8 years ago
means yes
Perpetua · 8 years ago
They dont help you concentrate because they distract you even more
jennia · 8 years ago
I suffer quite badly from dyspraxia. that means that my co-ordination is bad. fidget spinners are a big distraction for me.
CATz01 · 8 years ago
No. They don't help. All my friends have them. They are a waste of money anyway because most schools have banned them.
Wavybluexo · 8 years ago
I don't own one but the people who do use them as a toy
Karen06 · 8 years ago
Sometimes it just helps you to feel less stressed but I agree, sometimes it CAN be distracting.
Karen06 · 8 years ago
I just use it as a toy like as you said ' blodeuwedd '.
sunglasses · 8 years ago
They are really bad and a huge distraction. In our school they haven't banned them but now they're going slightly out of fashion wich is great!
mjustice · 8 years ago
It doesn't help me
Barneynews · 8 years ago
You just concentrate on your fidget spinner or cube and don't concentrate on your lessons at all.
dotmatilda · 8 years ago
They help me concentrate as usually I get distracted and start playing with my bottle and then spill water everywhere. Whereas if I use a fidget spinner I don't play with my bottle.
chatt001 · 8 years ago
Thay make you concentrate on the spinner, not the teacher
catonclan · 8 years ago
I see a lot of people playing with them.
welovenews · 8 years ago
no-I have one but it doesn't help me.Whose with me?
Repley to ac20-Says the makers
akurapaty · 8 years ago
For some people, it does but for most, no
lupo · 8 years ago
but there really cool
nutellaxxx · 8 years ago
They don't help with concentration but they're fun when you're bored and gives you something to do.
pugtastic · 8 years ago
My teacher will only let one person in my class have a fidget spinner in class
pinkems · 8 years ago
They are really fun to use but they are too distracting. I voted no.
popchip4 · 8 years ago
popchip4 · 8 years ago
they are fun but they distract me
mo.begg_07 · 8 years ago
They can sometimes help you concentrate but other times people can not stop playing with them.
schwab1 · 8 years ago
its a great distraction!!!!!!
greenpanda · 8 years ago
Some people need one to help them focus if they get stressed, but other than that I think it is just a weird spinny thing that distracts people, which is totally the opposite of what they are meant for!
owly · 8 years ago
Yes they help me. I flicked whilst doing my homework, and worked much faster (honestly)
duggee · 8 years ago
they help you concetrate whwen you are trying to think but when you are supposed o be listerning to someone then they distract you
Samaal · 8 years ago
I just don't use them
munchkinme · 8 years ago
No, they don't. I bet it interrupts classes a lot
pony · 7 years ago
No the noise distracts you and others surrounding them.
dorito · 7 years ago
i dont bring mine 2 school or it gets confiscated
Everest13 · 7 years ago
I don't have one. But they are made to help people with autism and ADHD concentrate, yet companies are now raking in the money by selling it to everyone. They are not meant top help us concentrate
sambrophy · 7 years ago
My school has banned spinners and so many people have stopped talking about them. They became such a distraction to learners trying to listen to the lesson.
lmo07 · 7 years ago
They were banned in our school because someone got hit in the face by one
Etonmess54 · 7 years ago
I like playing with them, but I make sure I don't get too carried away
ozzie27 · 7 years ago
No but its 'supposed to help the dyslexic
oceangirl · 7 years ago
I disagree that fidget spinners help you concentrate but they are fun to spin
i_care · 7 years ago
It is a complete distraction and disrupts the lesson
tolu · 7 years ago
it satisfy my teacher
april2008 · 7 years ago
same thing in my class nikmoo
hfrules · 7 years ago
Definitely not because if you are playing it in class you are not focusing on the teachers' lesson.
ajmyles · 7 years ago
They're just something to play with
banjoblaze · 7 years ago
I now have one myself and only use it at home; it would distract me in lessons.
leahpanda4 · 7 years ago
Originally fidget spinners were made for people in the classroom that get distracted with their fingers because they can't keep them still but they turned into a craze where people that didn't need them would use them as a distraction rather than to stop the distraction. If used properly and by the people that need them, they do help you concentrate but otherwise, no they do the opposite.
Magic10 · 7 years ago
No. I find them distracting.
themanspan · 7 years ago
P.S i am the guy who said if i win pls contact [email protected]
ninjahari · 7 years ago
I am disabled (diagnosed with autism) and love fidget spinners!
LeoCOOL · 7 years ago
i don't see the point of them-they just spin and make an annoying sound.
zeushades8 · 7 years ago
#yeAh baby
cns1 · 7 years ago
sanjanak · 7 years ago
its a major help for me
fox64 · 7 years ago
At my school, they are banned
unidist · 7 years ago
sootysweep · 6 years ago
It helps me concentrate. I don't know why!
katkid10 · 4 years ago
I always need to fiddle or move when someone is talking or then I find it hard to concentrate, although I still can but not as well.
humbugs · 3 years ago
This is like popits and slime