Do you think skateboarding should be taught in school?


1st May 2024

Wales has recently allowed skateboarding to be taught in school from 2026, following in the footsteps of Northern Ireland.

This happened after teenager Osian George campaigned to see skateboarding added to the list of subjects allowed in Wales, after being disappointed it wouldn’t be included in his GCSE.

Last week, Sky Kids FYI visited St Oswald’s School to find out what they think about skateboarding being taught in school. You can see what they had to say by watching the episode here.

Your shout: Skateboarding in schools


  • Skateboarding in the Olympics has changed what people think about it as a sport
  • It can make PE more enjoyable for people who don’t like traditional sports
  • It’s a great way to keep fit while having fun!


  • Schools would need to get funding for equipment
  • They’d also need to find and pay for a teacher who knows how to teach skateboarding
  • It might lead to more injuries in school PE lessons

Do you think skateboarding should be taught in school?


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elloesa · 8 months ago

yay they will have to get more funding which means...

torchlight · 8 months ago

Oh its quite close, I would worry about accidents, so easy to have , but a long time to heal. Maybe the local council should fund one in the local park and you could borrow equipment or use your own