Do junk food adverts make you feel hungry?
20th September 2024
20th September 2024
One year from now, it’s unlikely you’ll see any adverts for burgers or fries on TV unless you’re still up past bedtime.
That’s because the government has announced that, from October 2025, junk food adverts won’t be allowed to be shown on TV until 9pm.
As well as takeaways, crisps and chocolate, the ban could even apply to things like cereal, yoghurt and croissants, if the government doesn’t think they’re healthy enough.
The aim is to tackle rising childhood obesity in the UK. The most recent figures show that more than a third of children are “overweight or living with obesity” when they leave primary school.
The government’s Health Minister, Andrew Gwynne, says that adverts influence what foods children prefer, and that obesity is putting strain on the nation’s health service, the NHS.
plinkyone · 6 months ago
I think that fast food is ok but not for every day. I'm not saying to stop eating it completely just every now and then. So not all the time.
opsm909 · 5 months ago
I agree. Fast food is not good for every day but now and then. It is not for all the time.
fatdogslim · 4 months ago
it makes me soo hungry